I already stan for "RULE (Rai Di Ri Di)" - I think it's my most-listened NF entry so far.
It's eerie, dark and slightly depressive but totally up my ally - I love the production and her "lullaby-like" singing.
Also, the 2nd verse in Romanian is a huge surprise!
In 2007 Natalia Barbu was my number 1 and Fight was one of my biggest eurovision songs ever.
In the middle is another WOW songs. First time i heard it i was like wow this is good. I absolutely love the national language and i could see people easy will remember. Moldova is know for sending songs with really good stageperformances and we all know Barbu could sing. But heard the snippets of some the other songs and Moldova is really going for a strong NF
Astăzi, 10 ianuarie 2024, Comitetul de Organizare a Selecţiei Naţionale a primit o solicitare din partea lui Vladimir Ciubotaru, conducătorul trupei VOVI ROBIAN, privind retragerea acesteia din concurs.