This fact does not make me happy either. Here is what I wrote about it yesterday:It's funny that their president asked for vote recount. They upset Mother Russia.
I bet mine was drinking a beer, not watching Eurovision.
Russians pay a lot of attention to ESC and could easily take this as political protest against them. In fact their media started to speak and questioning this fact right after the contest was over. Since Russians are kind of unpredictable, I guess this was the reason our president had to warn the ambassador and ask him to calm down the Russian side otherwise the issue could have grown bigger. On the other hand, jury members and random people in Azerbaijan were also unhappy with the situation with voting so the fact that Ictimai TV published a press-release and started investigation of this case made them feel a bit relaxed.
Once more I am not that happy with what happened and I especially saw no reason for our ambassador to name that he got a call from the president even if he did so. Nevertheless, we have to admit that things need to be clarified if we really awarded Russia with some high points but which were simply nillified in the final scoreboard of Azeri results.<!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- google_ad_section_end -->