Re: ?????? - Serbia 2010 - Milan Stankovi? - Ovo je Balkan
^ I just red your blog. LOL. I really enjoyed it, event though I don't share 100% your opinion, I agree on many stuff. Anyway, blog was interesting enough to read all those compliments!
I think your blog opens much wider discussion, not only Milan Stankovic.
ME: I don't mind Milan going to Oslo (said it before), and for me all 3 songs were pretty much similar, ppl chose Milan, he'll go, that's it. I'm fine with it.
The part of 'wider problem' might be - RTS and its approach to Eurovision. If songs were wrong (in past and now), it's exclusively RTS fault, noone else. Because RTS decided about Beovizija finalists in past, and when they invited Bregovic this year, they new he doesn't produce pop-eurovision-style songs.
Ofcourse RTS wanted 'ethnic' (if it's ethnic at all) trumpet up tempo, and ofcourse RTS wanted ridiculous lyrics, otherwise RTS would never invite MT and Bregovic.
But we should be aware that broadcaster decide the way the song would be chosen. It's totally up to RTS. They can just say - we send this, no jury, no audience, we choose internally - which is much worse then the system we have now.
RTS is a bit stubborn, old fashioned and they think it's an absolute MUST to show Europe Serbian ethno, every year and every time when they have chance. Sometimes it can be fun, sometimes they're just boring with it (RTS).
I think our songs will never change until RTS open its mind to other music styles. God, I hope these other music styles won't be ordinary usual eurovision songs - I totally hate them, it was good 15 years ago, but now...?? I also think many other ESC countries r very wrong with their choices, many of them haven't been evolved since 1980, which is (IMHO) just as same bad as RTS 'strategy'.
And I also think Eurovision shouldn't be taken too seriously, I mean... it's wrong when countries think they can promote themselves through Eurovision, because they can't. Best promotion for countries r when they're OK in many different fields...sports, culture, economy, bla bla bla...
Well, for instance, I think 'Serbian movie' (Srdjan Spasojevic) is MUCH better promotion then any Eurovision, even if we win hundred times.
So, in conclusion...purpose of Eurovision is not to promote countries, it's just to show some new, fresh, original music (if broadcaster can do it), not to recycle ethno or pop-eurotrash all over again, every year. If countries r not able to come up with anything new, but only old style...then...they should withdraw for some time. This year I would be totally fine if we had only (perhaps) 10 countries in ESC, cause majority is so baaaadd, for my taste.
And one word about Milan - I think best song out of these 3 won (no matter how bad all they r), it will be good for internal use, internal market, not best choice for Eurovision and not worst in Eurovision, but..nevermind
I'm not a big fan of Emina either - wheres her voice? She hardly can speak, not to mention singing.