So this is what Douwe said about Hovi in his documentary:
“You pick people out who have had media training…. If a photo is being taken, you jump forward. Israel [did that] every time, he is the most flamboyant sort of extravagent fella. He jumps forward the whole time. At a given moment, I said, “dude, I love you mate, but please, energy, energy levels, take it down!” He took it the wrong way, you know. He said, “You may be a star in Holland, but you will never be a star anywhere else! Don’t talk to me, don’t look at me!” He went completely crazy. I said, “oh man, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings!” That only makes things worse is you say that to someone. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
The interviewer then asks Douwe if there’s going to be a “fitty” between the Netherlands and Israel (a fight), which Douwe denies and adds “the first thing that I will do when I see him is try to give him a cuddle."”
So yesterday Hovi said to a Dutch journalist that he hates Douwe and his song and wants to kick his fucking ass. :? It's clearly a big misunderstanding.