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The most ridiculous thing was Monaco taking part in ESC... I mean... why would a country want to take part and presumably win, if they don't have even one venue to host it?! And, of course, the only time they won, they couldn't host it next year.
Guess that like Andorra, they just wanted to be represented in this popular show. A not so expensive way to promote their country to a huge part of the European population.
Monaco was worse, I mean, look at the entrants - most of them were French! The funniest thing was that the winner (1971) haven't even been to Monaco prior to the contest :?
Ah didn't know that about the winner
Actually, I've never considered Monaco as a real state like Andorra. Not sure why. What about San Marino? I don't think they have a venue to host neither, and yet they had big chances to win with Valentina this year
Andorra is more of a real state than Monaco, that's for sure. What is there anyway? The prince's palace, a casino and a few hotels?
And how many citizens of Monaco actually WORK in Monaco? I bet most of them go to France to work
The Voice is not something you would expect to win now, but what about in the mid 1990s? Compare it to the winner from 1995.As we all know, Ireland's "The Voice" (a rather church style song, not the sort of thing you'd expect to win Eurovision) made it through the 1996 pre-qualifier, and won the 1996 ESC!
You seem to be assuming that was an internal selection, when the Swedish entry, like all other Swedish entries, had to win Melodifestivalen to enter ESC. It was the Swedish people's favourite. Your personal opinion that it was poor is also somewhat undermined by it's top ten finish.Since then I've noticed some interesting host entries. After Sweden's 1999 win, in 2000 they entered "When Spirits Are Calling My Name" which sounded quite a poor effort compared to "Take Me To Your Heaven" in 1999. I got the impression their 2000 entry was an effort to do badly and not win 2 years running; as it happened it finished 7th in 2000.
That's exactly what it was. The song was originally a protest song from that year's Orange Revolution in Ukraine. It wasn't really about winning, but not because of the cost of staging Eurovision. It was there more as a celebration of the revolution than anything else.After Ukraine won in 2004, their 2005 entry "Razom Nas Bahato" sounded downright awful to me. In my opinion "Razom Nas Bahato" seemed like a boring protest chant
You're right. The big interest in Monaco being independant is that it was a tax heaven. :? And what is the pride of reigning over a block of houses?
Is there even border control between France and Monaco?
Do you know this joke?
Two teenagers from Monaco meet
- Hey Jacques, my parents still don't allow me to drink alcohol, and even if I went to the other side of the country, they would find me! But now I found a perfect way to drink without them seeing.
- Oh yeah? What are you doing?
- Simple, I just go abroad to drink
Haha good joke! So true!
I don't think there is a border between France and Monaco, I guess that you can go to Monaco and leave it without even noticing you were elsewhere
This reminds me... sometime ago there was an article about Swiss troups marching into Liechtenstein without noticing
The whole Liechtenstein prince's guard army (about 100 people ) was moblized.
The Swiss troops got lost during morning excercises and stepped to Liechtenstein without even knowing
Oh my! That's priceless!
Don't know what's the funniest information... The Swiss Troop that got lost in Liechtenstein or the size of the Liechtenstein army! I hope that those Swiss were aware of the existence of Liechtenstein then
Technically, it was the prince's guards, because Liechtenstein doesn't have an official army But then again, who would want to attack Liechtenstein and for what reason?
And yes, maybe they weren't aware of their existence... just like most people in the world are not aware