I am so ashamed of SVT's decision. Tbh I wish we never had won in the first place. "Too big and too expensive" said the executive producer, what kind of lame ass excuse isn't that?SVT can afford to hold the national final at Friends Arena, but not the actual ESC! We might as well cancel it or give it to Copenhagen. SVT and the whole bunch from Malmö are delusional if they think for a second tourists will spend as much as a dime in Malmö, they will arrive at Kastrup, they will stay at Danish hotels and they will eat at Danish restaurants.
Worst decision ever SVT!
Now Denmark will get most (if not all) of the tourist revenue, while we're the ones paying for the whole thing. Those in northern Sweden will have to travel further to see our own show than most people in Europe. It will be extremely hard to get tickets due to the small arena. Just what the HELL were they thinking?
I don't think, however, that the atmosphere in Baku had anything to do with the seat capacity. Malmö arena is roughly the same size as all the arenas used for Melodifestivalen and the atmosphere during those have all been great. But that doesn't change the fact that Friends Arena is still the only logical and worthy option.
This is all down to the "multiculturalism" that SVT are so fond of. The article on SVT said that they thought Malmö was the best city for this kind of event, which means that since Eurovision is international, they think that the most international city in Sweden (in terms of its citizens) is logically the best choice. What they fail to realize is this is about show-casing Sweden and our Swedish culture. Not other people's cultures. Nothing wrong with those at all, but they're not Swedish. We all know how this is going to go down now. One (or both) of the hosts will likely be of a non-Swedish ethnicity, the interval act will be a Rinkeby/Rosengård dance crew and our entry will ooze multiculturalism. Maybe Kebabpizza Slivovitza #2.
I apologize if I sound like some racist jerk now, I assure you I am not, I'm just fed up with the notion that somehow plain old Sweden just isn't good enough. That our Swedish culture just isn't good enough.
That wasn't due to lack of size, it was due to the number of ESC fans put off by the cost of travelling to Baku. It wasn't as much of an international crowd as normal.Oh nooo this is a joke right? Nothing against Malmö but ... the "Arena" or better the Hall is even smaller than the Crystal Hall (wich was build in 1 year,btw). Look Sweden, the Atmosphere in Baku was .... well you know .... and you think you will do better with roughly 3000 people less ? I don't think so!
Most of what I know about Malmo comes from watching The Bridge on BBC4. More than just being a great crime drama, the show was beautiful. Admittedly, it was also set in Copenhagen, but I don't think Malmo was ugly.
Most of what I know about Malmo comes from watching The Bridge on BBC4. More than just being a great crime drama, the show was beautiful. Admittedly, it was also set in Copenhagen, but I don't think Malmo was ugly.
Anyway, with Saga Noren working there, I'm sure any murders during ESC will eventually be solved.
Multiculturalism is what SVT loves displaying and I believe it's for this reason they chose Malmö in the end. The head of SVT, Eva Hamilton, even said so:First of all: Panta rei
Second: OK, I don't get why you all going on with this multiculturalism angel. What has it to do with Eurovision? What has it todo with Stockholm vs Malmö?
Third: Is Stockholm more Swedish than Malmö?
Haha, Sofia Helin (Saga Norén) Do you understand her crazy character?