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Israel ISRAEL 2014 - Mei Finegold - Same Heart

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    19 7.7%

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ESC Moderator
March 27, 2010

something like this please xbb Just not a boring ballad in Hebrew.I've had enough of them lately :rolleyes:

I loved Moran last year, but I would be totally fine with something of a higher tempo.


December 28, 2009
Well, I don't agree with you and I'll answer to some of your question.
1 - Yes, Mei has one album, or maybe 2.
2 - As most of Israeli singers, it's WELL KNOWN none sing its real music (except Izabo 2012), so Sarit Hadad 2002 didn't sing a Mizrahi song as she normally does. So, even if we know her music, we can't never guess what kind of song she's gonna sing.
3 - from an Interview she had yesterday night she said "No way I'm gonna loose the finals, I'm gonna represent Israel in the best way" =)

1- So she got two albums out already? Well, with the songs presented so far then it makes me a bit non-optimistic. Just a couple of the songs I've heard of hers have been decent, while the rest have been really bad and my guess is that her entry will be made with her own team?
2- I actually think that if Sarit would have been chosen today, she'd go with something which is closer to her normal style. Harel for sure went with an entry similar to his own style, and so did others aswell. Well, I'm just basing my opinion on what I've heard of her so far, but hopefully I'll be happily surprised. I mean the girl got all the potential (and I also wrote that I like her vocals and such), but the material I've heard so far from her haven't been much promising and now when you say she even got 2 albums out already (with such material) it makes me even less convinced.
3- I hope that most acts entering ESC want to do their best...

Actually, as I said she does look promising on paper, it's just that her material isn't so far and just basing on singing covers doesn't do anything to me.

Btw, is her name Feingold or Finegold? :lol:

I hope she'll be keeping it blonde for ESC, that cheap punk-red isn't much appealing and after last year's entrant the Israeli team must take visual appeal into consideration as much as song, performance and artist.


December 28, 2009

something like this please xbb Just not a boring ballad in Hebrew.I've had enough of them lately :rolleyes:

If you want Israel to NOT qualify for the final again, then yes they should send something as bad as this.

I'd take a typical Israeli ballad over anything crappy like this, atleast then we'd probably have a decent song.

I'm not against the idea of going uptempo, but this girl's uptempo songs so far are dreadful to say the least (atleast the ones I've heard).


December 28, 2009
I'll disagree with you in that if she is like Amandine, I will be happy. Her song last year was amazing.

That's obviously a case of different taste, but atleast on that song the majority seems to have agreed with my opinion considering how bad that song flopped. Not saying that that is any proof of it being good or bad, just not mass-appealing enough.


ESC Moderator
March 27, 2010
That's obviously a case of different taste, but atleast on that song the majority seems to have agreed with my opinion considering how bad that song flopped. Not saying that that is any proof of it being good or bad, just not mass-appealing enough.

You have said several times that results are less important than putting out a good song. France flopped because a) They are France, and have no diaspora, b) They were on first and c) They did something different. Not because of the song or the performance. Mei Finegold has the same feel as Amandine for me, and so I expect something good but different from her. If that means a poor result, then I can live with that as long as the song is good. There are already too many mass-appealing songs at ESC.

As I said, so far this seems like a good choice, probably my favourite at ESC so far.


December 28, 2009
You have said several times that results are less important than putting out a good song. France flopped because a) They are France, and have no diaspora, b) They were on first and c) They did something different. Not because of the song or the performance. Mei Finegold has the same feel as Amandine for me, and so I expect something good but different from her. If that means a poor result, then I can live with that as long as the song is good. There are already too many mass-appealing songs at ESC.

As I said, so far this seems like a good choice, probably my favourite at ESC so far.

And I stick to that, I never said that the results say anything about the actual quality, I just said that it may tell something about whether an entry is mass-appealing or not (though of course there are plenty of other factors to be added to why an entry succeeds or not in ESC). I often end up liking entries that unfortunately "flops" in ESC myself, what I meant here is that I didn't really like Amandine's entry and for a change I agree with the opinion of the "masses". And yes, this singer gives me similar vibes but hopefully her entry will turn out stronger. I hope Israel can be successful in ESC for a change, last time they had some success was in 2008.

I actually think she seems to be a promising choice, though her back catalogue of music makes me less convinced and using cover songs as examples of why she'd be a good choice doesn't really say much because what she needs is some strong original song for ESC and if she's working with the same people that made her own material thus far, I'm not too hopeful... but of course I want to be proven wrong since she got the potential and I cross my fingers that Israel can comeback strong.


December 28, 2009
32,825 has her listed as 'Feingold' so that's what we're using.

Yeah, I saw that recently. A bit confusing when sources use different versions, but seems accurate now that EBU themselves use it.


Active member
February 18, 2012
France flopped because a) They are France, and have no diaspora, b) They were on first and c) They did something different. Not because of the song or the performance.
France flopped because:
a) the song has no hook that people would remember long after the song ends.
b) Amandine was awfuly nervous, her hands were shaking, so yes the performance did a lot for this flop.
I love the song but with such a weak performance it didn't have a chance. I felt real awkward when watching it(
Insecurity is not what you buy people's votes with.

As for Mei i am 100% sure that's not going to happen with her, she looks very strong and confident on stage. She owns it.


Active member
March 10, 2013
United States
Many people on other forums have said Mei gives them Mia Martini (Italy 1977/1992(the rightful winner that year ;))) vibes but I can see the Amandine vibes people are getting too. We just have to wait and see what the song is xshrug.

Singing wise Mei may be similar to Amandine but lets be real here does anyone really think Israel will send a song like France did :? Israel unlike France don't really step outside the box, their ESC friendly to the core. I expect any song Mei sings in Copenhagen will be way more ESC friendly and that this debate is pointless xshrug

Besides Mei Feingold is Mei Feingold and no one else ;)


December 28, 2009
Many people on other forums have said Mei gives them Mia Martini (Italy 1977/1992(the rightful winner that year ;))) vibes but I can see the Amandine vibes people are getting too. We just have to wait and see what the song is xshrug.

Singing wise Mei may be similar to Amandine but lets be real here does anyone really think Israel will send a song like France did :? Israel unlike France don't really step outside the box, their ESC friendly to the core. I expect any song Mei sings in Copenhagen will be way more ESC friendly and that this debate is pointless xshrug

Mia Martini the rightful winner in 1992 you say? I have to disagree on that :mrgreen: (though I do like her 1977 entry).

Well, if you look at Mei's own back-catalogue I wouldn't be so sure... it's leaning more Amandine 2013 than "ESC friendly" (whatever that means). I also have to disagree about Israel being particularly "ESC friendly"... I mean Izaboo? Noa/Mira? Teapacks? Hardly conventional ESC entries imo... and even in their years of "ESC friendly" they have been classy and interesting enough 2008/2010/2013... on that note, 2008 wasn't a conventional ESC entry either...


January 10, 2014
wowww she is perfect !!

Mei finegold with Haleluia in the hebrew version

Mei performing a song called Hufshia (free), and it intends to rape she passed at age 18
Look at how much pain and anger and sadness, this girl can deliver in one song !!

Finally, you must listen this Performance - Child in Time (Deep Purple cover)
And it will make you realize how much strength she has in the throat

Israel can really make it big this year !! :p


December 28, 2009
3 covers and one so-so original song... xshrug

I'll wait till I hear the actual entries in the selection, this is not Idol afterall xshrug

Moran was a great live singer aswell and had a good song... that didn't bring Israel to the final... we all know Mei can sing and that she has interesting enough vocals... now we need a GOOD and STRONG entry that will bring Israel to the final (and more) aswell...


Well-known member
December 25, 2009
Well, I don't agree with you, good singers can have normally good songs but their esc songs can be bad. So it's all can change, I'm sure Mei knows that her songs don't appeal to all the audience, but I am not sure Serbia 2008, Finland 2007 were made for the contest!


January 10, 2014
who much hits have to be a singer started his career four years ago ?
And do not forget she played in two musicals , which won the Best Actress of the Year, one of them is still running , and she perform in a band called " Limousine Express " appears a lot of the country, and even had the heating onset of Roxette in Israel , married and had a daughter lol lol all this in 4 years.
Her most successful singles from the first albom are:
One . "ma nishtana" ( what has changed ) - the story of the Rape she has gone through
Two . "tamshihi lahlum" ( Dream on )
Three . " tuda " ( thanks)
Four . "lishbor regel" ( break a leg )
And the second disc is still not out , came two singles :
One . " tmunut " - (photos)
Two . "lehitraot mahar" - ( See you tomorrow )
Incidentally both entered "the best poems of the year" published this year in Hebrew ( september 2012 - september 2013 )

:D In conclusion, it is with someone who Eurovision Song Contest can not let her escape just like that
She is going to do something great here - we feel it!


December 28, 2009
who much hits have to be a singer started his career four years ago ?

It's not about having hits, but about having decent material. Apparently she already got one (or even two) albums out already... but the examples of her material thus far hasn't been any good really xshrug

I think she seems like a good choice as far as performing and vocal skills go (and also looks... if she'll keep the blonde hair instead of the red), but that doesn't matter much if the song itself won't be that good...


December 28, 2009
So, I just figured that this could finally be a chance of hearing something as brilliant (and in similar style) as the withdrawn entry for Hungary from 2009... I could totally see Mei pulling off that type of style and her vocals would fit perfectly...



March 11, 2013
Really good vocal!!

But if they send full in Hebrew it will be a mistake, they can't achieve good result with full song in Hebrew, half English half Hebrew sucks, and full English they will never accept I know Israel very it's very difficult choice... :(


December 28, 2009
Really good vocal!!

But if they send full in Hebrew it will be a mistake, they can't achieve good result with full song in Hebrew, half English half Hebrew sucks, and full English they will never accept I know Israel very it's very difficult choice... :(

ONLY HEBREW!!!! Stop the Anglophilianism now!!!

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