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Estonia ESTONIA 2020 - Uku Suviste - What Love Is

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September 28, 2009



Well-known member
December 5, 2014
Estonian news portal Delfi (132k followers) posted on FB about each of the favourites after their performances. The feedback:

1. Uku Suviste - 2.9k reactions, 116 comments, 31 shares
2. Synne Valtri & Väliharf - 1.3k reactions, 60 comments, 19 shares
3. Traffic - 1.1k reactions, 22 comments, 4 shares
4. Jaagup Tuisk - 737 reactions, 60 comments, 0 shares
5. Inger - 532 reactions, 122 comments, 2 shares
The rest are under 500.

Conclusion: It's obvious who won the semi televotes (Synne and Uku). How else would they advance from the first round anyway? Very likely we're having another 2017 situation with the international fandom not realising who the actual favourite is (Verona/What Love Is) and then having meltdowns because they thought Kerli/Jaagup were the clear winners.

BTW I think Jaagup should not be allowed to play the vocals/choir from the backing track. How are we supposed to trust it'll sound any similar with just 4 backing singers?


April 20, 2015
A Bridge Too Far
Estonian news portal Delfi (132k followers) posted on FB about each of the favourites after their performances. The feedback:

1. Uku Suviste - 2.9k reactions, 116 comments, 31 shares
2. Synne Valtri & Väliharf - 1.3k reactions, 60 comments, 19 shares
3. Traffic - 1.1k reactions, 22 comments, 4 shares
4. Jaagup Tuisk - 737 reactions, 60 comments, 0 shares
5. Inger - 532 reactions, 122 comments, 2 shares
The rest are under 500.

Conclusion: It's obvious who won the semi televotes (Synne and Uku). How else would they advance from the first round anyway? Very likely we're having another 2017 situation with the international fandom not realising who the actual favourite is (Verona/What Love Is) and then having meltdowns because they thought Kerli/Jaagup were the clear winners.

BTW I think Jaagup should not be allowed to play the vocals/choir from the backing track. How are we supposed to trust it'll sound any similar with just 4 backing singers?
Metrics like this only have traction if they're representative. How many people watched the semis compared to expected viewership of the final? Do you have numbers on that?


Well-known member
January 4, 2011
Estonian news portal Delfi (132k followers) posted on FB about each of the favourites after their performances. The feedback:

1. Uku Suviste - 2.9k reactions, 116 comments, 31 shares
2. Synne Valtri & Väliharf - 1.3k reactions, 60 comments, 19 shares
3. Traffic - 1.1k reactions, 22 comments, 4 shares
4. Jaagup Tuisk - 737 reactions, 60 comments, 0 shares
5. Inger - 532 reactions, 122 comments, 2 shares
The rest are under 500.

Conclusion: It's obvious who won the semi televotes (Synne and Uku). How else would they advance from the first round anyway? Very likely we're having another 2017 situation with the international fandom not realising who the actual favourite is (Verona/What Love Is) and then having meltdowns because they thought Kerli/Jaagup were the clear winners.

BTW I think Jaagup should not be allowed to play the vocals/choir from the backing track. How are we supposed to trust it'll sound any similar with just 4 backing singers?

I actually tried putting together my potential jury/televote points for fun, and it was definitely possible for Uku/Synne to reach the final from round 1 without being televote favorites. :unsure: I had both in second place and getting around 5 points from jury and they made it easy-peasy. Of course we'll only know what the real scores were once the final is over. If the jury had them lower than mid-table, they would have needed 12 from televotes.. but considering there were several out of tune singers & messy songs in the mix, mid-table seemed about right to me.

I can fully believe Uku won his semi. Slightly unsure about Synne.. semi 1 was pretty weak & had low voting numbers so maybe she did, but I think her dedicated fanbase makes it sound like there's more of a hype than there really is. We were worried she'd be a possible contender last year too and nothing came of that so.. Rasmus might have beaten her in semi 1.

We had pre-recorded backings last year too, didn't we? I remember both Victor and Uku making liberal use of them. :LOL: I'd rather they did away with that but doubt that will be the case this year.


Active member
December 16, 2016
I would be careful to not write off INGER yet given all the main challengers are really poor.There might not be enough to get to the Super Final because of the jury,but if the Super Final was reached i could see Only Dream having a great chance.Its probably a set top 3,but when its as low quality as this year there is sometimes a song that goes past them all.If there was one i suspect it would by INGER,

You obviously have no sense of Estonian taste. This will NEVER win. Would be massively shocked if it makes last 3. Even Synne has way more chances.


Well-known member
April 19, 2012
You obviously have no sense of Estonian taste. This will NEVER win. Would be massively shocked if it makes last 3. Even Synne has way more chances.
I didnt say it would win,i said in a very weak year there can be shocks.That top 3 is probably right,but every one of them has massive faults.I track a lot of stats in Estonia every year for gambling reasons and INGER is leading some of them.However its not at a scale that would move the dial on an EL final,but it does show there simply isnt a great song this year.Birgit with her song Sinuga is actually tracking higher than every other EL act on my stats :)


Well-known member
January 4, 2011
:unsure: Inger was third in televote last year, ahead of Synne/Stefan etc., so we can't say Estonian taste doesn't appreciate her at all. But yeah, I don't see her doing as well this time around. Not as new and fresh anymore, plenty of other songs for televoters to go for. Nor did the international jury really like her last time around, so unless this year's jury has very different taste (or isn't international), she's probably not getting all that far.


Active member
December 16, 2016
I didnt say it would win,i said in a very weak year there can be shocks.That top 3 is probably right,but every one of them has massive faults.I track a lot of stats in Estonia every year for gambling reasons and INGER is leading some of them.However its not at a scale that would move the dial on an EL final,but it does show there simply isnt a great song this year.Birgit with her song Sinuga is actually tracking higher than every other EL act on my stats :)
My grammar is far from perfect and I know it has nothing to do with this topic, but ... from now on please insert "space" every time after punctuation mark. Thanks!

Also, in your previous post you said you think "Only Dream" has a great chance if it reaches Super Final. Now you say you didnt say it can win. What does that "great chance in the Super Final" means then? Great chance to finish 2nd?


Well-known member
April 19, 2012
My grammar is far from perfect and I know it has nothing to do with this topic, but ... from now on please insert "space" every time after punctuation mark. Thanks!

Also, in your previous post you said you think "Only Dream" has a great chance if it reaches Super Final. Now you say you didnt say it can win. What does that "great chance in the Super Final" means then? Great chance to finish 2nd?
It means it has very little chance of making the super final but if it did make the super final then it has a very good chance looking at the stats i follow. EL is a contest of two sections 1 Getting to the super final ,2 winning the super final .As a gambler there is no value on the top ones in the market and the fact im seeing lots of stats i trust showing a broad spread of results then this isnt a done deal yet.


Well-known member
January 4, 2011
In any case, whichever of the two front-runners wins (and I'm 90% sure it'll be one or the other), this thread is going to be 'fun' for the next few months. :whistle: If it's Jaagup, we'll have people complaining about what a complete ripoff he is! If it's Uku, people will complain about our televoter's horrible lack of taste & what a cheesy turd of a song we have. :poop: Like last year, when poor Victor was getting hated on from all angles. Don't think Uku will fare much better. Outside of Estonia, not many people seem to have him as a favourite. The schlager-lovers clearly prefer Synne and most others want Jaagup. Back when Verona won, many people did want Kerli and were disappointed, but Verona still had a pretty vocal following among fans. Uku seems to be kind of forgotten or disliked by most parties, which probably doesn't say good things about our chances come May if he's chosen. You'd at least expect the likes of wiwibloggs to like his cheesy brand of schmaltz. :LOL: But not a single one in their jury had him as their favourite from semi two, or even their second favourite. At least last year, they liked Victor.

Speaking of... which is better, Storm or What Love Is? :unsure: IMO Storm wins out. It was bland and generic, but at least a little more modern, the staging was far more dynamic and Victor had more charisma than Ken-doll Uku. Maybe they'll improve his staging a bit for the final, but I think they shot themselves in the foot with all the candles. :LOL: It severely limits what camera angles & movement they can use on stage, making everything feel so static and lifeless. If he wins, I really hope they re-consider his staging come May, otherwise we'll be in trouble.


Active member
December 16, 2016
It means it has very little chance of making the super final but if it did make the super final then it has a very good chance looking at the stats i follow. EL is a contest of two sections 1 Getting to the super final ,2 winning the super final .As a gambler there is no value on the top ones in the market and the fact im seeing lots of stats i trust showing a broad spread of results then this isnt a done deal yet.

Not sure what kind of statistics you follow, but only way for INGER to make the Super Final is by the help of jury votes. There is absolutely no scenario in the Super Final where only public votes and likes this more than probably any other 2 songs that can realistically get there: Uku, Jaagup, Synne, Stefan, Rasmus ... all will have more public appeal than this "boy looking girl" singing with a weird voice.


Active member
December 16, 2016
Speaking of... which is better, Storm or What Love Is?

Storm easily. What Love Is is just a big "nothing burger". Storm was a cheap pop song, but it had his highs and lows and moments within the song, while What Love Is starts bland, goes nowhere and ends bland.

If What Love Is wins EL, I know my toilet or channel surfing break during the ESC semi-final.


March 6, 2016
Estonian news portal Delfi (132k followers) posted on FB about each of the favourites after their performances. The feedback:

1. Uku Suviste - 2.9k reactions, 116 comments, 31 shares
2. Synne Valtri & Väliharf - 1.3k reactions, 60 comments, 19 shares
3. Traffic - 1.1k reactions, 22 comments, 4 shares
4. Jaagup Tuisk - 737 reactions, 60 comments, 0 shares
5. Inger - 532 reactions, 122 comments, 2 shares
The rest are under 500.

Conclusion: It's obvious who won the semi televotes (Synne and Uku). How else would they advance from the first round anyway? Very likely we're having another 2017 situation with the international fandom not realising who the actual favourite is (Verona/What Love Is) and then having meltdowns because they thought Kerli/Jaagup were the clear winners.

BTW I think Jaagup should not be allowed to play the vocals/choir from the backing track. How are we supposed to trust it'll sound any similar with just 4 backing singers?

uh, that's bad news :(

I remember when we had 'your face sound familiar' and everyone thought Eleryn will win, myself included.
Then I went to facebook and saw Madis was WAY ahead in terms of reactions, and in the end it was he who won.

I didn't mind Uku winnin in the beginning, but he just looked kinda tired and the whole act was a bit bland. Jaagup was way more interesting.

I very much doubt that jury will bury him quite SO deep that he would be left out of the superfinal.


Well-known member
January 4, 2011
I didn't mind Uku winnin in the beginning, but he just looked kinda tired and the whole act was a bit bland. Jaagup was way more interesting.

Same here, my opinion took a pretty sharp turn after the live shows. Uku's song was never anything groundbreaking, but based on the studio version I thought it had decent potential to do well at least. But when I saw the live version... yeah.. no. :confused: Doesn't have nearly the impact I was hoping it would. Without decent staging the song is left to stand on it's own and that's not really a good thing in this case. :LOL: Everything just felt so lackluster and weak. But our televoters will probably go gaga for it nevertheless.

I very much doubt that jury will bury him quite SO deep that he would be left out of the superfinal.

I wouldn't say it's impossible. :unsure: Looking at the songs in the final, most of them are pretty jury friendly. Only Synne and Uku stick out as the cheesiest two. Laura might get ranked down for her shoddy vocals, Inger is very matter-of-taste. I wouldn't rule out Uku ending up 10th or 11th, which could be enough to knock him out. But everything will depend of the jury we get so.. who knows. If he makes the superfinal, I suspect we'll have our winner, unless his performance in the final is somehow even blander than before. :LOL:


Well-known member
March 6, 2019
Estonian news portal Delfi (132k followers) posted on FB about each of the favourites after their performances. The feedback:

1. Uku Suviste - 2.9k reactions, 116 comments, 31 shares
2. Synne Valtri & Väliharf - 1.3k reactions, 60 comments, 19 shares
3. Traffic - 1.1k reactions, 22 comments, 4 shares
4. Jaagup Tuisk - 737 reactions, 60 comments, 0 shares
5. Inger - 532 reactions, 122 comments, 2 shares
The rest are under 500.

Wow... Uku and Jaagup will probably get more than enough points to qualify to the superfinal. The third spot is quite unpredictable...

Maybe Traffic have good chances to make it to the superfinal? I mean Synne was not in the jury's top 4 of the weakest semi-final, even if they come second with Estonian voters, It may not be enough...

Then everything is on Estonians hands... Not really confident :cry:

I don't dislike Uku but his song is uninspired and cheesy. I would be ok with him if Jaagup/Traffic were not here...
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