Re: SUOMI - Finland 2011
Automatic Eye - Horrible. So the song matched their performance
Marko Maunuksela - this is a talent, to screw such tango song with incredibly boring performance. Marko had zero charisma tonight. Tango means passion, power. I coudn't feel it in his performance
Johanna Iivanainen - sounds like a X-mas carol. Sleepy, relaxed etc.
Jonna - the worst vocals among with the 1st band. It was too messy. That women who appeared out of nowhere and started reading poetry, Jonna made a cliche costume change, dancers had not enough space... hmmm.
Cardiant - vocally he had some problems, in the middle they sounded like a garage band on their 1st big rehearsal but the beginning and the end were cool. Overall they were better, comparing to others who weren't that good tonight

So my choice would be the Cardiant, today