ESC Moderator
something like this please xbb Just not a boring ballad in Hebrew.I've had enough of them lately![]()
I loved Moran last year, but I would be totally fine with something of a higher tempo.
something like this please xbb Just not a boring ballad in Hebrew.I've had enough of them lately![]()
Well, I don't agree with you and I'll answer to some of your question.
1 - Yes, Mei has one album, or maybe 2.
2 - As most of Israeli singers, it's WELL KNOWN none sing its real music (except Izabo 2012), so Sarit Hadad 2002 didn't sing a Mizrahi song as she normally does. So, even if we know her music, we can't never guess what kind of song she's gonna sing.
3 - from an Interview she had yesterday night she said "No way I'm gonna loose the finals, I'm gonna represent Israel in the best way" =)
something like this please xbb Just not a boring ballad in Hebrew.I've had enough of them lately![]()
I'll disagree with you in that if she is like Amandine, I will be happy. Her song last year was amazing.
That's obviously a case of different taste, but atleast on that song the majority seems to have agreed with my opinion considering how bad that song flopped. Not saying that that is any proof of it being good or bad, just not mass-appealing enough.
You have said several times that results are less important than putting out a good song. France flopped because a) They are France, and have no diaspora, b) They were on first and c) They did something different. Not because of the song or the performance. Mei Finegold has the same feel as Amandine for me, and so I expect something good but different from her. If that means a poor result, then I can live with that as long as the song is good. There are already too many mass-appealing songs at ESC.
As I said, so far this seems like a good choice, probably my favourite at ESC so far.
eurovision.tv has her listed as 'Feingold' so that's what we're using.
France flopped because:France flopped because a) They are France, and have no diaspora, b) They were on first and c) They did something different. Not because of the song or the performance.
Israel unlike France don't really step outside the box, their ESC friendly to the core.
Many people on other forums have said Mei gives them Mia Martini (Italy 1977/1992(the rightful winner that year)) vibes but I can see the Amandine vibes people are getting too. We just have to wait and see what the song is
Singing wise Mei may be similar to Amandine but lets be real here does anyone really think Israel will send a song like France did :? Israel unlike France don't really step outside the box, their ESC friendly to the core. I expect any song Mei sings in Copenhagen will be way more ESC friendly and that this debate is pointless![]()
who much hits have to be a singer started his career four years ago ?
Really good vocal!!
But if they send full in Hebrew it will be a mistake, they can't achieve good result with full song in Hebrew, half English half Hebrew sucks, and full English they will never accept I know Israel very well..so it's very difficult choice...![]()