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JAPAN | 194 | Amir gets to partay


February 20, 2013

4s4kiHotei ft Aina The EndFAKYKonatsu Sogabe ft Yuki Murata
Hyper Angry CatAndromedaBad ThingsWasure Rareta Ike (Forgotten Pond)
Wednesday CampanellaRAY・・・・・・・・・AiNA THE END x Yuta Bandoh
Tamamo-no-MaeKayoubi no Ame (Tuesday Rain)Sain (Sign)Creation
macaroom & Sarah AngelShinobu KakyoinKikuoArai Tasuku ft Hatis Noit
OO LA LAShin Soma BushiDance of the FrogsLizzy's Delights
193194 (Amir)195 (Amir)196 (Amir)
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April 14, 2012
The only thing I'm f***ing, is stupid
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV81: Instrumental NF (now open!)

::sg has voted.

Always great when anyone takes the risk to send instrumentals even if that not always succeeds. They stand out on their own.

Good luck, and hopefully you will qualify this time! xlove



Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV81: Instrumental NF (now open!)

::sthm has voted!! What a superb NF this is. Nothing I disliked whatsoever and some incredible pieces of music. Best of luck James xlove


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV81: Instrumental NF (now open!)

Alright! Only four voters so far, but even by those standards things are close. Thanks to ::sg::sthm::mida::kg! Current scores are sitting at:


Fun fact: each voter has so far had a different favourite, and the two songs without 10s at least have a 7 or two. Meaning that so far, there's not a whole lot of agreement on the best songs here... so get voting! A single set of votes could push second-last into first right now, and more more could see the current last-place in the lead.

With a few days left to go before the entry submission deadline, it's time for some mentions - so here goes! I'm including anybody who has voted in recent Japanese NFs, those whose NFs I've voted in this edition, or people who I think might be interested in a full NF of instrumentals, though of course everybody is welcome to vote.

[MENTION=11728]Alex1211ander[/MENTION] [MENTION=12072]Amir[/MENTION] [MENTION=10639]as78[/MENTION] [MENTION=10140]cegs5[/MENTION] [MENTION=5527]Charlyje[/MENTION] [MENTION=10742]daniels1000[/MENTION] [MENTION=12510]esc87fan[/MENTION] [MENTION=15319]ESCREGION[/MENTION] [MENTION=15323]Eulaliya[/MENTION] [MENTION=4724]EurovisionSmile[/MENTION] [MENTION=12992]Fierro[/MENTION] [MENTION=15333]JChan[/MENTION] [MENTION=14007]lavieenrose[/MENTION] [MENTION=9461]nekoisneko[/MENTION] [MENTION=15013]Ringdalen[/MENTION] [MENTION=9149]Shmelsasha[/MENTION] [MENTION=4597]Stargazer[/MENTION] [MENTION=14372]Uvaro[/MENTION] [MENTION=11993]whiteshoes[/MENTION]

I'm also trying to get around to everybody else's NFs for the edition, though with about a dozen people doing them I can't make any guarantees. I'll see what I can do, though.

Looking forward to finding out how this rather close NF develops from here!


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV81: Instrumental NF (DDL: 16/07 14:00CET)

As usual, I'm late in setting a proper deadline, so apologies for that - but also as usual, it's about as late as I can make it, so hopefully that helps squeeze an extra voter or two into the timeframe. Deadline is 16/07 14:00 CET, or about 22 hours from the time I'm posting this - so get voting!

Oh, and thanks to ::na for bringing me up to five voters for now xheya


Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV81: Instrumental NF (DDL: 16/07 14:00CET)

(going to vote later today; fear not :D)


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV81: Instrumental NF (DDL: 16/07 14:00CET)

We have a winner, and it's been sent! My thanks to the four lovely people who sent votes today, shoring up my total voter count to a respectable nine. This brings the overall voter list to ::sg::sthm::mida::kg::na:svea:::nswa:ua::sc:.

While this was a very close NF to begin with, later voters gradually started to ease a particular song into the lead, and it slowly but surely worked itself into a safe and convincing win. Final scores were as follows:


A couple of these placings will probably be controversial, I feel, but that's usually the case with NFs; as is, the solid lead of my winning song means that hopefully not too many people should be mad about it. Look forward to the reveal, and thanks again!


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV81: Ryo Mizutsuki - Scene Shifts There

WV81: Scene Shifts There

Another NF done, another winner sent - and what a winner it is! I find it very hard to say what my favourite is from the NF, as I love them all, but Scene Shifts There would probably take that title most of the time, so I'm thrilled to see that it won.

I'm not sure what I love more about it: its emotion or the way it's so dynamic. Rather than base itself around predefined sections or structure, it just grows bit by bit, line by line, instrument by instrument, reaching that big string crescendo and then easing itself out with that beautifully emotional piano ending. It's similar to my WV67 entry Sanka in that sense, and for good reason: both were composed by Ryo Mizutsuki for the Rewrite soundtrack. Luckily, that allows me to be a little lazier than usual with this post - if you'd like to read more on Rewrite or Ms. Mizutsuki, just take a trip back in time to my green room post for WV67!

This marks the first time that Zobo-Japan has sent a proper returning artist (unless you count composing an entry without being the artist, in which case Jun Maeda managed it a few editions back). And I'm thrilled to have that title to go Rewrite and Ryo Mizutsuki; Rewrite has my equal-favourite soundtrack of any Japanese media, and Ryo's contributions to the soundtrack are perhaps my absolute favourites from it overall, tied only with a particular ballad that's been sitting on my WV shortlist since I joined.

I must admit, my library of music from Ryo Mizutsuki is rather short: Sanka and Scene Shifts There are both staples in virtually all of my instrumental/soundtrack playlists, but otherwise I've mostly just got them, one good song which is perhaps worth a WV try but is in a very different vein to what I've sent from her so far, and then a smattering of nice-but-less-amazing songs from the rest of the Rewrite soundtrack. Hoping to correct this, I looked through a good list of visual novel soundtracks composed by her, which I noticed included three visual novels I've already been intending to play.

So I looked up some tracks from those VNs on YouTube, and... immediately fell in love with at least a couple. So I think I may want to play through one or two of those at some point soon and find some more favourites from her xheat Anyways! Onto the NF results.


The NF started out as a close one: four sets of votes in, eventual winner Scene Shifts There was only a single point ahead of Eve, and Reminiscence also seemed a strong contender, with many of its likely supporters not yet having voted at that time. The second half sealed it, though, slowly propelling Scene Shifts There into a more convincing lead as it managed the impressive feat of coming top-two with five voters in a row.

But while it took its time to really jump ahead, the song was a strong performer from the start, holding onto the lead from the very first set of votes and never letting it go. In the end, its winning margin was the most convincing of any full Zobo NF since Kalafina stomped my WV73 selection: while things weren't quite at that level here, Scene Shifts Ahead was still 16 points ahead with three 10s, a whole lot of 7s, and no bottom-twos. Hardly a unanimous decision, but a pretty wide show of support, which I was really happy to see!

Going down the scoreboard, Reminiscence ~Awakening Soul~ in second place was no surprise, as I'd expected the song to challenge for the win all along. While it was received just as many top scores as our winner, it seemed to lose out by being more divisive, receiving a number of fairly low scores to drag down its 10s. It was nice to hear just how ardent its fans were, though - all three voters who gave it their 10 also left a comment to say how much they loved it. I always enjoy the more divisive stuff that evokes strong reactions, so... who knows? This might pop up again somewhere in Japan's WV future.

The short-but-sweet Theme of SSS and the crazy low-budget synths of Toono Gensou Monogatari were also divisive, though in a less polarising way; they seemed less 'love-hate' and more 'these scores are so varied that I have no idea what the next voter will think of them', with each of the two receiving every possible score at least once. Both ended up roughly where I'd expected them to, and had no particularly interesting patterns to talk about, so... well, nothing too exciting in that part of the scoreboard, really :lol:

Going in to the NF, I figured Eve would be the most divisive of all the songs, getting a couple of top scores offset by a swathe of 1s; surprisingly, I was quite off the mark here. 5th-6th place is pretty much what I'd expected from it, but the scores were clumped more in the middle than what I'd expected. Still, I'm happy to have shown the weirder, rockier side of instrumentals that doesn't pop up so often at WV, and I'll continue to do so in the future!

Finally, Shounen-tachi to no Wakare comes as the requisite surprise flop of the NF: I'd expected this one to be second, third, maybe even fighting for the win. I figured it'd be somewhat divisive, and it did indeed have people on both sides of the opinion spectrum, but I hadn't quite expected the wave of 1s that came for what I find to be a really emotional, touching song, ultimately dooming it to last place. Nonetheless, no regrets in including it!

Anyway, that's it for now - no lyrics translation this time around, for obvious reasons. Enjoy the song, and thanks again to all my NF voters who helped me choose it!


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV82: Something Hot

Alright, so I was feeling a little depressed with WV for a few days, having NQed with a song I adore in what I thought was the weakest semi & qualifier list in ages... but on reflection, I really shouldn't be too negative about it all. In the massive semis we've got at the moment, my score - 11th Regular, 6th REJU - is actually pretty damn good, and it great was to see (in both scoreboards and the SF3 thread) the amount of people who enjoyed my entry. Thanks in particular to these people for the points!

:12::ru::sc:::nswa:ca: xheatxheat

You know what, I've just gone over my WV history, and that's... actually my highest combined (regular + REJU) SF score in eight editions, since WV73! The voters were just spread too evenly between the two groups this time, I suppose. Nonetheless, thanks for the support, and I'm glad to see at least some people really enjoying it! It's sad to hit my first 3-in-a-row NQ streak since joining WV, but this at least softens the blow.

On future editions: while Japan will forever be my #1 region, I'm thinking it may be time to take a short break from it, hopping around some other regions before inevitably coming back here. But I'm not gone just yet; I've got some loose ends to tie up first. That brings us to my plans for WV82...



February 9, 2012
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV82: Something Hot

I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling down about your result Zobo, and understandably as well. You were basically robbed. Not to discredit any of the songs that passed but I think it sucks how combined your song had more points than 7(!!!!) of the songs that made it. If that was me I would have felt devastated, angry even (actually it has been me in the past, but not to that crazy extent). Your entry was (if my maths is correct) the 4th most loved song in that semi (the song that got Reju was 3rd), and because of a split draw you didn't make it. I don't mean to turn your topic into the WorldVision isn't fair topic (we will for 2 minutesxyes) but it isn't fair when things like this happen. It was such a gorgeous entry and should have been in the final.

On a brighter note, i'm looking forward to the return of your disco starxheatxheart I can't believe you're leaving Japan soon thoughxcry1 It just won't be the same without you at the helm but i'll be excited to see where you go next.


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV82: Something Hot

Aw man, sorry to hear you were down Zobo; I can only agree with Kai that you were 100% robbed last edition :( Looking forwards to hearing what you have for us this time though! xcheer


Well-known member
February 12, 2012
Jakarta - Bandung, Indonesia
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV82: Something Hot

I know that feeling zobo xrunhug
I had the same experience when I sent Kokia and failed miserably in the semi. So be strong!
Anw, something hot? Is it time for hot summer? xthink or queen Kokia xheat


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV84: Hitomi - Continued Story (& Future Plans)

I keep putting off making green room posts because I'm behind and have a backlog, so I'm just going to force myself to be super-brief here in order to catch up~

WV82: Bad Boy. (Very hot) + (Very flop) = very[SUP]2[/SUP] hot flop. About what I'd expected from the entry, though, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

WV83: Much more surprised by the NQ this time around - I love the song, thought it felt rather WV-ish, and had hoped it would stand a good chance at breaking my NQ streak. Nonetheless, I at least came close, which softened the blow a little. Thanks a bunch to those who voted for Ohno and/or nano xheya

WV84: Is it a Scotland? Is it a Svealand? No, it's Zobo sending vaguely Celtic/Scandinavian-sounding folk music from Japan xheat I've loved this one for quite a long time, as it's the ending/insert song played in a particularly powerful final scene of one of my first-watched anime series a number of years ago.

On the note of endings: in addition to being a great song, I thought it might be fitting to send at this point, as I'm considering a region change for next edition (shock horror etc. etc.) After 20 editions, and with my shortlist of potential entries from other regions really starting to mount up, I feel like getting a bit of a breath of fresh air before eventually crawling back to my beloved Japan.

With that in mind, I'm throwing open the door to potential swap deals/you-can-temporarily-take-Japan-while-I-bugger-off-somewhere-else-if-I-don't-have-enough-songs-from-your-region deals! xpopcorn I know this is the sort of thing that's usually done behind closed doors, but I've so far failed to find anyone interested via PMs so... now I'm here! Going to throw a mention to those who expressed interest in LastDreamer's thread of potential swaps a while back, and who haven't already said they wouldn't be interested yet: [MENTION=11993]whiteshoes[/MENTION] [MENTION=12072]Amir[/MENTION] [MENTION=15323]Eulaliya[/MENTION] [MENTION=14007]lavieenrose[/MENTION] [MENTION=14424]Genesis[/MENTION] [MENTION=10910]SwedishFailurez[/MENTION]

And with that done, my one-tenth-the-usual-length green room update is done! I'll probably get back to being more rambly in the future, but for now you escape with reading just a short article instead of the usual novel :rolleyes:


Well-known member
January 23, 2013
Oldenburg, Germany
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV84: Hitomi - Continued Story (& Future Plans)

Thanks for reminding me of the my desire to take over Japan one day... But I dont think you would be happy as Iceland juror so we would have to find a third person to make a "triangle swap" ...
Do you like Scottish music?


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV84: Hitomi - Continued Story (& Future Plans)

Thanks for reminding me of the my desire to take over Japan one day... But I dont think you would be happy as Iceland juror so we would have to find a third person to make a "triangle swap" ...
Do you like Scottish music?

I certainly like it, as far as WV goes, but... unfortunately I haven't really happened to find any on my own yet, so it's not on my list of potential swaps. xbored


Well-known member
April 21, 2013
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV84: Hitomi - Continued Story (& Future Plans)

I still have one more trick up my Canadian sleeve next edition, so if you're still interested in swapping with me I'm always up for a challenge. Mind you, if my gamble on my next song pays off, I'd keep my channels open for one more edition


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV85: Two-Song Mini-NF

Thanks to all those who voted for Hitomi and Continued Story in WV84! Unfortunately Japan once again failed to make the cut, but based on the semifinal thread there were a bunch of people who loved the entry, which is great to see. If I'm going to flop, then I'd much rather do it with a controversial, love-or-hate entry than an average one!

Now, while I'd planned to swap for next edition, it would seem those plans have been delayed by a little bit. Trying to think of a last-minute entry, I'm stuck between two rather different styles, so... what say we have a bit of a mini-NF? Two songs, six minutes - it's that easy.

This time around, there's a bit of an interesting contrast between the two songs, at least from a personal perspective. Death Note was the first anime to ever wow me with its soundtrack (and the first anime I watched in general, really), and Kyrie II was one of the first tracks to play; in a sense, it was my gateway drug to what is now a big collection of anime music in my library. Hanezeve Caradhina, on the other hand, is something I only heard for the first time a couple of months ago, and its official release was... about this time last week. That said, it mesmerised me on first listen, and I've had it on repeat since then. It also gets bonus points in my book for having an Aussie involved - the composer, Kevin Penkin, is from Western Australia. Anyway, let's get to it!

Yoshihisa Hirano - Kyrie II

Kevin Penkin feat. Takeshi Saito - Hanezeve Caradhina

For those who are interested, voting is simple - just listen to both songs and send me a PM rating each one out of 10. Zeroes are allowed, decimal points are allowed (though I reserve the right to round things off if you get too crazy) - just send in those votes! Comments are also, of course, highly welcome :D The deadline is Oct. 17, 12:00 CET.

Hope you enjoyed one of the songs~!


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV85: Two-Song Mini-NF

Hope you enjoyed one of the songs~!

Sorry James, I didn't enjoy one of the songs... I LOVED THEM BOTH!! Oh boy what a pair; can you send both as an epic five and a half minute long masterpiece with a potentially very jarring change in the middle?! :wale: has voted with extreme difficulty xheat


Well-known member
February 7, 2013
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV85: Two-Song Mini-NF

OMG greek language in the :jp: NF xlove "Kyrie Eleison, Christe eleison" :mrgreen:


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV85: Two-Song Mini-NF

OMG greek language in the :jp: NF xlove "Kyrie Eleison, Christe eleison" :mrgreen:

Oh cool, didn't know it was Greek! I'd always just assumed it was either Latin or some sort of imaginary language.

On that note, I'm pretty sure Hanezeve Caradhina is in an imaginary language too... so I just realised I've coincidentally put together a Japanese NF devoid of any Japanese or English lyrics. :lol:


Well-known member
February 7, 2013
Re: Japan | 日本 | WV85: Two-Song Mini-NF

Oh cool, didn't know it was Greek! I'd always just assumed it was either Latin or some sort of imaginary language.

It is greek and it means "God have mercy, Christ have mercy." :mrgreen:

I have already listened to the first song, so i am going to listen to the 2nd one as well, so expect my votes shortly. :p
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