Albanians are white and there was no migrant crisis in 1999. Different times, different climate. But...I have already accepted another member's argument that the main reason isn't where Mahmood's father is from, so let's please let go of what I said and continue this conversation in the usual, music theme.
Also, in one way, I'm sorry that I mentioned politics and turned the conversation that way. But then I'm also not, because the above mentioned member changed my opinion about everything that happened with the votes. This just proves how we can only benefit from having a discussion and open minds and ears to different opinions. To not just read/listen to respond, but to try to understand the other side. I hope Mahmood is now in his safe place, making his decision about the participation (if he hasn't made it yet) by isolating himself from the noise that can only make him more nervous and make his decision making more difficult. And I really, really hope we will see him in Tel Aviv.