So according to several interviews this backdrop is only a sketch done 1,5 weeks ago. There is another backdrop that will be used later. The trio said that this is still "in the making". That is VERY promising!
After having seen what Georgia did with their backdrop, I was so disappointed with Keiino. SO, if this backdrop is only illustrative of what we will see in the semi, I am very positive! They want to start out all in the darkness, which I find a good idea since it suits Tom's first part of the lyrics.
But then I picture us flying over the snow covered moors of northern Norway, with the Northern Light filling the sky.
I could see the stage goes dark again when Fred is starting his joik, and as his joik becomes more and more powerful I can see bluish-green northern lights getting stronger and stronger, wilder and wilder (and why not taking the shape of some arctic animal..)!
Hmmm - wishful thinking?? Yeah.... I still have faith. And I still love our entry this year.