I will never be ready to write this post, and I will probably never be able to fully translate into written words all that I probably should for this nation, but here goes...
As you can see in the thread topic now, my 210 entry is dedicated to our glorious twin nation of
and my friend
@Leydan who has enriched this contest for me immeasurably since I returned for my 2nd run here. "Liono Gia Sena" has actually been on my playlist for years, set aside for the NSC edition when Solentoya would finally take the win and triumphantly host again... For me, it embodies everything that our people have come to expect and love from

, the style, the sass and even the translated song title - "You Are My Summer" (you truly are

) We sincerely hope that the Solentoyan people enjoy this dedication - at least we have some kind of Solentoyan sound in the final
Thank you for everything that your nation has brought to the table over the years - every single edition without fail, I would eagerly await your post in your thread or the semis to be published to see exactly what hot cut would be gracing our earbuds. Very few nations have got my style more than

- not just because you're a fellow Cascada Stan like me, but you even stan the happy hardcore/scouse house that I've always generally been too scared to send myself. And don't even get me started on your Latino/Aegean/Turk hits - just stunning!
I am delighted that we will hopefully still see you... I mean, Lo'Paia... in WLSC. Your style and aesthetic cannot be lost from this section of the forum, and I cannot even begin to predict the riots we'd see if you ever disappeared vanished from our little WLSC empire too - nation in flames, apocalypse, end of all...
There are WAAAAYYYY too many highlights from your history that we'd love to relive, so I've had to reluctantly pick out a Top 5 here that our people and I continue to blast to this day (some new discoveries, and some already on my playlists before you sent them and smashed the roster - you got Same Difference to Top 5 PQ in NSC sis, LEGEND!!!!) I'm off now to cry some more - but thank you for all the music and memories.