Oh gosh that comment is so immature that I don't really wanna continue this discussion
Tssk, Tssk, Tssk. Now my immature ass has no choice to continue the discussion and bash your precious Austria. How unfortunate, how sad.
Look, I could have conducted myself more diplomatically so it doesn't offend your precious home entries, but I really, really did not like Cesár's act last year, at all. It was a
crock of shit. In my humble opinion, staging should match the song it is based around. It should have the same vibe, the same message and the same tempo. The glove has to fit, you know? "Nobody but you" lacked this and it severely tarnished my opinion of it.
Like, you have what is on the basis a fun, unassuming, well-composed gospel song.
Why is the singer on elevated platform, performing insipid handmimes? Why isn't he just given a mic and a gospel choir? The only explanation
I can find is that the Austrian delegation was strapped for ideas and just tried *something* in order to stand out. Evidently it worked, but I don't have to like it. I thought it was pretentious and
very uncreative, as opposed to impressive.
I'm sure there's some long-winded explanation as to why Cesár's staging was the way it was. I doesn't matter to me what the explanation is though;
Good staging is always self-explanatory. Take one look at Moldova's staging and you immediately know what the song is about. Take a look at Estonia's staging and it's the same. Austria's staging doesn't add to the song. It
distracts from it, which is puzzling because "Nobody but you" is an excellent composition in its own right. The song
doesn't need much.
What should the staging have looked like? Well, yes,
like Lundvik's. I liked "Too Late For Love" less upon first listen than I did "Nobody but you", from a song perspective, but I prefer the former to the latter.
Live Performance always beats song. Always. Otherwise there would be no point of hosting Eurovision, because the winner would be determined at the start. Lundvik's staging plays to the strengths to his song and that's why I now strongly prefer his song over Cesár's.
Now, I realize this makes it sound as though I
disliked "Nobody but you", but I don't. It's perfectly
fine. I put it somewhere in the middle on my ranking, which might be a tad low according to some, but I think is a fair spot given its strengths and its weaknesses. If you want my detailed thoughts, feel free to check it out
here. (LINK)
And now I'll peace out, before this post takes up too much of my precious UMK time.