Because most of them aren't interesting, they have no back-catalogue of songs, they have no artistic integrity, they have no personality.
Many are technical good singers, good enough to enter a singing competition, but I want artistry, acts with some character.
I mean if one treats ESC as a singing competition, then I can get why people ask for these people, but I want to judge artists based on what they've actually done... and just singing kareoke doesn't say much to me or give some indication of what type of music they could enter in ESC.
During the talent show they usually really don't have a back-catalogue of songs, but this applies for every young / new artist, not only for talent show participants, doesn't it?
And saying that they have no personality is kind of too much. Well, actually I know what you mean, but some of them really stand out and do have a stage personality .
It's true, it's great to see some established singer on a stage. It's even greater to see someone that had good songs in the past, someone that you've been a fan of since ____ or someone that's even your idol. BUT what matters the most when you're watching Eurovision is still the song that he's performing on the stage right now, at this moment. The average viewer doesn't care about what someone did in the past, they only judge the song and the delivery of it.
Average viewer from Sweden (for example) wouldn't care if
sent like the biggest star we have, because he wouldn't know nothing more about him/her than about some young performer.
That's why it doesn't really matter if we send a young artists. But they really have to be convincing, which is - I admit - hard to find. Not only among young performers. Among everyone.
(I probably went a little bit off from what you said, but I hope that it makes sense anyway..