Well-known member
The lyrics are made our of predictive text function
I'm starting to enjoy this! First grower of 2019 confirmed.
And of course, it has to be from Moldova. 3 I try to be fair to all countries, no matter how i feel about their past entries, and that's why i wasn't a huge fan initially, but now i think this is quite good. However, when it won, it was already relatively high on my list thanks to other sucky choices this year.
10 points
Personally i don't see why Serbian song is better than this!
This entry is actually great, I agree with you this time...
The structure of melody is great and her plastic vocal tone is haunting..
Impresii despre Eurovision 2019
Concursul Eurovision Song Contest Moldova 2019 care a avut loc pe data de 2 martie la Chişinău a fost pur-şi-simplu un coşmar..
Votarea a fost complet falsă! Numărul de telefon la care trebuia să voteze lumea nu era corect! Cum să afişezi un nr de telefon pe ecranele televiziunii centrale, ca la urmă ăsta să nu meargă?! Mă refer la nr 090099901.. Am mii de prieteni care au votat pentru echipa în care am fost implicat eu (Vera Țurcanu), o pot dovedi prin dovezi clare, screenshot-uri cu sms-ul "vot primit".. Conform TRM noi am primit doar 140 de voturi! Dacă eu strâng mai mult de 140 de screenshot-uri cu "vot primit", şi dovedesc că votarea a fost complet falsă, ce se întâmplă?!...
Cred că juriul ar trebui să conțină şi persoane de peste hotare (cum de exemplu a fost la Bucureşti Alex Calancea în juriu, ca persoană din altă țară). La noi toți îs cumătri şi prieteni.. ei bine doar negrul ăla Bruno a fost în juriu, care cu toții ştim bine că e afiliat cu cineva din participanți... Cumătrism, cumătrism şi iar cumătrism... Ca peste tot la noi..
Cel mai mult îmi pare rău de compozitorii, aranjorii, textierii, jurnaliştii de peste hotare care au cheltuit mii de euro ca să vină în Moldova (bilete de avion, cazare, mâncare, bani introduşi în aranjamente, piese, costume, dansatori etc), care la urmă rămân în fiecare an cu un gust amar după ce pleacă de aici... "Corruption, corruption my friend" asta e descrierea lor despre Moldova. Este un dizrespect total față de ei, căci ei introduc bani în Moldova, şi la urmă macăr nici nu înțeleg ce s-ar fi întâmplat... Şi fata aia din Australia care a venit ca jurnalist de peste hotare, au dat-o afară, ea plângea la uşă.. Cu ce impresii ea va pleca acasă, căci ea a cheltuit bani de avion şi timp ca să vină la Chişinău doar pentru asta şi în ultimul moment au dat-o afară.. De ce oare au dat-o afară?! Cred ca să nu vadă coşmarul şi bardacul care urma să fie...
Am aflat că unii din participanți ştiau încă din ianuarie că Ana Împodobescu va câştiga... De ce nu ne-au spus şi nouă, ca să nu introducem mii de euro în rahatul ăsta de consurs, în piesă, aranjamente, costume, dansatori etc... Ieri am aflat de la un compozitor de peste hotare că dorea să participe cu o artistă de la noi la eurovision.. şi ce să vad, ea i-ar fi spus lui că deja se ştie cine va fi câştigătorul şi nu este sens ca ei să intre în concurs.. când am căutat bine pe internet, artista aia e bună prietenă cu Ana! Acum încep să înțeleg.. I-au dat afară pe Lume, ca să nu fie concurenți cu Ana... Ei nici macăr nu au intrat în finală.. Mi-e personal nu-mi place piesa trupei Lume, dar cu toții ştim că ei ar fi avut şanse reale să câştige.. Ar fi avut un raiting mare la televoting, i-au eliminat repede ca să nu aibă probleme..
Anul trecut cu toții ştiam că va câştiga Kirkorov (adică Doredos), anul ăsta s-a ştiut că va câştiga Ana (ei au ştiut, artiştii nu). Totul e demult înțeles şi pus la punct.. Ce se arată la tv, e făcut doar de flori de cuc, pentru bani şi vizualizări..
De ce nu a rămas niciun membru al juriului să discute cu artiştii?! Au fugit ca şobolanii acasă, niciunul nu a rămas.. Ştiau că-s cu mâța-n sac.. E un dizrespect total fața de artişti, macăr unul trebuia să rămână... Cred că e primul an când s-a întâmplat aşa ceva..
Ei nici macăr nu au comentat nicio piesă, au dat doar note... Asta cred că tot a fost pentru prima dată!
Eurovisionul a fost cam ca alegerile de pe 24 februarie... cu toții ştim că au fost false, s-au adus mii de oameni cu autobusurile dar la tv se spune că am fi avut alegeri democratice. Cam aşa e şi cu concursul ăsta de 2 bani..
Apoi ei se mai întreabă de ce eurovisionul la noi e cu fiecare an tot mai rău şi mai rău.. Şi toată situația în țară în general.. Toți artiştii care văd mesajul meu - fiți cu ochii în patru! Dacă doriți să participați vreodată la concursul ăsta de rahat, fiți atenți, căci totul e vândut, cumpărat şi ştiut dinainte! Asta e realitatea din Glodlova..
Eurovision 2019 Impressions
The Eurovision Song Contest Moldova 2019 contest that took place on March 2 in Chisinau was simply a nightmare.
Voting was completely false! The phone number to which the world was supposed to vote was not right! How do you put a phone number on the central TV screens, then do not they go ?! I am referring to No. 090099901. I have thousands of friends who voted for the team I was involved with (Vera Ţurcanu), I can prove by clear evidence, screenshots with the "vote received" sms. According to the new TRM I only received 140 votes! If I collect more than 140 "voted" screenshots, and prove that voting was completely false, what's going on ?! ...
I think the jury should also include people from abroad (as in Bucharest, for example, Alex Calancea in the jury, as a person from another country). All of us are friends and acquaintances. Well, just that black Bruno was in the jury, we all know he's affiliated with some of the participants ... Get in, buy and re-buy us ... Like everywhere in our country. .
I am most sorry about the composers, arrangers, textiles, journalists from abroad who have spent thousands of euros to come to Moldova (flight tickets, accommodation, food, money introduced in arrangements, pieces, costumes, dancers etc) which in the end they have a bitter taste every year after they leave here ... "Corruption, corruption my friend" this is their description of Moldova. He is a total disrespect for them, because they put money into Moldova, and then they do not even understand what would have happened ... And that Australian girl who came as a journalist from abroad, gave her out , she was crying at the door. With what impressions she will go home, because she spent airplane money and time to come to Chisinau just for this and in the last moment they gave it out. Why did they give it outside?! I think he should not see the nightmare and the bardac to be ...
I learned that some of the participants knew in January that Ana Impodobescu would win ... Why did not they tell us not to put in thousands of euros in this consort, in play, arrangements, costumes, dancers etc ... Yesterday we learned from a foreign composer that she wanted to participate with an artist from us at eurovision .. and what to see, she would have told him that already it is known who will be the winner and it is not It makes sense for them to enter the competition. When I look good on the internet, that artist is a good friend of Ana! Now I'm starting to understand .. They kicked out the world so they would not compete with Ana ... They never even entered the final. I personally do not like the song of the band World, but we all know that they would have had real chances to win .. They would have had a great rapport at televoting, eliminated them quickly so they would not have problems.
Last year we all knew he would win Kirkorov (that is, Doredos), this year he knew he would win Ana (they knew, the artists did not). Everything has long been understood and set out. What is shown on tv is made only by cuckoo flowers for money and visualization.
Why has not any member of the jury left to talk to the artists ?! They ran away like rats at home, none stayed. They knew I was in the bag. It's a total disrespect for artists, at least one of them had to stay ... I think it's the first year when that happened. .
They have not even commented on a song, they only have notes ... That's what I think was the first time!
The Eurovision was about like the February 24th elections ... we all know they were fake, thousands of people were brought in by buses but TV is said to have had democratic elections. That's the way it is with this 2-count contest.
Then they wondered why eurovision in our country is getting worse and worse each year. And all the situation in the country in general .. All the artists who see my message - keep an eye on me! If you want to ever participate in this shit contest, be careful, because everything is sold, bought and known in advance! That's the reality of Glodlova ..
the moldovan NF is rigged? I AM SO SHOCKED THEY LOOKED SO HONEST ALL THIS TIME with every year either being a "one obvious winner + bunch of bad songs" or "all bad songs wifh one randomly winning". i would have thought that two successes in a row would drive them to be. more serious about their NF or at least to drop the pretense and make it an internal selection, but i guess not.