Re: ?????? - Serbia 2010 - Milan Stankovi? - Ovo je Balkan
Ok, now a (late) live report from me
I personally never had such a good time like 2 days ago. I even enjoyed it more than when i went to ESC 2 years ago. Everything was awesome, i met many forum people in person (though all of them are Serbian), and i enjoyed the whole show very very much. This is a better format than Beovizija definetly, i didn't believe i will say this, but i'm saying.
Now regarding the songs. I liked all 3, and would've been happy with any of those 3. They are very similar, but different enough not to sound like a copy of each other. Though the TV presentation was quite bad, and for example Emina gave me a clear conclusion that she can't sing live at all. It seemed well on TV, but live, everyone who were sitting next to me had the same impression. But her song is very catchy, maybe the only song that is "the bomb" on the first listening. Milan was much more confident, and his singing was great as well. I like the song too, so imo, a very fair winner! Oliver was my personal fave, actually the "beat" was the best, but the song didn't really suit him very well. Jelena on the other hand made it even better, but since they're both unknown, unfortunately they were left behind

They deserved more definetly.
So all in all, i am happy with the winner, and Milan will have my support in Oslo. I am pretty sure it will qualify easily. It's a pretty bad semi overall.