Re: SUOMI - Finland 2011
Soma... singing in a silver lingerie which she wore on a body suit. Hmm, vocally she wasn't stable (esp on high notes) but in some places she was really good. If she had a better song she would became my fave. I liked her backing vocals. Worse than Cardiant and Johanna but better than the rest from the 1st semi.
Paradise Oskar - just me and my guitar

Not bad

Though I would liked Tom on his place. Again I'm not a fond of a song but he fitted almost perfectly.
Jimi Constantine - Jimi WTF.

I've just realized that the song was inspired by "It's My Life" ... Bon Jovi

Unfortunately Jimi sounds like a karaoke singer. Stripping & money shower

Milana Misic - Weak vocals during verses, the chorus saves her (but not the whole song), imo she coud sing it faster and move more intense.
Father McKenzie - The way how he stares in the camera is creepy. The song is forgettable but he didn't ruin it, also quite fitting ))) My 3rd fave tonight.
My prediction: Paradise Oscar, Milana Misic, Father McKenzie.