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Germany GERMANY 2024 - Isaak - Always on the Run

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Well-known member
January 29, 2024
Well, after letting it all sink in for a while... "The Definition of insanity is repeating the same thing and hoping for a different result" is the best quote to describe Germany in ESC I can think of.

I'm still unhappy with the outcome. I even have to bite my own tongue and admit: I would have prefered Max at this point. His song sucks and I find him unlikeable, which is why I would have shamelessly rooted for him to come last. At least we could have rightfully been even more meme-ably bad! First country ever to get 3 last places in a row! Most last places ever! Woohoooo! xcheerxcrazy
But Isaak... is actually likeable IMO, and I don't want him to come last. But there is such a big chance that he will. Despite winning Jury & tele, he weirdly feels like a "compromise winner", with basically nobody being really passionate about him. Ryk, Bodine & Marie feel like the ones people were really into if they liked them, while Isaak is basically "well I liked no one but that one was cool" at best, down to "he's hitting notes and not kicking any puppies, it could be worse". Apparently, even most people who were there live weren't exactly happy with the result (after a short moment of "not Max!" joy). This isn't what works at ESC, and I can smell people who voted for him turning on him in May if he places badly. LOTL were actually a huuuge step up from years before in regards to how Germany perceived them - ofc they got hate, but a good majority of German fans never blamed them for doing badly (they blamed NDR, Europe, whoever - all better then the artist IMO). I think Isaak will get the same awful treatment as the artists before, and I hate it.

Also, I didn't think I'd say this, but I've read a lot more comments from people saying they voted for Isaak after the jury results to prevent Max, despite not caring for Isaak, than I had expected. I didn't think anyone would vote so late, and it's likely still a clear minority, but well... I'll admit it, when the televote results come out in Detail and show it was really close, especially if it was close between all of Isaak, Max & Ryk (and maybe even Marie), I'll be very salty. Because there will always be a question mark how it would have went had televote closed earlier. I hope for my mood (and Isaak tbh) that his tele win was decisive. The voting System needs to change anyway. Jury points before televote is closed is bad; this conversion into 2-12 points for jury&tele is bad; the international juries sucked. Give us national Jury + proportional televote already (no matter the result, this is on principle).

And in regards to Ryk: like him and his song/performance or not, he really had more Fan hype then any german entry since Michael Schulte. He's been on my Twitter tl all day, and there was such a positivity around "Oh Boy". He was the clear audience favorite yesterday too (followed by Marie, apparebtly). I really wished we would have had that for a season, a german entry at least part of the fandom really loves. Even if he wouldn't have done well in May (tho I still think he'd have had more of a chance to place well then Isaak - these random juries none-withstanding). Now, despite Isaak being a great vocalists, it's Germany sending what we often send. And I just feel kinda defeated :(

Either way, congrats to Isaak and all the best for May.

PS: From Fall To Spring released "Cast Away" in full yesterday. Not as good as "Draw The Line", but I would have still loved that in our NF. NDR sucks.


Well-known member
February 22, 2022
Germany getting a double 0 in May incoming :(
Wtf happened yesterday? This song is definetly not made for eurovision in my opinion... Very poor choice from the german voters...
Disappointed for Ryk and Bodine. Germany had 2 good choices and they still managed to mess it up.

Hy Dranger

February 3, 2024
Planet Eris, outer Solar System
It's kind of odd as German viewers are perfectly capable of choosing a good song — they chose Fia for JESC2023 and her Ohne Worte ended up 4th in the televote (OK she was only 9th overall but that was still a respectable result given Germany's track record, and frankly she was short-changed by the juries there). So I don't know why the choices for the main competition keep being so weird, maybe it's a different set of viewers voting?

Ajeje Brazorf

Well-known member
October 6, 2021
Middle of the road: worse than Blood and Glitter, but better than Rockstars and I don't feel hate. Germany could have chosen better,but it's not a bad song, just inoffensive. I will give It a :6:.
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I bims

February 23, 2021
The thing is, after Ryk failed to convince both the jury and the televote, would he really have been the better choice?
Most of us supported him cause he was the best option of a bad lineup, but I haven't really encountered a lot of people that were that hyped about the song itself outside of the NF context. And it now showed in the result tbh, so I'm not that heartbroke since... the point is to send someone that has a shot and Ryk lost, so he simply wasn't the best I guess.
LotL won the NF with exactly those circumstances that would be needed for Ryk to win... and they flopped, because let's be real most of us rooted for them only because they were a breath of fresh air for Germany. The song itself wasn't all that great and appealing though, as shown by the result. And I think the same was happening with "Oh Boy".

This outcome now showed me, that there simply was no one in that line up that would have done a good job in May. The bookies vastly overestimated Ryk in the NF, so why wouldn't that be the case for the general contest? They overestimated LotL televote appeal as well, they thought they would be Top 10. So I'm now really cautious if I want to trust their assessment when it comes to Germany. Michael Schulte had no hype after his NF win and the bookies didn't really see much in him as well. We went to around place 22 in the odds after a short high after picking him.

Isaak also is not a lost cause yet, it's of course still likely he will be last place I'm not delusional (televote will not support his song at all). He has a better voice and more stage presence than S!sters, Levina, Ann-Sophie and Jendrik. The song is current, catchy and well delivered, same can't be said about "Perfect Life", "Don't Feel Hate", "Black Smoke" or "Sister". Some people compare Isaak to James Newman and Michael Rice ... because they are big men... but even then, "Bigger than us" was not current or catchy or authentic. Embers had horrible staging and was also dated and the song fit James as well as that ugly leather jacket, not at all. "Always on the run" does fit Isaak, he sings it well and it's authentic to him. So maybe he can pull off a Switzerland 2022 🤷‍♂️

For his sake I hope he won't crash and burn but if he does it's at least again a signal to show NDR how much they fucking suck at this. This lineup was horrible AND WE KNOW THERE WERE BETTER CHOICES. We could've had a V-Tuber hologram with a modern K-Pop track 🥲 That would've been iconic and would've gotten points for novelty alone, but why try new things, right...

I bims

February 23, 2021
It's kind of odd as German viewers are perfectly capable of choosing a good song — they chose Fia for JESC2023 and her Ohne Worte ended up 4th in the televote (OK she was only 9th overall but that was still a respectable result given Germany's track record, and frankly she was short-changed by the juries there). So I don't know why the choices for the main competition keep being so weird, maybe it's a different set of viewers voting?
For JESC the bubble voted, while yesterday a very old generation of casual viewers were the biggest audience. I'm honestly shocked that Marie Reim didn't landslide the televote, that was her main target demograpic... she really is a flop.


Well-known member
June 2, 2012
Dorchester, Dorset, United Kingdom
Since I watched Das Deutsche Finale 2024 live, online from the UK yesterday evening (16 February 2024), I've made a review video containing my opinions on all nine finalist songs, in order of performance (based on Das Deutsche Finale 2024 performances), and my ranking from ninth to first in My Eurovision Scoreboard.

Nemesis Nick Talks Eurovision: Das Deutsche Finale 2024 Review


February 28, 2018
Well, after letting it all sink in for a while... "The Definition of insanity is repeating the same thing and hoping for a different result" is the best quote to describe Germany in ESC I can think of.

I'm still unhappy with the outcome. I even have to bite my own tongue and admit: I would have prefered Max at this point. His song sucks and I find him unlikeable, which is why I would have shamelessly rooted for him to come last. At least we could have rightfully been even more meme-ably bad! First country ever to get 3 last places in a row! Most last places ever! Woohoooo! xcheerxcrazy
But Isaak... is actually likeable IMO, and I don't want him to come last. But there is such a big chance that he will. Despite winning Jury & tele, he weirdly feels like a "compromise winner", with basically nobody being really passionate about him. Ryk, Bodine & Marie feel like the ones people were really into if they liked them, while Isaak is basically "well I liked no one but that one was cool" at best, down to "he's hitting notes and not kicking any puppies, it could be worse". Apparently, even most people who were there live weren't exactly happy with the result (after a short moment of "not Max!" joy). This isn't what works at ESC, and I can smell people who voted for him turning on him in May if he places badly. LOTL were actually a huuuge step up from years before in regards to how Germany perceived them - ofc they got hate, but a good majority of German fans never blamed them for doing badly (they blamed NDR, Europe, whoever - all better then the artist IMO). I think Isaak will get the same awful treatment as the artists before, and I hate it.

Also, I didn't think I'd say this, but I've read a lot more comments from people saying they voted for Isaak after the jury results to prevent Max, despite not caring for Isaak, than I had expected. I didn't think anyone would vote so late, and it's likely still a clear minority, but well... I'll admit it, when the televote results come out in Detail and show it was really close, especially if it was close between all of Isaak, Max & Ryk (and maybe even Marie), I'll be very salty. Because there will always be a question mark how it would have went had televote closed earlier. I hope for my mood (and Isaak tbh) that his tele win was decisive. The voting System needs to change anyway. Jury points before televote is closed is bad; this conversion into 2-12 points for jury&tele is bad; the international juries sucked. Give us national Jury + proportional televote already (no matter the result, this is on principle).

And in regards to Ryk: like him and his song/performance or not, he really had more Fan hype then any german entry since Michael Schulte. He's been on my Twitter tl all day, and there was such a positivity around "Oh Boy". He was the clear audience favorite yesterday too (followed by Marie, apparebtly). I really wished we would have had that for a season, a german entry at least part of the fandom really loves. Even if he wouldn't have done well in May (tho I still think he'd have had more of a chance to place well then Isaak - these random juries none-withstanding). Now, despite Isaak being a great vocalists, it's Germany sending what we often send. And I just feel kinda defeated :(

Either way, congrats to Isaak and all the best for May.

PS: From Fall To Spring released "Cast Away" in full yesterday. Not as good as "Draw The Line", but I would have still loved that in our NF. NDR sucks.
You spoke out everything what I feel in my soul. Even a day after the NF I feel weary and sad inside or - how you called it - defeated. I think it has been a while since I felt that way as I didn't care much about our entries in the past. I think I will take a while to recover from it. :(


Well-known member
January 29, 2024
You spoke out everything what I feel in my soul. Even a day after the NF I feel weary and sad inside or - how you called it - defeated. I think it has been a while since I felt that way as I didn't care much about our entries in the past. I think I will take a while to recover from it. :(

At least we can be sad and whiny together xcheers
"Oh Boy" is normally not my type of music at all (I hate falsetto 99% of the time), but it was probably my favorite German NF candidate since... ehm... a long time. And then it was the most beloved in the fandom from what I've seen too. It just feels really bad to go back to "same procedure as every year" :(
I really hope Ryk tries again. There's stuff to be critiziced (he needs to learn to work better with the camera f.e.) but that's all do-able IMO. He probably just needs more experience, as he's usually working in a different field. He improved a lot IMO compared to 2018.

And @I bims, you have a point in regards to juries. Personally, I just think these Jury results were so ridiculous, I simply put can't see them as representative. 99 got a 10 ffs o_O Spain had Ryk and Bodine bottom 3 iirc. Granted, the juries can be horrible in the actual event too, but this was really another level of wild. (A certain trend this year, looking at Ireland or Gåte getting several 0s). And convincing the german public has never been a sign of ESC competitiveness ;)


Well-known member
May 10, 2017
It's not that baaaad. but yeah, I dont see it getting a lot of votes in May. But better than Max's cringe lyrics.

Ryk's song was the best option but it didnt even get 2nd place with either the juries or the televoting. It was not even close.

It surprises me how Germany, the biggest music market in Europe and one of the few countries where Eurovision still has a huge following, so often sends forgettable songs.


February 28, 2018
I don't want to put salt into our wounds, but many reactions not understanding why Ryk didn't make it, not even with the Juries. Just one:



Well-known member
January 29, 2024
I don't want to put salt into our wounds, but many reactions not understanding why Ryk didn't make it, not even with the Juries. Just one:

That guy is swedish, isn't he? The swedish Jury gave Ryk 12 points, Edward af Sillén loved him... at least Sweden loves Ryk. Maybe he should really apply for Melodifestivalen xD

But yes, I've seen the same. Alesia Michelle doing the Tara Banks "we were all rooting for you!" meme made me laugh at least (as in, people were rooting for Germany, but if we decide to fail, what can they do).

And I'm glad about the criticism of the international juries. They need to go anyway, in every NF ever.


February 28, 2018
That guy is swedish, isn't he? The swedish Jury gave Ryk 12 points, Edward af Sillén loved him... at least Sweden loves Ryk. Maybe he should really apply for Melodifestivalen xD

But yes, I've seen the same. Alesia Michelle doing the Tara Banks "we were all rooting for you!" meme made me laugh at least (as in, people were rooting for Germany, but if we decide to fail, what can they do).

And I'm glad about the criticism of the international juries. They need to go anyway, in every NF ever.
Yes, he is. He had already reviewed Ryk's song a month ago, saying that it could win the whole ESC. :(
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