My ranking:
1. Aly Ryan - Wear Your Love
2. BB Thomaz - Demons
3. lilly among clouds - Surprise
4. Linus Bruhn - Our City
5. S!sters - Sister
6. Makeda - The Day I Loved You Most
7. Gregor Hägele - Let Me Go
Aly and BB slay for me. Lilly would be a risk as she is very different and unique. Juries would love her, I'm not sure with the public. Depends on the staging. I have a feeling that these three will battle it out and it will come down to staging and who of them is more convincing. Linus' song is great for German radio but it would do nothing in Eurovision. S!sters' song is sweet but also: Way too save for Germany, even though I will listen to the song on a regular basis

Makeda and Gregor are two ballads and I just don't wanna see another ballad from my country this year. So: #TeamAly #TeamBB #TeamLilly