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Cheating in Eurovision voting


Well-known member
May 22, 2010
These are serious allegations, we need to hear about which countries have broken the Eurovision spirit and cheated.


Admin Schmadmin
Staff member
June 1, 2009
Los Angeles, USA
Well, my bet is that they would be better investigating and reacting if none of them were corrupt themselves. I'm not saying all of EBU are corrupt, obviously not, but sure some of them are.

Well, that was some years ago, they even got a fine by EBU (a ridiculously low one)... but had EBU followed their own rules they would have got a 5 year ban instead... I guess money really pays off in the end xshrug

Are you referring to the incident where Azerbaijani officials interrogated the people who voted for Armenia? They technically didn't block the lines, the issue with that is a bit more complicated cause it was the government interviewing the individuals and not the broadcaster. But since that incident additional rules and guidelines have been implemented to (hopefully) prevent this from happening again.


Han Hazretleri
Staff member
March 12, 2012
Matt if you mean this fake Lithuanian video about Azerbaijan, better not make me laugh :lol:


December 28, 2009
Are you referring to the incident where Azerbaijani officials interrogated the people who voted for Armenia? They technically didn't block the lines, the issue with that is a bit more complicated cause it was the government interviewing the individuals and not the broadcaster. But since that incident additional rules and guidelines have been implemented to (hopefully) prevent this from happening again.

Well, it happened the same year, but if I recall correctly it was something with closed lines or they didn't show the number for the Armenian entry or something, anyways EBU ACTUALLY gave them a small fine, which means that those allegations weren't untrue afterall. But the problem is that the actual fine should have been a ban for some time, but I guess it pays off to have cash ready in case you cheat... xshrug

Matt if you mean this fake Lithuanian video about Azerbaijan, better not make me laugh :lol:

No, he doesn't talk about that...


Well-known member
February 23, 2011
Matt if you mean this fake Lithuanian video about Azerbaijan, better not make me laugh :lol:

It remains to be seen if that video is fake or not. You're already assuming that it's fake.

Better keep all options open. Because maybe one day evidence shows up that these practices really take place and maybe some people/countries will confess. And how will your reaction be?


Han Hazretleri
Staff member
March 12, 2012
I am only Russian from you and clear hear from video that's fake (of intonations, language etc.)


Active member
October 1, 2009
How much cash did you get? I need some extra income too :lol:

Next year I'll be going around town here in Sweden handing out cell-cards with one dialable number :lol:

confidential information, can't tell you. xpokerface


Han Hazretleri
Staff member
March 12, 2012
:lol: do you want a fun? I made odds in books that Azerbaijan will win SF2 (coef. 5.7) when all said that Norway will win and won :lol: So Azerbaijan gave me in 5.7 times more money then i had before xrofl3


Active member
March 14, 2010
Stockholm, Sweden (La Suede)
As usual your source failed to prove your claim. You claimed that 46 people were arrested. That source claims "a number of people [...] were questioned". Only 43 people voted for Armenia, so a maximum of 43 people could've been questioned.

As usual you spread blatant lies and your source didn't back your lies up. Absolutely no credibility. I look forward to you pretending like this never happened, not taking responsibility or apologizing in any way.

Never stop being you.

guys,are u surprised?that's the way azery win the top places,and not only in eurovision,remember the scandal for buying golden olympiad.they are at pains to represent their land as they could-with the help of the petrol money.way to go.they are not the only a guilty side,europe also their accomplice,on closing eyes to their cheatings
I have no clue what you're talking about. I don't follow sports. And it has nothing to do with what I wrote.

This is crap, they did not say '' you shall vote in the semi final '' they said '' we also did it in the semi final ''.
And you can't trust Ictamai TV.
But clearly you can trust a shady video posted by a random webpage.

Oh sorry for the poor choice of words, 43 people get questioned by the police because they voted in a television song contest. Yeah, nothing wrong here.
It's not a poor choice of words when the two have completely different meanings. Nobody said there was nothing wrong with it. But claiming that 46 people were arrested when 43 people might have been questioned (remember, 43 people voted[/] for Armenia. The article does not state that every single one of them were brought in for questioning) is just plain lying.

Oh please, just getting high points don't mean cheating you fool, if so 39 countries was cheating this year.
Because 39 countries received high points...

Can you ever not argue using illogical arguments and/or blatant lies?

And you think that everything's right with this? :rolleyes:
It's not really Azerbaijan's fault, nor does it mean that they're cheating, though.

The expression "maybe they did" is not a valid argument.

Maybe Barack Obama is an alien
Maybe Russians killed Kenny
Maybe Daenerys Targaryen is a transgender dude
Maybe we are living in a matrix

None of these statements are impossible. Ergo they must be true
You're arguing with a guy whose response to me asking for proof of his false accusations against Azerbaijan was "Do you have any proof they didn't cheat?!"

Well, I think there's better way to defend Azerbaijan rather than trying to send the crap somewhere else, saying that Denmark bought the Ex-Yugo votes, etc... That's ridiculous.
In case you didn't notice, this is a general thread not, a thread focusing specifically on Azerbaijan. Most of the people wondering aloud about all of the ex-Yugoslavian countries giving Denmark such high points (while mostly snubbing Ukraine and Azerbaijan) haven't actually defending Azerbaijan in any way. One of them even joked Azerbaijan and Armenia should both be banned from the Eurovision Song Contest.

As I said, this doesn't look good and should be investigated. That's the only way to find the true.
Why the heck would Azerbaijan send Russian-speaking agents to Lithuania?

1) Azerbaijan's official and majority language is Azerbaijani.
2) Only 5.3% of the Lithuanian population are Russians.

It makes no sense for Azerbaijan to send Russian-speaking agents to Lithuania (and according to the article, the agents seemingly only spoke Russian)

Stop playing the victim here
Why hello there, pot. Stop calling the kettle black.

A lot of the votes were weird this year. Russia giving Ukraine a single point was shocking.

Yes I post a similar article in the Russia thread after someone from Azerbaijan was shocked they gave Russia no points. Of course everyone is using it as an example of how corrupt the East are and Azerbaijan should be kicked out. :rolleyes:

Here for those who didn't see: APA - Director of Public Television issues statement on counting of Azerbaijani audience?s votes for Russia?s representative
Why? The article simply states that according to televoting data and the jury votes, Russia should've gotten Azerbaijan's 10, yet they got nothing, so something is amiss.

First of all, if it is true that they got 10 points that were not counted.... that means there was some problem with the televoting, right? So why didn't they use th jury instead? That's happened before.
According to the article, there wasn't a problem with the televoting. Russia allegedly had strong support from the televoters, as well. The combined result should've given Russia 10 points, yet something went wrong. I think they're alleging hacking.

Some changes I believe that could make some difference are;
- Televoting and Juryvoting in each country to rank all of the performances - 25 points to their favourite and 1 point to their least favourite. Add the two sets of points together, with the top 12 performances receiving that country's points.
That's the system currently in use (introduced this year)...

The best way to minimise block voting would be a proportional vote system which weighs to vote of countries according to their population. Obviously this system is pretty hard to implement but it would almost nullify block voting as a vote from Britain, Italy or France would count as much as the votings from the whole Balkan block together.
It would also be patently unfair against smaller countries. And bigger countries. Russia would always be at a disadvantage because any entry they give what will be the new 12, 10 and 8 points to would get a ton of points. If they're a candidate for the crown along with Russia, Russia may inadvertently doom their own chances even if that country gives Russia the same "level" of points in return because a "12" from Russia might be worth 4 times as much as a "12" from, say, Ukraine.

I mean how come Azerbaijan got away with blocking lines for the Armenian entry for instance? Lebanon were banned PRIOR the contest for wanting to do something similar, but what happened with Azerbaijan? Some small fine and that was it...
1) I can find no sources for your 1st claim. Azerbaijan apparently blurred out the Armenian singer's number in 2009. They were not accused of blocking the line, however.
2) Lebanon was not banned for blocking any phone lines or planning to block any phone lines. They were banned for stating that they would refuse to air the Israeli entry because Lebanese laws forbade them to. An entire thing altogether. The rules of the contest states that you have to air the final and the semi-final you participate in in their entirety (in 2005, there was only one semi-final, so he rules back then stated that you had the air the final and the (only) semi-final in their entirety).


December 28, 2009
1) I can find no sources for your 1st claim. Azerbaijan apparently blurred out the Armenian singer's number in 2009. They were not accused of blocking the line, however.
2) Lebanon was not banned for blocking any phone lines or planning to block any phone lines. They were banned for stating that they would refuse to air the Israeli entry because Lebanese laws forbade them to. An entire thing altogether. The rules of the contest states that you have to air the final and the semi-final you participate in in their entirety (in 2005, there was only one semi-final, so he rules back then stated that you had the air the final and the (only) semi-final in their entirety).

Yeah blurring! That's what happened, now I remember...

But it's still pretty much against the rules... well it's not AS harsh as what Lebanon planned to do, but it's in a similar fashion and atleast with Lebanon it was announced that they would do that, Azerbaijan just did what they did and got away with it... oh and don't even get me started on the interrogations and the "win" in 2011 and the constant random 12's from their "neighbor" Malta :lol:

Anyways why are you defending them so much btw? xshrug
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