The anxiety is very real typing this, but I am convinced that it's the correct decision so just wanted to pop a proper note down here for you all.
Moisantia's participation in the main NSC contests has come to an end. We won't be sending any further entries, and we hereby give up our place in NSC 228 to the next in line on the waiting list.
This decision has been a very, very long time in the making, so I don't want anyone thinking it has anything to do with the current drama around 227 results (although that has only served to affirm my feelings even more than before tbh). My life outside of this forum is night and day from what it was when I first joined the forum over 12 years ago, and even looking at when I rejoined NSC in the 150th edition, my work life and personal life are both requiring way more attention and time than I ever thought possible.
As a result, my precious time in the last few editions has felt poorly spent and decisions such as ranking the songs have had to be horribly rushed due to my lack of free time and general motivation. The NSC community of the 80s and 90s (NSC's heyday in my eyes

), in terms of the camaraderie and music shared, is no more - I no longer get the same level of enjoyment from taking part in the contest, and while I value the many friendships that I've made here over the years, I feel like this part of the forum no longer suits me. This is not a personal attack on anyone - I just no longer surround myself with any drama, negativity or stress whenever possible.
I wish everyone here the very best in the ongoing journey here - I hope that some of you hold some fond memories from Moisantia's history, and I'll still likely be around in other parts of the forum if anyone wants to chat.
Thanks everyone, and I hope you can all work out your way forward to a more harmonious future for NSC. Best of luck. Gazza out