Well let me explain why I liked the supposed Russian entry a lot more than some other songs with better english or in a different language in recent years.
Sure, on a scale from 0 to 5, where 5 is the best, I would never give Julias song a full mark, her english is not good enough and perhaps the melody is draging a little much even for me. But what makes it great is actually Julia herself. Her charisma, her uniqueness as a singer really makes the song much better than it actually is. When she rolls up on stage, she really lights up her room and basically eating up the cameras with her smile and warmness. And this doesn't have nothing to do that she is disabled, sometimes I even found myself forgetting that she is in a wheelchair, cause she is making her spell on me in some reason. I can't explain why others like her or her song last year, but I can only tell for me, that this is the reason why I liked it quite a lot actually. I would have given it a 3, almost 4 points in my 0-5 scoresheet cause that is what I think. It is okay that we like different stuff, I can enjoy a song with bad english (often if it is funny, cause we all need to laugh at time, who can forget the modern classic "I Love Belarus" in 2011
) as much as one singing in a different language (like Portugal last year, which won with one of the biggest % of points ever). The beauty of ESC for me is to have a little of everything, otherwise this contest wouldn't survive, even if we all have our preferences of course.
And to add to the discussion if she will be chosen...I doubt it, but I hope she will be entered soon at least, in the coming years, cause she really is a special singer that Russia shouldn't throw away at least.