Why so many angry bashing the song?
Even those one downgrading it because the others tells them they don't like... DUNCAN DID NOT EVENTED PIANO PERFORMANCES! Actually Gjon also almost won The Voice France, a lot of people think he should have. There you can see his performances on youtube and maybe stop fussing . This latest times, people are really mad about nothing... It's a little bit exhausting. A lot of views and opinions mixes musical genre to: duh it's just the same! It's another Arcade, it's a copy-cat! The two dudes don't look alike at all... And Gjon was existing before the ESC and already performing. I don't mean to upset anybody or tell you what to think. But the strenght of hatery of some of you is almost shocking. Calm down guys, like the songs you do and let everybody be happy with his favourite song.
It's an incredible song if you look at the music, professionals wouldn't dare to tell the opposite. And just to remind everybody, eurovision didn't started as the Vatican of thrashy pop. It was a song contest with expert listening to the artists and jugding them.
For a french speaker, Voilà is very beautiful for the music, but gosh the lyrics are soooo basic (not good, a children can write that lever of french)! And french is mother tongue so I know what I am telling you. Plus, there is a small controversy in France that tells that Barbara is also a copy-cat of two other artists. It's certainely the year of some copy-cats at the eurovision but this is definitvely not this poor young swiss-albanian dude! Let him be...
People have to move on with Duncan (ho gosh I could kiss him on his mouth though!). I found that the Netherlands was a great victory, was very happy for them. They deserved it.
I am pretty sure Gjon Tears will slay during his live performances at the second semi-final and get it all on the saturday 20th of May!
I hope he will have a burning piano in the middle of a gigantisc universe and that maybe he will make front to the public without his piano. Who know's? The EBU is not so stupid that he will make a Duncan Lawrence trend. Neither are the countries that sends the artists.
From Zürich with love!
P.S: In case we win the ESC 2021, Zürich is a slaughter-house for parties (and not everything is expensive if you know the right tricks!)... And it's already summer in May, or almost