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Norway NORWAY 2016 - Agnete - Icebreaker

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    13 6.6%
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    15 7.6%

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February 26, 2014
Wow, I understand that you may disagree about songs and other stuff, but do you really need to spread hatred? Do you really need to attack someone personally and talk about his genitalia? Thats very disrespectful

BTW Agnete is so sweet xheart I love the fact that she always replies in the comments section on Youtube. She really cares about her fans xheart


Active member
May 17, 2011
I'm not talking about OGAY, I'm referring to those hordes of fanboys who everyday infest all the ESC-related websites, forums, Facebook groups etc... like you

The reality is that you can say everything you want but actually the reality of the facts if that I'm 100% right because it's under's everybody's eyes that the fans only support only one kind of songs and singers and there's no space for everything else in this contest because it seems like a dictature where everyone has to fit the Eurovision-scheme and who doesn't do that gets bashed everyday and with no real reasons at all but actually those are the better acts because they don't give a fuck about what the fans want and they just go with ESC with their own music and this is for me the most important thing authenticity originality realness life outside the bubble and those most of the time are the female singers for example this year we have some innovative songs from them the same goes for last year and all the years before and all of them are always bashed and hated i can give you a long list like aminata boggie agnete twiins polina jamala iveta zlata emmelie kate ryan manuella all the ukrainian singers every single one of them have at least one hater and this is incredibly annoying and untolerable no seriously I'm progressively getting tired with this shit and I can see myself in a couple of years ditching ESC completely if it doesn't make an U-turn embracing the world of the real music because that's the music that I listen to instead of the usual tailor-made for ESC entries that only and exclusively the fans care about and not a single person outside of them now you will say yeah please do it but actually I can see many people who would think the same as me and ESC in a few years will have lyk 2 viewers in total this is why last year Autumn leaves and Time flopped despite being fanwanked and this is also the reason why Italy stayed away from ESC for lyk 13 years because the country with the classiest music certainly doesn't participate in a circus contest and yet when they returned they gave to the contest 2 of the most major fanwanks (Grande crapore and that Marco Mengoni shit) because this seems like some kind of unwritten law and all of this is shameful for the reputation of the contest therefore when all this old eurotrash crap gets kicked out of ESC it will be always late
That poll isn't from OGAY but from ESCNation, another forum where you got banned.

Caught you there, France 2016 has also "at least one hater" You, you fucking dumbass. Stop with your stupid trollposts, all you say is sh*t and absolutely irrelevant. There are 0 songs loved by single everyone.

Please change couple of years to in a couple of hours.

This contest isn't made and tailored to be loved by you, stupid Italian dictator.

Those songs were maximally praised by two people on Escforum, where you are banned for a while now. Everyone was expecting them to disqualify.

Italy stayed away because the songs were shit until the juries were re-introduced, that's the ugly truth idiot.

Wow, I understand that you may disagree about songs and other stuff, but do you really need to spread hatred? Do you really need to attack someone personally and talk about his genitalia? Thats very disrespectful

Seriously dude, wait 2 years more and tell me then what crap Gianluca posted on this forum anyways. He'll flame & attack everyone one by one :p
Have fun with him xheart


February 26, 2014
Seriously dude, wait 2 years more and tell me then what crap Gianluca posted on this forum anyways. He'll flame & attack everyone one by one :p
Have fun with him xheart

First of all, I'm not a dude.

Second of all, I'm aware GianlucaTomoe's posts might be considered controversial. However, if you think he 'flames and attacks everyone' then you can report him. There's no need to insult him.


September 11, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Caught you there, France 2016 has also "at least one hater" You, you fucking dumbass. Stop with your stupid trollposts, all you say is sh*t and absolutely irrelevant. There are 0 songs loved by single everyone.

Please change couple of years to in a couple of hours.

This contest isn't made and tailored to be loved by you, stupid Italian dictator.

Those songs were maximally praised by two people on Escforum, where you are banned for a while now. Everyone was expecting them to disqualify.

Italy stayed away because the songs were shit until the juries were re-introduced, that's the ugly truth idiot.

Seriously dude, wait 2 years more and tell me then what crap Gianluca posted on this forum anyways. He'll flame & attack everyone one by one :p
Have fun with him xheart

I don't need to attack anyone, actually attacking people is something that I never did, and not certainly for different opinions. Why is it hard for you to admit that the contest has a problem of lacking authenticity and originality? I mean, it's not me who say this, it's the media. Most of the songs were/are shit because those try really, really hard to fit into the scheme. If they were original, songs that would've been released anyway even if the contest didn't exist, nobody would've ever said this. Trust me that if the contest didn't exist, some of the songs participating this year wouldn't exist either, like "Sunlight" or "Help you fly", to name few.

I have my really own personal vision of the contest, and none will ever be able to change my mind about it, no matter how hard you try. I don't care whether the fans want the contest to be a kitsch fest, my idea is that the contest should go back to the origins, like it was in the 50s/60s. It should be all about CLASS, melody, interpretation, quality. No kitsch, no circus, no trash. Everything should be clean and simple. And I'm sorry, but whoever is able to do this is only the female singers. It's not an obsession of mine, it's simply facts. No wonder that Mariah and Whitney are/were famous worldwide, unlike Nicky Byrne and Ivan.

There are really annoying double standards among the fans. Songs are treated differently, according to who sings them. When I noticed it, I immediately start stanning for the oppressed, for the bashed, for the undeservedly hated. This is my nature, and I'll never ever change it according to the shallowness and superficiality of the rest of the Eurovision fandom. Please, don't ever associate me with this category. Tell me what you want, insult me as much as you want, but never call me an Eurovision-fan. If the mentality will change, then I'll start considering some changes in my attitude, but if it doesn't change... well, this is a part of me that you'll never ever gonna take away from me.


Well-known member
May 9, 2014


Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer
I'm not talking about OGAY, I'm referring to those hordes of fanboys who everyday infest all the ESC-related websites, forums, Facebook groups etc... like you

The reality is that you can say everything you want but actually the reality of the facts if that I'm 100% right because it's under's everybody's eyes that the fans only support only one kind of songs and singers and there's no space for everything else in this contest because it seems like a dictature where everyone has to fit the Eurovision-scheme and who doesn't do that gets bashed everyday and with no real reasons at all but actually those are the better acts because they don't give a fuck about what the fans want and they just go with ESC with their own music and this is for me the most important thing authenticity originality realness life outside the bubble and those most of the time are the female singers for example this year we have some innovative songs from them the same goes for last year and all the years before and all of them are always bashed and hated i can give you a long list like aminata boggie agnete twiins polina jamala iveta zlata emmelie kate ryan manuella all the ukrainian singers every single one of them have at least one hater and this is incredibly annoying and untolerable no seriously I'm progressively getting tired with this shit and I can see myself in a couple of years ditching ESC completely if it doesn't make an U-turn embracing the world of the real music because that's the music that I listen to instead of the usual tailor-made for ESC entries that only and exclusively the fans care about and not a single person outside of them now you will say yeah please do it but actually I can see many people who would think the same as me and ESC in a few years will have lyk 2 viewers in total this is why last year Autumn leaves and Time flopped despite being fanwanked and this is also the reason why Italy stayed away from ESC for lyk 13 years because the country with the classiest music certainly doesn't participate in a circus contest and yet when they returned they gave to the contest 2 of the most major fanwanks (Grande crapore and that Marco Mengoni shit) because this seems like some kind of unwritten law and all of this is shameful for the reputation of the contest therefore when all this old eurotrash crap gets kicked out of ESC it will be always late

I just put this into the speech function on Apple Pages and as a result I would like to call this horrible rant the best thing to happen to me ever xheat


Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer


February 26, 2016
Hi everybody! Can you continue this in Sergey's or Jamala's thread? I got used to this kind of conversation there, please do not spoil Agnete's topic. Thanks in advance!


Super Moderator
Staff member
March 20, 2014
The reality is that you can say everything you want but actually the reality of the facts if that I'm 100% right because it's under's everybody's eyes that the fans only support only one kind of songs and singers and there's no space for everything else in this contest because it seems like a dictature where everyone has to fit the Eurovision-scheme and who doesn't do that gets bashed everyday and with no real reasons at all but actually those are the better acts because they don't give a fuck about what the fans want and they just go with ESC with their own music and this is for me the most important thing authenticity originality realness life outside the bubble and those most of the time are the female singers for example this year we have some innovative songs from them the same goes for last year and all the years before and all of them are always bashed and hated i can give you a long list like aminata boggie agnete twiins polina jamala iveta zlata emmelie kate ryan manuella all the ukrainian singers every single one of them have at least one hater and this is incredibly annoying and untolerable no seriously I'm progressively getting tired with this shit and I can see myself in a couple of years ditching ESC completely if it doesn't make an U-turn embracing the world of the real music because that's the music that I listen to instead of the usual tailor-made for ESC entries that only and exclusively the fans care about and not a single person outside of them now you will say yeah please do it but actually I can see many people who would think the same as me and ESC in a few years will have lyk 2 viewers in total this is why last year Autumn leaves and Time flopped despite being fanwanked and this is also the reason why Italy stayed away from ESC for lyk 13 years because the country with the classiest music certainly doesn't participate in a circus contest and yet when they returned they gave to the contest 2 of the most major fanwanks (Grande crapore and that Marco Mengoni shit) because this seems like some kind of unwritten law and all of this is shameful for the reputation of the contest therefore when all this old eurotrash crap gets kicked out of ESC it will be always late




September 11, 2015
Birmingham, UK


I was on fire while writing that post, so I hadn't paid any attention to the style of writing. The content is what matters.


Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer
Okay, I had some time away to...deconstruct this post, and I think I'm ready to deal with you and all your crap.
I'm not talking about OGAY, I'm referring to those hordes of fanboys who everyday infest all the ESC-related websites, forums, Facebook groups etc... like you

And you? You're here on a Eurovision forum writing a diatribe, so aren't you one of those fanboys who infests this forum?

The reality is that you can say everything you want but actually the reality of the facts if that I'm 100% right because it's under's everybody's eyes that the fans only support only one kind of songs and singers and there's no space for everything else in this contest because it seems like a dictature where everyone has to fit the Eurovision-scheme and who doesn't do that gets bashed everyday and with no real reasons at all but actually those are the better acts because they don't give a fuck about what the fans want and they just go with ESC with their own music and this is for me the most important thing authenticity originality realness life outside the bubble and those most of the time are the female singers for example this year we have some innovative songs from them the same goes for last year and all the years before and all of them are always bashed and hated i can give you a long list like aminata boggie agnete twiins polina jamala iveta zlata emmelie kate ryan manuella all the ukrainian singers

What exactly is this single type of song? I'm not exactly sure how such disparate performers as Kate Ryan and Aminata don't fit into it. And how would you define "authenticity," and who fits into it? How are "I'm Still Alive" and "A Million Voices" original? Why should I cry for Emmelie de Forest when she was the most popular act of 2013?

every single one of them have at least one hater and this is incredibly annoying and untolerable

If one hater is enough for a song to be universally bashed, then I have some good news for you: all the songs you hate are universally bashed. Every single song is going to have people who dislike it; everyone has the right to dislike what they dislike in much the same way that if you want to like all the songs that you like, no one's going to stop you.

no seriously I'm progressively getting tired with this shit and I can see myself in a couple of years ditching ESC completely

This still makes me unbelievably happy.

if it doesn't make an U-turn embracing the world of the real music because that's the music that I listen to instead of the usual tailor-made for ESC entries that only and exclusively the fans care about and not a single person outside of them

Once again, I'm a bit confused as to how this would sound (and as to where "Je T'Adore," love it as I do, could exist outside of Eurovision).

now you will say yeah please do it

I did. Nicely predicted! xcheer

but actually I can see many people who would think the same as me and ESC in a few years will have lyk 2 viewers in total

I'm loathe to think of a world where many people think the same as you. But then why do the so-called "eurotrash" songs do so well?

this is why last year Autumn leaves and Time flopped despite being fanwanked

Yes, they had their fans, but every song has its fans. Neither of them were exactly beloved around these parts.

and this is also the reason why Italy stayed away from ESC for lyk 13 years because the country with the classiest music certainly doesn't participate in a circus contest and yet when they returned they gave to the contest 2 of the most major fanwanks (Grande crapore and that Marco Mengoni shit)

By what definition of "fanwank" were "Grande Amore" and "L'essenziale," neither of which I exactly enjoy all that much by the way, "fanwanks?" They both did pretty well for themselves when a much larger audience voted on them. Also your case for "your English is bad so I'm right" becomes increasingly tenuous with each "lyk."

because this seems like some kind of unwritten law and all of this is shameful for the reputation of the contest therefore when all this old eurotrash crap gets kicked out of ESC it will be always late

How would you define "Eurotrash?" What is the "this" you speak of? If you define it as "trashy Europop," then why can't I, as a fan of things like "Je T'Adore" and "Hero," throw the "every song has at least one hater" right back at you?


Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer
I was on fire while writing that post, so I hadn't paid any attention to the style of writing. The content is what matters.

Then what gives you the audacity to call anyone else out on their English?


September 11, 2015
Birmingham, UK
I won't answer to every single BS spit by lavieenrose, instead I will just say this:

When it comes to music, and especially Eurovision music, I am extremely radical and picky. This is because I've listened to all the ESC-songs since 1956, so I know that there has been every kind of music. I don't fit myself into the cliché vision of ESC as a party where there should be uptempo songs that makes everybody dance. These songs annoy me. I want a contest where there are only classy songs, songs that makes you think, that makes you reflect, that inspire you, that fill you with feelings. And these are the songs that put the fanboys on fire, and for me, it's always the most ideal thing. Sending fanwanked songs, for me, should be a crime against humanity, because these flops are not songs that respect the conception of music as I intend it, they just have other purposes. They don't rely on the quality, they rely on other things that have nothing to do with music, such as the singer's looks. I listen to any kind of music, I have a really broad musical taste, you could notice if you saw my library on; the fact that such mainstream music is not present in ESC because there have to be the dated songs which are there only because "eh, it's Eurovision" is simply shameful. And everything that is contemporary, original, innovative, always gets slammed by the so-called "fans". These for me are not fans, they are simply trolls. Disgusting trolls. Therefore, if they keep such awful behaviour and attitude toward the Music, I'll always be against them and instead I'll support the songs that they dislike.

And once again, the only ones who can carry on the concept of quality music in my mind are only the female singers, because it's being proved in the history of the music that they do better than the men. In the case of Eurovision, I dislike the tonality of the male voices, and also the male singers always have the most unoriginal, dull songs, heard one million of times before.


Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer
where there should be uptempo songs that makes everybody dance

These for me are not fans, they are simply trolls. Disgusting trolls.

I'll just hone in on these two to ask who exactly are these people? What give your (and my!) beloved Kate Ryan and Charlotte Perrelli the right to make uptempo dance songs and not anyone else? How do you define what a contemporary song sounds like? How does Twiins' song fit into the category of innovative songs? And perhaps most importantly, what would Eurovision have to do to fit a vision where you'd give up on it, and what can I do to expedite that? If it's just more "BS spits," then that's fine; I fear that you've underestimated how much fun this is for me.


Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer
And once again, the only ones who can carry on the concept of quality music in my mind are only the female singers, because it's being proved in the history of the music that they do better than the men. In the case of Eurovision, I dislike the tonality of the male voices, and also the male singers always have the most unoriginal, dull songs, heard one million of times before.

If you care this much about sexism in Eurovision, then I ask for the third (?) time why you thought it was important to bring up that Raiven's "not good-looking?"


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
these flops are not songs that respect the conception of music as I intend it

Ah, so because ESC is not your ideal, you feel the need to attack things which don't fall into your concept of the "conception of music" (which, btw, is about the most egocentric codswallop I've ever heard, and trust me, I've said a fair bit in my time)? Music has almost always been about the performance as well as the actual content of the piece and to ignore that is just simple cherry-picking. I have no idea where you are coming from with about 90% of your arguments. It's Eurovision; there has always been variety and THAT'S what makes it special. Some years Lordi will win, others we'll get Loreen, Running Scared and Heroes. Eurovision moves with the times without ever really forgetting its roots.

Now can we drop the preaching nonsense and start treating these threads properly and actually discuss the songs. If you feel like going on about your personal thoughts on ESC as a whole, feel free, but try and it keep to a relevant area of the forum as opposed to constantly taking over the song threads. We get it; men suck and always have the most unoriginal, dull songs whereas all the best entries are women. You're welcome to your opinion, but don't act as if anyone disagreeing with you is automatically wrong and committing a "crime against humanity" or being a "troll".

So Agnete... Still my favourite for the title this year, despite strong competition! I really hope she can perform as well in Stockholm as she did in Oslo! :D xlove


September 11, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Ah, so because ESC is not your ideal, you feel the need to attack things which don't fall into your concept of the "conception of music" (which, btw, is about the most egocentric codswallop I've ever heard, and trust me, I've said a fair bit in my time)? Music has almost always been about the performance as well as the actual content of the piece and to ignore that is just simple cherry-picking. I have no idea where you are coming from with about 90% of your arguments. It's Eurovision; there has always been variety and THAT'S what makes it special. Some years Lordi will win, others we'll get Loreen, Running Scared and Heroes. Eurovision moves with the times without ever really forgetting its roots.

Now can we drop the preaching nonsense and start treating these threads properly and actually discuss the songs. If you feel like going on about your personal thoughts on ESC as a whole, feel free, but try and it keep to a relevant area of the forum as opposed to constantly taking over the song threads. We get it; men suck and always have the most unoriginal, dull songs whereas all the best entries are women. You're welcome to your opinion, but don't act as if anyone disagreeing with you is automatically wrong and committing a "crime against humanity" or being a "troll".

So Agnete... Still my favourite for the title this year, despite strong competition! I really hope she can perform as well in Stockholm as she did in Oslo! :D xlove

It's not my fault that lowyby and lavieenrose keeps being obsessed with me and constantly provoke me and therefore I always have to explain... They started all this discussion, blame it on them


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
It's not my fault that lowyby and lavieenrose keeps being obsessed with me and constantly provoke me and therefore I always have to explain... They started all this discussion, blame it on them

I think your explanations need explaining, seeing as that was kinda my point. I don't think that trying to understand your, let's be polite and say, different opinions count as obsession. You make arguments such as "only the female singers, because it's being proved in the history of the music that they do better than the men" without any form of justification whatsoever and wonder why people respond? No, I kinda think the fault lies with you. I concur that the tone of some comments could be better, but some of your points beggar belief and you do seem completely uninterested in keeping things on topic.


September 11, 2015
Birmingham, UK
I think your explanations need explaining, seeing as that was kinda my point. I don't think that trying to understand your, let's be polite and say, different opinions count as obsession. You make arguments such as "only the female singers, because it's being proved in the history of the music that they do better than the men" without any form of justification whatsoever and wonder why people respond? No, I kinda think the fault lies with you. I concur that the tone of some comments could be better, but some of your points beggar belief and you do seem completely uninterested in keeping things on topic.

What is there to prove or justify about my arguments? Mariah Carey and Madonna are famous in the world, Joe & Jake and Marco Mengoni aren't. If anything, it's so laughable that there are people who are still in denial about how the things work in ESC.

The only things I'm uninterested about are the biases of the fans; for the rest, I care only about music in ESC, nothing else.
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