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Portugal PORTUGAL 2020 - Elisa - Medo de Sentir

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Well-known member
May 18, 2012
In this preselection I think Ian Mucznik - O Dia de Amanhã isn't bad, though the studio version is probably better than the live.

But the stand out is likely Bárbara Tinoco - Passe-Partout, and the live vocal is brilliant too. No idea if it would be liked here, it isn't the usual kind of Eurovision song and would obviously be considered old fashioned. It does have genuine musical merit.


March 11, 2013
I've got an information that JimmyP's performance from the semi is trending on Portuguese YT, can somebody tell me on which place?


Active member
March 10, 2017
Right now, not having a huge favourite like last three years (Salvador, Cláudia and Conan) I'll not vote for anyone this year, because I really can’t see us having a song to shine in Rotterdam, and I'll be happy with one of this 4 songs. My number 1 is Movimento but I guess it will be mistreated. My number 2 is Abensonhado and I don't know if will have the impact to make people and juries vote. My number 3 is Medo De Sentir but we have a lot of ballads and I feel that this one could be forgotten because it lacks on power and I thought that the perfomance would make it but it didn’t, I don’t expect that’ll change in the final neither in eurovision (if we choose her). My number 4 is Passe-Partout and if this turns out to be our representative (which will be ) pleeeease I really want another stage, the La La Land "inspiration" isn’t working for me and I think most of the people will see it as a very cheap performance, just put Barbara with close-ups AND A PASSE-PARTOUT - less is better.
I quite like Gerebera Amarela do Sul but not for Eurovision although it was one of the best performances in the semis, props to that. Diz só was visually satisfying but another one that is harmless and wouldn’t do anything in Rotterdam. The other ones are just fillers and I really don’t have anything to say about them.


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Passe-Partout and if this turns out to be our representative (which will be ) pleeeease I really want another stage, the La La Land "inspiration" isn’t working for me and I think most of the people will see it as a very cheap performance, just put Barbara with close-ups AND A PASSE-PARTOUT - less is better.

The staging could probably be better, depends how much budget they have. But I rate it on the song not the staging, after Eurovision is over I won't care less what the staging was. And I never care where something finishes, I stopped bothering about that years ago.

She seems to sing it live well enough which is surely a plus for the Eurovision performance. Whether it's too cutesy who knows, people liked that Danish winner and Lena because they were cute, though the songs didn't impress me at all.


April 20, 2015
A Bridge Too Far
Gerbera should win this outright. Juries, televotes, all of it. Anything else I consider sacrilege.


Well-known member
March 4, 2019
RTP shared snippets of today's rehearsal in @festivaldacancao's instastories:

Elisa and Tinoco seem to be the only ones with changes in their stagings.

Also, Conan Osiris rehearsed today so he will be performing tomorrow
Last edited:


June 16, 2018
Elisa remains my number one. xheart It's so pretty and Marta being on stage may add an extra element to it now as well for the final. predict a clear win for Bárbara though. Portugal have 4/5 good options here in general. Throes + The Shine grew on me with the live show and Jimmy P and Filipe were also really good Live.


:pt: Festival da Canção 2020 Final
1. Elisa - Medo de sentir
2. Bárbara Tinoco - Passe-Partout
3. Filipe Sambado - Gerbera amarela do Sul
4. Jimmy P - Abensonhado
5. Throes + The Shine - Movimento
6. Elisa Rodrigues - Não voltes mais
7. Kady - Diz só
8. Tomás Luzia - Mais real que o amor


April 20, 2015
A Bridge Too Far
My overview for the final:

Elisa - Medo de Sentir
Slow ballad that picks up a bit during the bridge, but remains very poised. It doesn't have very powerful melodies, but it's not a drawback either. Production for this piece is really quite pretty. As such, I can see why people like this one a lot, it's just ticking all the boxes. None of it is actually great however and I feel like this is just going to drown if it reaches the final as there are going to be far better ballads there. For getting out of the semis this song should suffice. It's a completely valid choice to make for Portugal.

Tomás Luzia - Mais Real Que o Amor
I have no idea why this is here. It's really all very 'baby's first ballad'-like. The melodies seem unoriginal and not particularly strong, they feel very 90s. Production here is pretty, but again it really does sound very 90s. The dude who performs this also is just passable (both his singing and stage presence are so-so). This is just filler and should not be in the conversation to win.

Bárbara Tinoco - Passe-Partout
Song is fine, it's cute, melodically strong, production is tasteful, staging wasn't quite there but it's fixable. This is just a really strong entry. But, but, but, but, but, there's an issue here. I should like Barbara. I should be smitten by her actually. I'm not. She's very pretty, wearing a cute yellow dress, singing a song I like, so what's going on here? She looks arrogant as shit and I finally know what it is. She constantly drops her head in between her shoulders and has these little Trump-like mannerisms with her hand and her facial expressions are strangely dismissive. I get that this arrogance is a part of the song, but for me as the viewer this dismissive attitude seems to be aimed at me. I don't know, but she's just dropping votes with that attitude. This should still be one of the stronger entries Portugal has on their roster, but it's risky business sending this.

Kady - Diz só
This is a fine piece of latin R&B, everything is there, but we're past that aren't we? This is 20 years late and I don't actually mind that, but this isn't bringing anything new to the table so it's just not really grabbing my attention. I spent my time watching that one really pretty backing vocalist. That's not a good sign. This is high quality filler, but filler it is.

Felipe Sambado - Gerbera Amarela do Sul
I can't see this song from any neutral point of view anymore. From all songs this ESC season this is the one I have listened to the most by quite a margin. I loved this song the first time I heard it and the love has only grown. I had my doubts about the staging and then Felipe knocks that one straight out of the park as well. It's exactly as strange as the song itself is. I just can't predict how this would be received at ESC.

Elisa Rodrigues - Não voltes mais
I like this song a lot. Everything is there, it has pretty lush production with fantastic guitar parts, melodies are all just nice and soothing. The jazzy part in the bridge is magnificent. For some reason though this just won't stick with a lot of people. Staging during the semis was also very iffy. The song has this summery feel to it, like when you're sitting in the sun for a while and this sweet lethargy and drowsiness befalls you. It's hard to express in English. Anyway, they should try to replicate that feeling in the staging. A sunset on a beach or something. What they're doing now just doesn't work at all. Think that if they can get the staging right this is a solid choice, but there are just better choices to make so this is just filler then.

Jimmy P - Abensonhado
I've stated before and will do so again: this song fails. You are reaching no one with the message this song may have, it's incomprehensible to most. If you're not Portuguese you're just looking at a rapper for a minute who then goes on to do a couple of bars of 'sorry mama' (like we haven't heard that before) and after that we're back at looking at this dude talking for two minutes while some gospel shit is going on during the last minute. Total bathroom break. Don't send this, it's hopeless.

Throes + The Shine - Movimento
If it looks dumb and it sounds dumb, is it dumb? It literally takes like 2 hours to create a song like this. Everything is just plastered onto the track without care of how these parts might work together and some dude is 'singing' some stuff over this and somehow people think it's good? This is trash, juries will give this 0 points and televoters will have much better stuff to vote for. If anything, this thing is automatic harakiri because it runs into Czechia's Kemama. It will bomb hard at ESC. Really bad choice.

So yeah, I see Gerbera as the rightful winner, but that's just me dreaming of castles in the sky. After that it's a toss-up between Passe-Partout and Medo. Of those two I think Passe-Partout has the higher ceiling, so I think that one should be chosen.


January 29, 2017
Loin d'ici
Portugal usually has my back but this year I can't find a song to get behind. Passe-partout at least has some hunky dancers that I can get behind.


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
One moment of silence for Blasted please.xcry

My top 8 in colors: Clearly one of my top 3 has to win. There's a huge gap between my 3rd and 4th.

1-Jimmy P "Abensonhado"
2-Bárbara Tinoco "Passe-Partout"
3-Throes + The Shine "Movimento"

4-Kady "Diz só"
5-Elisa "Medo de sentir"
6-Elisa Rodrigues "Não voltes mais"
7-Tomás Luzia "Mais real que o amor"

8-Filipe Sambado "Gerbera amarela do Sul"


Well-known member
April 6, 2017
Ok, during the week, there was an increase in practically all the songs, I can now say that it is a good Festival, looking forward to it , I really hope good camera plans !!!

Something strange is happening this year, I don't have a favorite, my TOP 3 is very good, My number 1 for now is Medo de Sentir , now I prefer to see Passe-Partout in Rotterdam, but Abensonhado is the one that gives me the creeps xheat


1-Elisa (8.4/10) (=)
2-Barbara (8.2/10) (+)
3-JimmyP (8.1/10) (++)
4-Throes + The Shine (7.5/10) (=)
5-Filipe (6.5/10) (-)
6-Kady (5.5/10) (=)
7-Elisa Rodrigues (4.5/10) (+)
8-Tomas (1/10) (=)

everything too balanced xhelp

Best Lyrics- Abensonhado .... Medo de Sentir (2)
Best stage performance- Movimento
Best composition - Passe-Partout
Best voice - Elisa (2)
Best Coro- Abensonhado


March 3, 2014
Jimmy P please xcry

Thores + The Shine would be amazing as well, please Portugal surprise us tonight


January 21, 2019
Tumblr, mostly.
Portugal usually has my back but this year I can't find a song to get behind. Passe-partout at least has some hunky dancers that I can get behind.
Honeeeeeeeey, Tiago is the real man-treasure in that performance.


If Barbara doesn't want him, I'll very happily take him :-)
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