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2018 Confirmed Countries


January 17, 2012
Did anyone ACTUALLY believe they would invite :kz: though? I've been saying all along that EBU is culturally narrow-minded with a clear political agenda, we don't have to look further than the juries in ESC to get a proof of that sadly.

43 pretty much confirms that all countries that entered last year + Russia coming back, atleast we should be "happy" that no one left it this time around.

Of course, they weren't invited! I didn't believe in their debut in Lisbon either tbh :p Even though Kazakhstan kind of reached the second place in the contest by proxy this year. :D

I say it's a shame for us Eurovision fans who wouldn't mind seeing them compete, not for Kazakhs: in hindsight, they'd better watch the contest as simple viewers than bear the brunt of the cultural biases the EBU has to offer.

Maybe Eurovision Asia will shake things up depending on their neighbours' participation and their own will to be or not to be a part of it. Who knows? For a country that's partly in Europe geographically, it shouldn't be such an "out there" perspective.


Well-known member
May 9, 2014
Id be happier if we had exactly the same 42 like last year..
Also a semifinal with 19 is too big.

Actually, the 42 from this year. ;)


December 28, 2009
Of course, they weren't invited! I didn't believe in their debut in Lisbon either tbh :p Even though Kazakhstan kind of reached the second place in the contest by proxy this year. :D

I say it's a shame for us Eurovision fans who wouldn't mind seeing them compete, not for Kazakhs: in hindsight, they'd better watch the contest as simple viewers than bear the brunt of the cultural biases the EBU has to offer.

Maybe Eurovision Asia will shake things up depending on their neighbours' participation and their own will to be or not to be a part of it. Who knows? For a country that's partly in Europe geographically, it shouldn't be such an "out there" perspective.

Well, seems some honestly thought they'd be invited...

The thing is that :kz: broadcasted this contest for a decade already, clearly showing interest, but just recently EBU stretched to allow them as an associate member (isn't it time that EBU update their European Broadcasting Area anyways? It's hardly up to date with the technique that is today, and with Australia in it's not as if they care anyways, plus it gives a bad taste that technically we could have states as Syria taking part, but not a country that atleast is partly European?), I guess we'd have to wait another decade for them to actually understand that Europe doesn't end with Germany... that it goes geographically (and obviously culturally) beyond the old Iron Curtain...

I think for a country that is partially in Europe geographically, more connected culturally/politically/socially to the European ex-USSR countries than they are to Asian countries, and have European ambitions and is already "recognized" as Europe (rightly so considering all the mentioned aspects) by other international organizations and hence take part as part of Europe in other international events, it's kind of "degrading" to allow them in Asiavision but not Eurovision (don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying it's something wrong to be Asian, it's just that who are EBU to define for another country that actually is partly European where they "belong"? plus Asiavision seems to be like a budget cousin of Eurovision for all countries that are not as "lucky" as Australia...).


January 17, 2012
I think for a country that is partially in Europe geographically, more connected culturally/politically/socially to the European ex-USSR countries than they are to Asian countries, and have European ambitions and is already "recognized" as Europe (rightly so considering all the mentioned aspects) by other international organizations and hence take part as part of Europe in other international events, it's kind of "degrading" to allow them in Asiavision but not Eurovision (don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying it's something wrong to be Asian, it's just that who are EBU to define for another country that actually is partly European where they "belong"? plus Asiavision seems to be like a budget cousin of Eurovision for all countries that are not as "lucky" as Australia...).

Indeed they're part of Europe for other international organizations and events. Denying them the possibility to take part would be nonsensical from a geographical and cultural point of view.

I was precisely wondering whether Kazakhs themselves felt about participating in the contest, as I don't remember any kind of statement expressing interest from their broadcaster like Australia and China. But yeah, they've broadcasted Eurovision for quite some time now, so that should mean something when taking into account their profile.

Regarding Eurovision Asia, it's not just Asia since organisers stated the entire Oceania is included and being part of the ABU is not required :lol: so the name is deceiving already. I don't know if it's going to be a budget version of the contest (I hope it won't be), but I can't see Kazakhstan fit with it.


Well-known member
March 14, 2011
Why EBU doesn't give the list of participant countries ?

Well the EBU announced on October 30th last year, while in 2016 they only announced at the end of November. It's not like they are late on their usual schedule.
Maybe the arrangements with Macedonia aren't finalized yet.


Well-known member
March 14, 2011
I think they might release the list tomorrow

I don't know, it seems that only RTP will be present at the event, not the EBU, and it's always the EBU announcing the list of participants and not the host broadcaster. But if they will indeed reveal the slogan and visual identity and stuff, the EBU might announce it on their website at the same time, as well as update it with a new visual identity.


Well-known member
February 7, 2013
Where is :kz: ???



December 28, 2009
So basically artificially tied with 2008 and 2011 with most entries (*artificial in the sense that the 43rd spot is made up by a country that is not even eligible according to the standard rules...)
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