My ranking would be:
1. Erika Vikman - Cicciolina
2. Tika - I Let My Heart Break
3. Sansa - Lover View
4. Catharina Zühlke - Eternity
5. Aksel Kankaanranta - Looking Back
6. F3M - Bananas
I'm not feeling this selection in the same way others here are but then also here we find potentially the greatest Eurovision entry of all time, so it doesn't really matter. I'm very grateful to Finland.
I do like I Let My Heart Break. I realise that this is the somewhat sinful side of my taste but give me a lady going crazy on a dated
could only happen at Eurovision Ralph Siegel-esque ballad and I'm aurally aroused in ways I'm often unable to control. I apologise.
Lover View is inoffensive, pleasant even but it doesn't go beyond that.
Eternity is too cheap and cliche, even for me and why exactly would you when we've got Cicciolina there? Not even the upbeat twist really interests me. It's kind of lame but a performance as tasteless as the song could get me on board ironically.. perhaps.
Looking Back is honestly terrifying. It's in such a position to win that I'm very scared.