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Poland POLAND 2016 - Michał Szpak - Colour of Your Life

How do you rate the entry?

  • 12

    49 19.3%
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    15 5.9%
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    23 9.1%
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    25 9.8%
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    19 7.5%
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    19 7.5%
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    13 5.1%
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    13 5.1%
  • 2

    10 3.9%
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    13 5.1%
  • 0

    55 21.7%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
April 5, 2010
Leipzig (Germany)
I don´t think, this song is too overrated. It can do well, even with a good stage performance. I like his voice and the song is really sweet.


February 26, 2014
Poland, beware because you might be the next country to be disqualified by the Nordic dictatorship EBU. I don't think this will happen this year but taking into consideration the most recent doings of the Polish Government, I think it's pretty safe that there might be more controversies surrounding Polish participation in the contest in the upcoming years. :(


January 17, 2012
Reading through some of the old reactions when Michal was chosen, darn people got hysterical about Margaret losing :/

Oh yes, I still remember the taste of my popcorn that night... :mrgreen:



February 26, 2014
Yes, he sounds like officer Crabtree from "Allo Allo!" sitcom. :lol: But it makes him even more likeable in my eyes, as my own English has similar qualities. :mrgreen:

And for the "overrated/underrated"... It´s most definitely not overrated on this forum, that´s clear. But I noticed earlier (and now again with the two new ESCKAZ videos) that whenever they post something with Michal in it, it gets much more views than the rest. And there is always much more comments under the videos, most of them positive. That is certainly a good sign that it´s generally not so underrated anymore. But does it mean it´s "overrated"? We will see.


Watch from 2:09
I'm not sure whether it's true or not but it's not the first time I heard such accusations. In fact it was Donatan (:pl: 2014) who was the first one to accusse Michal of cheating (it was in different contest though)


Active member
February 2, 2015
Czech Republic

Watch from 2:09
I'm not sure whether it's true or not but it's not the first time I heard such accusations. In fact it was Donatan (:pl: 2014) who was the first one to accusse Michal of cheating (it was in different contest though)

I believe this guy in the video is a psychopath. I remember him from last year, spamming under almost all Eurovision videos, arguing with everyone, constantly accusing other commenters of being "delusional" (that seems to be his favourite word) whenever they expressed their support for their favourite entry, just because he had some unusual personal favourite that year (I already forgot which). This year, he is doing more or less the same, just in a less aggressive way.

He is a die-hard fan of Margaret and die-hard hater of Michal. About a week ago, he actually had a video on his channel called "Michal Szpak Exposed!!!" with Michal´s picture with painted devil horns in it as a miniature and big "EXPOSED" crossing it. The content of the video was basically extension of his theory that Szpak is buying views etc. It was very vulgar, immature and full of almost animal hatred. It showed him browsing wiwibloggs comments under some article about Michal, claiming that every single positive comment under it is fake, then he showed some Youtube statistics according to which "Color Of Your Life" had many views from some unexpected countries not taking part in Eurovision, which he said is "a proof" that Michal is some kind of Hell emmisary which he finally "exposed" (he repeated this word for about 20 times) etc. I reported the video (and his most hardcore comments) for cyberbullying and they took it down. End of the story.


March 19, 2016
I was watching dozens of Eurovision tops this weekend, and I noticed that on one video Poles (or other Slavs?) were bashing on someone who listed Poland as 42th (last). The video was heavily disliked.
It was really sad, but the owner has deleted most offensive comments and has made the like bar invisible. Why do people always feel the need to hate each other just because someone doesn't like a song?


February 26, 2014
I was watching dozens of Eurovision tops this weekend, and I noticed that on one video Poles (or other Slavs?) were bashing on someone who listed Poland as 42th (last). The video was heavily disliked.
It was really sad, but the owner has deleted most offensive comments and has made the like bar invisible. Why do people always feel the need to hate each other just because someone doesn't like a song?

The reason is simple. Michal Szpak has a big (and partially hateful) fanbase. These fanboys are ready to commit terrifying things in the name of their idol - just like Directioners and Beliebers. That's also the main reason why he won KE.


Active member
February 2, 2015
Czech Republic
Why do people always feel the need to hate each other just because someone doesn't like a song?

I wouldn´t say "always". I actually think this year the eurofans are generally more aggressive than they were last year (yes, there were some controversies around Måns, but what else?). It´s not just the rivalry between Szpak´s fans and Margaret´s fans. It´s also the overall tendency to dislike every video with anyone else than their favourite in it (including informative videos or interviews), sabotaging various polls, starting silly petitions and writing often very rude and sometimes vulgar comments on Youtube and elsewehere. The most apparent case of hatred towards singer is Sweden. Personally I don´t like "If I Were Sorry" at all, but what some people dare to publicly write about Frans bellow the videos, is often crossing each possible line, really.

My theory is that it was caused by the German incident with Xavier Naidoo. It was a dangerous precedent - an officially selected representative was replaced after people´s negative reaction. So, in the other cases of controversial representatives, those who were not voting for them thought that if they will be loudly and aggressively enough accusing the singer of something (in Naidoo´s case racism and homophobia, in other cases cheating, arrogance, plagiarism, bad English, too long hair, too short hair, fake accent, whatever...) and consistently disliking everything he/she is in, than the singer would be replaced by their favourite. (Which is quite naive - it would actually lead to exactly the same controversy, just reversed).

Really, this is not the best possible year for the "Come together" slogan.


Well-known member
April 28, 2014
The reason is simple. Michal Szpak has a big (and partially hateful) fanbase. These fanboys are ready to commit terrifying things in the name of their idol - just like Directioners and Beliebers. That's also the main reason why he won KE.

Well, speaking of KE, TVP never shown up an amount of votes, we got only precentage. I remember that years ago during final of Eurovision Song Contest the first place got around 30.000 votes. This is not that much + remember that KE had really average viewership, something about 2.3 Million (and for example performance of Monika Kuszyńska in the final ESC15 was watched by almost 6 Million people in here). As I said in this topic before, one televote costed 3.50PLN and regular SMS costs like 0.09-0.19PLN (depends on your airtime provider). I know that TVP wanted to earn some money, but they could choose cheaper option of premium-sms, like 1.00PLN or so. So when a lot of people watch, but really few of them vote, this is not that hard to win. I am not saying that someone was cheating - it was more like fanbaeses fight, because Margaret's and Edyta's ones were also very determinated to win and for example Natalia Szroeder who is also very popular in here and her song is on the top of the charts, but I couldn't see any pressure by her, got only 4% as I remember. I think that Michał got also some extra votes from people who just liked his voice and from the people who think that Eurovision is not a song contest and it's good to send someone controversial (because he is that) - I remember that after Austria's 2014 victory there were a lot of memes, that 2015 is the time for Szpak and a lot of Poles still thinks that ESC is a competition for weirdos which is really not fair, because I can find in here some good songs (every year).

Fanbase of Michał Szpak is for me like a social phenomenon, because I wasn't expected that he has that big number of fans - his FB profile or results on the album/airplay charts suggest the opposite way and seriously they are really active and sometimes hard-core. I had no idea that those people can affect so many YouTube videos, polls etc, but I totally understand that they support him (because they like him) and I haven't notice that they hate another ESC participants (although, I still can see comments and weepings that Michal Szpak is a target of hate in Poland which is not true, but they post mean things about another singers from KE easily). Comparing them to Directioners, well... Szpakoners are a little bit older, I guess. :p

My point is - I can imagine that all those Szpak's fans can overwhelm the Internet by millions of coments that Eurovision is not a music contest for such talented and charming people like Michał in case that he's lost in the semis or got bottom place in the final, but I hope this will not happen.

As a viewer from Poland I am glad that he has many views on the YouTube and a lot of positive comments in there, but it will be veryfied in May.
Seriously, I am curious and confused at the same time.


Well-known member
May 4, 2013
I gave a big 9 to this in the Wiwi Jury and I'm really glad I did it (even if sadly my vote hasn't been count since the highest and lowest scores are dropped prior to calculating the average score)!


Well-known member
April 28, 2014

Poland's video is the most popular one on official Eurovision Youtube Channel.


Well-known member
May 9, 2014
Cool Me Down is no. 47 on the Global Viral 50 on Spotify. I also like Color of Your Life but this really feels like a missed opportunity for Poland.


December 11, 2010
body in Bulgaria, heart in Greece (^_^)
Oh, come on, Margaret couldn't sing to save her life while Michal gave a perfect vocal performance. That's all. I don't like the song too but I can see why it won the NF.


December 11, 2010
body in Bulgaria, heart in Greece (^_^)
Backing vocals could save her. That's all from me too :p

She could move more too. In the song she's singing how she's dancing on flames while at her NF performance she was just standing and singing out of tune. The song itself is great but Margaret's performance was everything but good.
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