Wait, so you want countries that are as far as possible from Europe, let alone the broadcasting area (which until recently atleast was a rule to be allowed to enter), to enter but Kazakhstan that is partly European shouldn't be allowed?
Well that makes alot of sense... but unfortunately it's the same logic EBU and some others in here use... simply it's a view that some European countries and cultures are inferior than others, wheres countries that aren't even close to Europe are superior because they belong to the "correct" cultural, social, linguistic and political group (aka the Western Anglo-Saxic one). I for one find this view very narrow-minded and contrary to the spirit of Eurovision and Europe is much more than just one language and one culture, and particularly when the countries aren't even close to Europe it becomes so obvious that it's not about bringing Europe together, rather politicize and homogenize the contest.
I do agree though that China and the Arab/African states have nothing to do in Eurovision, simply because they are not European in any sense of the word.