Why do you hate him?
Is he that terrible?
Two good examples for why he is a troublesome host..
first is when he hosted a discussing show for the Beijing Olympics in 2008 and the german womens team got eliminated in the semifinal against Brazil and he came with the glorious comment: "There is something with Hitler and Germany that makes it still hard to feel sorry for them when they get so beaten in football. You just think Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler." He and his fellow guests never apologized for the comments despite it got huge critique both from Sweden and Germany.
The 2nd example is from his quiz-show where he had a person that had origins from the sami people and made several jokes for this woman, which made the woman very uncomfortable. I can't find now exactly what he said, but it is several accusations about if the woman is doing some activities that is traditionally sami, but she repeatedily saying she didn't do much of it. It never came an excuse from him this time either.
This is just two examples, but he has said many stupid "jokes" over the years and has NEVER apologized for them. I think that a person like this shall never ever get close to a show like Eurovision.