Re: MALTA 2016
Already promising
All Around the World - in every way, this sounds like something RuPaul would sing.

Flashing Lights - please, PLEASE tell me it's strangely a cappella like that.
Falling Glass - a nice little ballad. Highly listenable.
Alive - super overwrought and epic. Dark horse alert!
The Flame - Jessika. QotM (if I tell you that revallsay is QotP, you can figure this out). This has to be her year.
That's Why I Love You and Chameleon - who is this woman, and what has she done with the performer who brought us the snooze from 2002?
Right Here with You - as I said, screams cannon fodder, so I can't get too attached, but really fun-sounding at first.
Could go either way
You're Beautiful - the song is kind of a giant letdown, but as I said, he can pull it together for a performance.
Golden - unbelievably generic but could ultimately grow into something at least comfortable.
Lighthouse - it's nice as a 1-minute sample but could be either awfully boring or awfully overblown as a 3-minute song.
Empty Hearted - another really generic one but accompanied by can't-take-my-eyes-off-but-can't-put-my-eyes-on choreography. May be highly entertaining onstage.
I Love You - I feel awful about myself because I don't hate this. We'll see.
Frontline - almost put this in the above section but already feels long. Could be a top 3 contender if the full song goes somewhere.
Kingdom - she imploded live last year, but a strong-sounding song. We'll see if she can keep her shit together onstage this time around.
Already not interested
Young Love - the phony accent *shudders* she has some growing to do as a performer before she's ready to compete against this group.
Under the Sun - Avicii remix of a Script song. Either'd be bad enough on its own. Malta, please don't be in my 40s this year.
Little Love - annoying last year, annoying this year. Next.
Fire Burn - no.