Actually they did. This year the top ten had 5 western countries and 5 eastern countries (well if you consider Estonia a western country which I do 'cus they're culture is closer to Scandinavia than Ex URSS and they usually vote more for Scandinavia) and in the last 5 winners 3 were from a western country.......
In the past they revealed the breakdown a day or two later.
Okay, so they did change the scoreboard a bit. But I'm talking about the obvious stuff like Romania-Moldova, Former Yugoslavia-Former Yugoslavia, PostUSSR-PostUSSR, Greece-Cyprus (loved the songs for those two though)
They got 12 from 6 countries!
They got 12 points from 16 countries! OK , sorry you wrote SEMI...Every single country voted for Sweden in the semi!They got 12 from 6 countries! My Portugal gave them 10 but in the final we only gave them 3!
Okay, so they did change the scoreboard a bit. But I'm talking about the obvious stuff like Romania-Moldova, Former Yugoslavia-Former Yugoslavia, PostUSSR-PostUSSR, Greece-Cyprus (loved the songs for those two though)
Go to then "the contest" then show then second semi-final and then the scoreboard sectionWhere can you see that?
I was saying in the second semifinal!They got 12 points from 16 countries!
They got 12 points from 16 countries!
Where can you see how many countries gave 12 points in the semi?