I wanted to say that maybe this is good that our staging is simple, because this year it looks like everyone will try to do some spectacular visiual show - it was my statement right after watching 3 previews and all of them were like "video is more important than audio": Russia (of course, but his performence is really heavy and emotionless), Belarus and something else. But next, I discovered that staging can be simple but also really impressive like Ukraine's one, so I agree with opinion that this is a little bit too empty. Maybe on the TV it will look better and instruments will be highlighted, but for now it looks like we have a preformence from Poland that is founded only on voice... once again. And pretty much we know what we can expect next week during Polish performance.
By the way, I also agree that they should find a good translator for Michał, because watching him while he's torturing himself by speaking English is a little bit embarrasing. We had a little small talk called "if you cannot do some things correctly, just don't do them" in here, right? I mean - seriously, It'd be good for him to be able to explain his thoughts very clearly, because now he is not. I was watching that press conference with him and I skipped some parts of the video a few times and the only thing that I could hear was "eeee... yyyy... oooowww... aaaaa" (funny thing - some people think that this is cute, I totally cannot find it that way). It looks like he memorized one sentence about big opportunity for him and being a fan of Eurovision and he says it to every microphone. Seriously, it's okay that he tries, but it is not bad if someone speaks in his/her own language, they can put subtitles e.g. for official videos on YouTube or translate him directly during press conferences.
To sum up, everything looks unremarkably (sadly: as I expected). But this is for now, I am still waiting for wow-effect on the stage.