[MENTION=14117]0scar[/MENTION] and [MENTION=16493]HayashiM[/MENTION] are right.
In addition to what I've written before + more, there's somehow a pattern and it does make it unfair, predictable and that's why I'm strongly against Björkman being in charge of the running order (despite the fact that I don't mind a calculated running order at all because indeed, it's better to not have 4 ballads or 4 up-tempo songs in a row).


always kinda getting the best spots possible - One may argue that these countries have performed well in the semis and that's why it's justified but what about :cz? Finishing #3 and #2 in the semis didn't save them from getting a bad slot in the grand final.
There's a
66,67% chance that the death slot (#2) will be given to an Eastern European country (2014: Belarus, 2016: Czech Republic, 2017: Poland, 2019: Albania)
Big 5 countries are somehow favored. There's a
83,33% chance that the final slot will be given to them: United Kingdom (2014), Italy (2015), France (2017), Italy (2018), Spain (2019).The UK got #25 in 2016.
Even this year, when everyone knew that Germany will be dead last in the televoting, we didn't get the #2 slot... ALBANIA did.. one of the most complex, unique and distinctive competitions. It's a very "shouty" track, very passionate and not very accessible.. Isn't it better to place such entries a bit later? I loved it but personally, I can see why it's very off-putting to a wide audience and it's quite "unlucky" to place such tunes after the obligatory up-tempo #1 since it's killing the flow.
Creating diversity hasn't been achieved either. Let's have a look at this year:
Semi 1:
- Poland (#4) and Slovenia (#5): too Slavic languages next to each other. It would have been better and more diverse to place them in between English songs (On the other hand: There were three English songs at the beginning)
- Slovenia (#5), Czech Republic (#6) next to each other despite being the most contemporary sounding tracks of the whole semi.
- Georgia (#11), Australia (#12), Iceland (#13) most have been the most unfortunate combination ever: What's the point of putting the most distinctive, unique and "out of this world" performances/less-mainstream ones all together?
I don't consider the running order of Semi 2 to be bad, though
In the Grand Final, Björkman placed three non-English songs in the 2nd half next to each other (#21 France, #22 Italy, #23 Serbia).
+ Eastern European countries mostly get robbed: The ratio is 3 Eastern / 2 Western European countries in the First 5 slots in each live show:
Semi 1:Montenegro, Poland, Slovenia
Semi 2: Armenia, Moldova, Latvia
That pattern can be seen in the Grand Finals as well:
2019: Albania, Czech Republic, Russia
2018: Ukraine, Slovenia, Lithuania
2017: Poland, Belarus, Armenia
2016: Czech Republic, Azerbaijan, Hungary
2015: Slovenia, (Israel), Estonia
2014: Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan
2015 is the only exception to the rule (pretty sure non-Eurovision fans wouldn't place Israel into Western European, though).
I don't want to spread a conspiracy here, maybe Björkman just had the best intention and didn't cause this on purpose BUT IF you have the job of coming up with a running order to make it more fair, diverse, exciting... you should keep track of getting countries such as the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Poland the same "good slot" ratio than Italy, Sweden and Australia.