I won't answer to every single BS spit by lavieenrose, instead I will just say this:
When it comes to music, and especially Eurovision music, I am extremely radical and picky. This is because I've listened to all the ESC-songs since 1956, so I know that there has been every kind of music. I don't fit myself into the cliché vision of ESC as a party where there should be uptempo songs that makes everybody dance. These songs annoy me. I want a contest where there are only classy songs, songs that makes you think, that makes you reflect, that inspire you, that fill you with feelings. And these are the songs that put the fanboys on fire, and for me, it's always the most ideal thing. Sending fanwanked songs, for me, should be a crime against humanity, because these flops are not songs that respect the conception of music as I intend it, they just have other purposes. They don't rely on the quality, they rely on other things that have nothing to do with music, such as the singer's looks. I listen to any kind of music, I have a really broad musical taste, you could notice if you saw my library on Last.fm; the fact that such mainstream music is not present in ESC because there have to be the dated songs which are there only because "eh, it's Eurovision" is simply shameful. And everything that is contemporary, original, innovative, always gets slammed by the so-called "fans". These for me are not fans, they are simply trolls. Disgusting trolls. Therefore, if they keep such awful behaviour and attitude toward the Music, I'll always be against them and instead I'll support the songs that they dislike.
And once again, the only ones who can carry on the concept of quality music in my mind are only the female singers, because it's being proved in the history of the music that they do better than the men. In the case of Eurovision, I dislike the tonality of the male voices, and also the male singers always have the most unoriginal, dull songs, heard one million of times before.