Active member
oh well, I should check wiki more often but I have no clue why it is like this, I mean we have no national holiday here on this Tuesday... Maybe the responsibles want to keep the tradition of us voting in 2nd semifinal
Well, do they still use wildcards in Eurovision? That might have something to do with it
No, they stopped using that after the semis in 2009 when juries were brought back for real...
Or what do you mean with "wildcards"?
You know like they pick a special ball allowing them to choose the running order they will perform.
Spain and Poland got them in 2011 I remember and Spain got it in 2012 too
At least I think that's what he's talking about
Yes, running order and draw wildcards
Well when they did the allocation draw for 2013 there was no wildcard draw, so I don't think they have it now.
I forgot about the pre-allocated draw. Doesn't DR want to remove that?
You mean doesn't EBU want to remove that? Apparently not...
Isn't it a magic wonder how all this CRAP has been brought into the contest in the same time as Christer Björkman has been accepted to the board??
I can't believe they're still keeping that effed up system after all the reactions last year, it's like they are simply laughing at the public. So producers choose the running order AND juries are keeping their extra powers given last year... awesome!
Just wait and see, they'll probably keep the split results/country for themselves again and make up some new lame excuses to why the public won't be allowed to see it!