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Switzerland SWITZERLAND 2021 - Gjon's Tears - Tout l’univers

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    110 44.4%
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    35 14.1%
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    22 8.9%
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    15 6.0%
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    8 3.2%
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    5 2.0%
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    5 2.0%
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    3 1.2%
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    15 6.0%

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September 28, 2009

Laisse le vent qui frôle
Sa main sur mon épaule
Le vide dans ma tête
Pas la moindre cachette

C'est l'aube qui décline
Derrière un champ de ruines
Le moment de grandir
Ne pas te retenir

Je vois derrière nous des morceaux de toi
Et ce que la douleur a fait de moi

Tout l'univers
Nos deux cœurs sous la terre
Au milieu des failles où tout éclate
Se trouver au point d'impact
Sans toi

Que deviendront nos souffles
S'ils restent sur le bord?
Cet amour qui nous tord

Je vois derrière nous des morceaux de toi
Et ce que la douleur a fait de moi

Tout l'univers
Nos deux cœurs sous la terre
Au milieu des failles où tout éclate
Se trouver au point d'impact
Sans toi
Derrière mes paupières
Trouver de l'air

Tout l'univers
Nos deux cœurs sous la terre
Au milieu des failles et des ressacs
Nous nous retrouvons au point d'impact
Comment soigner nos coeurs qui éclatent?
Tout l'univers​
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Well-known member
March 12, 2021
Rotterdam, NL
Juries will almost never vote for a song that could do their reputation any harm or caused any provocation beforehand - therefore no controversial songs or songs that make them look biased (except for some countries *cough cough*). Songs with a strong message are favoured.

Also, they don’t want to be a scapegoat if their opinion leads to the downgrading of a song. So they will make a safe choice and usually never vote for songs that are at the bottom of the betting odds but going the easy way and vote for songs which have a good coverage in the media by fans and professional sites.

Safe songs that fall into the category are Switzerland, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Malta, France, UK, Ireland.

Finland and Italy are borderline. Usually juries are open minded enough to vote for these songs despite the inappropriate lyrics if they are pretty high in the odds, which is the case here, but I doubt any of both get a lot of jury 12s although they will probably in their top 10.
Russia is borderline too. Western juries won’t vote for this („too political“) but Eastern probably will for know reasons.

There may be some surprises like Macedonia, because of his voice or Georgia, because it’s so alternative but both are inoffensive, so safe choice.

Both Amens on the other hand may be too religious to be a safe choice for juries, despite very good voices.

The public will vote differently of course, as already was mentioned here, the quirky dance songs or „niche songs“ that will attract a certain audience who is eager to vote for surprising acts like Denmark, Portugal or Latvia. All songs are far from what is presented at the ESC usually musicwise but will gain some „ah‘s and oh‘s“ here and there. I can even see Norway doing well with the public.

But we will see. I already stated that juries might go full bold this year and will vote differently from their usual pattern because the contest is so different this year, with pre-recorded background vocals, no big show events beforehand, staging is limited I think, so maybe some surprises will await us here too! I‘m excited! :)
I'm actually afraid the juries could go for Iceland this year. It is super family-friendly/inoffensive and would be the perfect opportunity for them to pretend they are cool kids without taking a risk. Lithuania could also benefit from that but they will probably be branded as "eastern Europeans being tacky as usual" by western juries. I just hope all these entries with the gimmicks do not rob a musically more credible entry such as Switzerland from victory. I'm all for the gimmicks in Eurovision but these two are not strong enough sonically to be deserving winners.


Well-known member
January 30, 2019
@Shadowfuxcs "rob a musically more credible entry such as Switzerland from victory"

But Lithuania and Iceland are good songs too. I don't see why they wouldn't deserve a victory. Personally I hope that we won't see a ballad win because two in row would mean that next year at least half of the countries will play it "serious-boring"


March 13, 2018
@Shadowfuxcs "rob a musically more credible entry such as Switzerland from victory"

But Lithuania and Iceland are good songs too. I don't see why they wouldn't deserve a victory. Personally I hope that we won't see a ballad win because two in row would mean that next year at least half of the countries will play it "serious-boring"
Serious can be boring (for instance Malta 2009 & 2010) but I don't find this entry from Switzerland boring at all. I would not mind Lithuania winning anyway as it is one of my fav countries too this year and it would be a brand country to win the contest.


Well-known member
January 30, 2019
@Iker yeah I don't say that serious / ballad IS boring but my "fear" (not really a fear, I would still be okay :D) is that if a lot of countries choose that path in a near future to get success (because it would be what they think a victory formula) we will get a lot of uninspired serious songs, which will end being meh-boring.


Well-known member
March 12, 2021
Rotterdam, NL
@Shadowfuxcs "rob a musically more credible entry such as Switzerland from victory"

But Lithuania and Iceland are good songs too. I don't see why they wouldn't deserve a victory. Personally I hope that we won't see a ballad win because two in row would mean that next year at least half of the countries will play it "serious-boring"
I find Iceland's and Lithuania's songs just decent. The whole package can justify them being in the top 10 but as songs on their own they seem to me way too middle of the road to be Eurovision winners. Especially the Roop could be worthy winners last year because "on fire" could stand alone and have an impact without the visuals. "Discoteque" on the other hand is way too simple and half of it consists of whispering over a generic beat. I don't find it worthy enough to be the winner no matter how good of a show they put.
I do see the danger of having too many ballads if Gjon wins, but really because there are a lot of quirky and uptempo entries and some of them will definetely do well, this will balance things out. Just like fuego inspired a lot of countries to go with female bops again even though it didn''t win. Similarly Dadi and the Roop will have lot hype and they will inspire next year's choices in case. So this can be the perfect year for a quality slow song to win without making next year's contest a snooze fest.
April 14, 2012
The only thing I'm f***ing, is stupid
[USER = 16155] @Iker [/ USER] yeah I don't say that serious / ballad IS boring but my "fear" (not really a fear, I would still be okay: D) is that if a lot of countries choose that path in a near future to get success (because it would be what they think a victory formula) we will get a lot of uninspired serious songs, which will end being meh-boring.
The worst example of this was when Loreen won and many countries tried to copy the " MF-formula " the following year with entries that were watered down copies of previous melfest tracks.

Oh god ... 2013 was such a bad year and we were hosting it... I'm thankful for Magaret, Anouk and some others delivering their apex acts worth remembering...
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Well-known member
March 27, 2012
I will NEVER understand the hype for Margaret and Anouk. I personally think Zlata with her presence and campy giant saved the year


Well-known member
April 19, 2015
Which was less because of the staging but more the awful live performance. It was my favourite to win before the contest but after that dreadful performance I couldn't have justified it if this had won.

So you mean the vocals were the issue then? xthink


May 12, 2018
So you mean the vocals were the issue then? xthink

For me, Bulgaria 2018 and Australia 2018 suffered from a non-existent staging (which don't even require that Sasha woman to stage it) and a lackluster performance from the artist.


February 26, 2016
So you mean the vocals were the issue then? xthink

Zhana‘s vocals were quite terrible imho but what put me off the most was the one guy‘s terrifying look in his eyes, I don’t know the name of him but I‘m talking about the one with the maniac eye contact 😂 Plus their movement on stage was jumping like a hip hop boyband, it didn’t fit the song at all. So if this was SJBs fault too, then yes, I have to correct, the staging was shit too. 😁


Well-known member
April 19, 2015
I mean, of course, they both suffered from terrible staging. Could the artists have performed better? They can only do as much as what they'd been given. EQUINOX was flawless vocally, whereas poor Jess struggled ever since the 1st rehearsals. She's got a history of nerves and the nerves got the best of her after the poor review of her first rehearsal, this I'm certain about.

I watched Bulgaria again today and I'm still in love with the song, but as you mentioned (and I've been mentioning it), I absolutely dislike the (hand)movements they were doing. What a mess and it looked atrocious.

Now I'm obviously not on good terms with Sacha as she consistently does entries I love and flop, but it would be interesting to see the reactions of fans if she were to do Switzerland this year and does crap xthink


February 26, 2016
Duncan Lawrence didn’t need a great staging to win. He wasn’t even great live vocally that evening, yet he managed first place (to be fair he was actually only 2nd with both jury and public which would have been more fair imho based on his performance ... although I love the song so much).

Gjon‘s live performance were so-so, at least the one‘s I have seen so far. That‘s why I would see him in 2nd place right now (although I really really wish he would win!) until I saw the performance.

He will battle a vocally flawless Destiny or a heartbreaking Tusse - I think one of the two will make it to first place, the other 3rd. With maybe Finland sneaking in between like Manga.


March 13, 2018
The worst example of this was when Loreen won and many countries tried to copy the " MF-formula " the following year with entries that were watered down copies of previous melfest tracks.

Oh god ... 2013 was such a bad year and we were hosting it... I'm thankful for Magaret, Anouk and some others delivering their apex acts worth remembering...
In 2013 we've also had that awful knock-off of 'Euphoria' by Cascada. I can't understand how it was possible that so many did not notice that. It was so lame.


Admin Schmadmin
Staff member
June 1, 2009
Los Angeles, USA
Duncan Lawrence didn’t need a great staging to win. He wasn’t even great live vocally that evening, yet he managed first place (to be fair he was actually only 2nd with both jury and public which would have been more fair imho based on his performance ... although I love the song so much).

Gjon‘s live performance were so-so, at least the one‘s I have seen so far. That‘s why I would see him in 2nd place right now (although I really really wish he would win!) until I saw the performance.

He will battle a vocally flawless Destiny or a heartbreaking Tusse - I think one of the two will make it to first place, the other 3rd. With maybe Finland sneaking in between like Manga.

One correction: Duncan finished in 3rd place with the juries.
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