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Poland POLAND 2023 - Blanka - Solo

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February 10, 2021

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November 15, 2020
I actually think Alicja's "New Home" is way better than "Bridges" both are good tho. I also think Alicja's voice has more depth than Alika's. Again both are great singers but I do think Alicja's package sounds a bit more sincere than Alika's.

Am I wrong but I think Alicja will win. She'll most likely get 12 points from jury and 10 from televote which is enough for her to win.

But otherwise this is a decent nf. Like Jann, Dominik and Alicja could all be in my top 10, even Blanka is very fun and would be one the better polish entry. All of these are better than Ochman imo.


Well-known member
April 28, 2014
Okay, so we now all the songs. Alicja’s one is out and I think she’s out of the race unfortunately. This is not a winning material, but maybe life performance will improve something.

It’s kinda Empires 2.0, nice but not for Eurovision. No climax, too dark and too hard IMO.

Personally I like “Be good” the most and I hope he’ll be able to give us decent performance.

The second option is Gladiator even I am really pissed of by Jan’s fans who spamming literally everything related to ESC on Internet and this is even worse than Szpaks fan base vs Margaret in 2016. Even under Alicia’s video there is a lot of comments like “blah blah blah BUT JAN…”. They say that TVP tries to send Alicia over him and everything is staged for her winning, but I don’t think she has such strong position - they sent Rafał over Alicia on 2021, right? And we have a new winner of The Voice of Poland since her victory.

Even if I am not that big supporter of Gladiator, as I wrote before, I hope we’ll see a good performance of him.

To bad that there is no Polish/folk/Slavic songs in the competition, as it was said before in this thread, but I have my winners already (Czechy! ♥️) so yea. I am happy already and my Slavic heart beats for them ;d

Today we have a little political-scandal in Poland because some 70 yo member of TVP’s office wrote that this is disgusting that song like “Booty” is in the competition. The are articles about it and they say that the song could be removed from NF or she will be forced to change the lyrics…. I guess those are rumors but you never know when it comes to TVPiS.

I have a feeling that with good performance this one could be very high on televotong lol. From all those songs that Ive heard the chorus of Booty stuck in my head lol. Otherwise the performance can be very poor as well and it may finish dead last.

I don’t like the idea that a few people of jury is more powerful in case of a draw in general points. Especially when all of jury members are kinda old or the are involved in performances like Augustin who is a choreographer of TVP. It’s hard to believe that he will be fair and give more points for someone’s who doesn’t use his dancers, right? Why there is no Sara James, Viki Gabor or Roskana Wegiel on jury panel? It would be nice to add someone who has in a one step before retirement. Why don’t we have more people or even groups in jury (for example - people from the radio, artists, ex Eurovision stars, producers and they can do voting like Sweden with International juries + televoting?). I feel like our jury members don’t know Eurovision and like in some NF a few years back when one older lady gave Rafał the max amount of points “because he plays piano very beautiful”. Lol.

I think that Solo is an option in here with some chances but I don’t find Blanka as a strong performer. She’s more like poor version of Chanel. ;P

So for me Be good! But I don’t mind if it’ll be something else like Gladiator for example.

I am afraid that juries will ruin the result but I hope I am wrong.
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  • Undo my Sad
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August 10, 2020
1. Alicja - New Home

2. Dominik Dudek - Be Good

3. Jann - Gladiator

4. Kuba - You Do Me

5. Felivers - Never Back Down
6. Blanka - Solo

7. Natasza - Lift U Up

8. Yann Majewski - Champion
9. Maja Hyzy - Never Hide

10. Ahlena - Booty

Alicja's song is so beautiful xcry xcry xheart


May 12, 2018
I'm down this magical rabbit hole of searching for Blanka's "Solo" performances and it's like the gift that keeps on giving.
Gurl gave us "Acoustic" and "XXXmas Bell" versions of the song. #yourfavscouldneva

I hope her SIM card army will give the kween her deserved winning ticket to Eurovision. #Warszawa2024
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March 13, 2018
Unfortunately the song of Alicja Szemplińska disappointed me. Nothing to write home about. It is worse than Empires regarding which I was not a fan of.

The voice of Alicja in New Home is gorgeous, but that's about it. That range and her rich timbre on full display is incredible, but I stopped thinking about this track two minutes after and now I don't remember how it went whatsoever. I am also more into different arrangements. The melody is not too strong, no life in this song. It is pleasant to listen to because of Alicja alone, but that's not something I want from my country for the ESC.
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Well-known member
February 27, 2021
Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable about the lyrics being in first person with this music video? Doesn't sit right with me.

lasse braun

Well-known member
March 20, 2021
after that little dawid rumour in this thread an epilog - found that song last night - notice the moment,where the marching band enters the stage - wonderful! xrose
think the audience leaved the concert with a satisfied smile.
unfortunately, we don't have this kind of music in germany - i'm a bit envious.


Well-known member
March 5, 2013
Okay, so we now all the songs. Alicja’s one is out and I think she’s out of the race unfortunately. This is not a winning material, but maybe life performance will improve something.

It’s kinda Empires 2.0, nice but not for Eurovision. No climax, too dark and too hard IMO.

Personally I like “Be good” the most and I hope he’ll be able to give us decent performance.

The second option is Gladiator even I am really pissed of by Jan’s fans who spamming literally everything related to ESC on Internet and this is even worse than Szpaks fan base vs Margaret in 2016. Even under Alicia’s video there is a lot of comments like “blah blah blah BUT JAN…”. They say that TVP tries to send Alicia over him and everything is staged for her winning, but I don’t think she has such strong position - they sent Rafał over Alicia on 2021, right? And we have a new winner of The Voice of Poland since her victory.

Even if I am not that big supporter of Gladiator, as I wrote before, I hope we’ll see a good performance of him.

To bad that there is no Polish/folk/Slavic songs in the competition, as it was said before in this thread, but I have my winners already (Czechy! ♥️) so yea. I am happy already and my Slavic heart beats for them ;d

Today we have a little political-scandal in Poland because some 70 yo member of TVP’s office wrote that this is disgusting that song like “Booty” is in the competition. The are articles about it and they say that the song could be removed from NF or she will be forced to change the lyrics…. I guess those are rumors but you never know when it comes to TVPiS.

I have a feeling that with good performance this one could be very high on televotong lol. From all those songs that Ive heard the chorus of Booty stuck in my head lol. Otherwise the performance can be very poor as well and it may finish dead last.

I don’t like the idea that a few people of jury is more powerful in case of a draw in general points. Especially when all of jury members are kinda old or the are involved in performances like Augustin who is a choreographer of TVP. It’s hard to believe that he will be fair and give more points for someone’s who doesn’t use his dancers, right? Why there is no Sara James, Viki Gabor or Roskana Wegiel on jury panel? It would be nice to add someone who has in a one step before retirement. Why don’t we have more people or even groups in jury (for example - people from the radio, artists, ex Eurovision stars, producers and they can do voting like Sweden with International juries + televoting?). I feel like our jury members don’t know Eurovision and like in some NF a few years back when one older lady gave Rafał the max amount of points “because he plays piano very beautiful”. Lol.

I think that Solo is an option in here with some chances but I don’t find Blanka as a strong performer. She’s more like poor version of Chanel. ;P

So for me Be good! But I don’t mind if it’ll be something else like Gladiator for example.

I am afraid that juries will ruin the result but I hope I am wrong.
I am (a new) Jann fan and assure you I'm not like his spamming fan group. If these jurors are so old and conservative, do you think he'll have a chance? He's quite out there...


March 13, 2018
I am (a new) Jann fan and assure you I'm not like his spamming fan group. If these jurors are so old and conservative, do you think he'll have a chance? He's quite out there...

I'm also afraid that the jury might not be into him. I can see them favouring ... Blanka.

IIRC they were very into Paranoia which was also a solo female bop. And that song was miles better if you ask me. I sense the drama if Blanka with Solo wins because of the tie with the juries.
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Well-known member
March 17, 2013
I will never understand people with lip filler who then still overdraw their lips. It looks like they have a swollen butthole in the middle of their face. Why are they doing it. You've already filled them to make them bigger, why that weird extra step.

And people, this comes from a dude with Bimini as profile pic.


Well-known member
April 7, 2017
behind you
I'm also afraid that the jury might not be into him. I can see them favouring ... Blanka.

IIRC they were very into Paranoia which was also a solo female bop. And that song was miles better if you ask me. I sense the drama if Blanka with Solo wins because the tie because of the juries.

Oh definitely. The closer to tbsewhneabcdefg, the more pessimistic I'm getting about it all. And it's likely that there will be no tie. I can easily see them putting Jann as their 3rd - or even lower - surely after Blanka and probably Alicja - and even if Jann wins the public vote, Blanka will most likely still come 2nd.

It starts to look like a walk in the park for Blanka, regardless of how many people would prefer Jann over her.


Well-known member
March 4, 2018
I want to Jann to win, but Maja Hyzy's "Never Hide" would be my this year's guilty pleasure:D.


May 12, 2018
Poland please do the right thing and send Blanka to ESC. I am in need of a girlie pop song that is severely lacking in this year's contest. I don't care how many backing singers or how much pre-recorded vocals Blanka is going to need, just give her all the help she needs just so she can save this year's contest.
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