I feel myself heading towards a really dark place. My mum just told me that she was informed today that her best friend is dying and hasn't got long left now. For years she has been unwell, suffering from anorexia but it's reached the point now where the damage done to her body, her lungs and heart is apparently irreversible. She weighs at this moment the same weight as our three cats put together, and doesn't leave the house because of the looks and comments she gets. My mum is heartbroken, and seeing a member of your family in tears is the worst feeling. It's not easy for my mum to see her friend either as she lives in Taiwan. The two of them chat online almost every day, but she hasn't seen her face to face in some years, not since the friend was studying fashion in London. Without knowing the full story (as this was told to my mum by a friend of the friend who felt she needed to know), I tried to comfort my mum by telling her that maybe there is a chance of recovery. Anorexia is an incredibly serious illness, but it's something that can be overcome with support. I want to pay for her to go to Taiwan to see her friend. This girl loves my mother so much, and I think that just having a friend besides you can give you the strength to overcome what can feel like impossible obstacles. My mums friend wants to live and had dreams. From my understanding those dreams were crushed and she was left broken by dark events (too horrible to put here) that happened when she was in Europe.
At the same time my mothers cousin from Japan is currently undergoing chemotherapy. Why is life so cruel? I feel so helpless sometimes. But then life is so precious. Every moment needs to be a special one if we can make it so. I just wish I was better at listening to my own words. The ones that could actually help me. There's always been two voices in the back of my head. The one that's been mournful and morose ever since I was a child, fearing death and often letting those thoughts consume me. Then there's the side that's so passionate. That yearns to be so in love with life, and to fulfill every wish and live my dreams. But reminders of the cruel realities of life always drag me back to where it's not safe for me to be. There are common struggles we all as humans face in life, even those in ivory towers. For some people though I feel like the journey is easier, maybe by through having a faith to live by or just a general acceptance of life for
what it is. I don't possess those things and instead harbour fear, anger and this weird poignant nostalgia for things that aren't even gone yet. I'm such a feely person that everything is just so hard, magnified and focused on.
I'm sorry this post had such a dark tone. I felt I just needed to write something, and that i'll feel better for letting it out of me. I go through mood swings a lot and generally keep myself to myself when i'm like this, but these past few weeks have gotten me down so hard, and now the added problem of worrying about those I love. My father has a week visit scheduled for tomorrow though, so that might lift my spirits a bit, and I can pass on my seemingly forever present flu to him