Re: DEUTSCHLAND - Germany 2011 - Lena
Here's the esctoday article
NDR and ProSieben have confirmed the national selection format which will be used in order to select the song that will represent the host country at the Eurovision Song Contest 2011. The winner of this year's Europe favourite TV show, Lena Meyer-Landrut, will defend her crown in front of her home country audience and her entry will be picked from 12 songs shown in two semi finals.
By winning this year's Eurovision Song Contest, Germany has also won the right to host the next edition of the world famous event. Lena Meyer-Landrut will represent the host country in order to defend her Eurovision crown, following the example of the very first winner of the grand-prix, Miss Lys Assia who eventually finished on the second last position the year following her initial victory.
As expected, Stefan Raab will head the jury of Unser Song Für Deutschland and will decide upon the twelve songs that will be performed by Lena during the two semi finals broadcasted live by German commercial TV channell, Pro 7. Three songs of each semi final will qualify for the big final to be held on February 18 on NDR