The song itself is not terrible, but:
- Apart from the lyrics it's nothing special, and anyway -this is probably an unpopular opinion XD- I don't like songs that succeed only because of a 'social justice message'. It needs something else.
- The staging was very poor. As I said, showing me pictures of yourself when you were a child doesn't make anything to me because the song is not good enough.
- The vocals need improving a lot.
- If you try to use these looks to sell the song, it doesn't work with me. I think we only have to judge songs, not looks. I didn't mind Conchita's looks and didn't mind her song either, nor her personal experience, etc. The-only-thing-that-matters-is-the-song (again: to me).
You had better options here, France. I suggest you select internally again because it's obvious that some fanbases ruin it all...