I doubt the Shoulder song would have won the televote regardless of when it was performed... it got its position thanks to the juries which are unaffected by the running order.
I've never felt so down about a song failing to win.I really threw myself into #TeamErika and it's not often I support a song so much. I know people on here didn't like it that much and disliked the idea of Ireland going full Swedish but it is the first song I've heard this year that I have genuinely really liked and will happily listen to over and over. I sound so pathetic.
Aww.. come here, come on.. I know how you feel. Even though we both weren't fond of each others favourites, it's that horrible feeling when something we love dearly, and we find ourselves getting passionate about.. fails in front of our eyes. It's not pathetic at all to feel this way. It's our emotions. May Erika live a long time in your heart my friend and may her song be forever on mute for me, whenever you decide to play it on plugdj.
Thank you.There is not one song in my top 10 that really enjoy to the same extent as "Break Me Up" and there isn't one in another National final that reaches it for me (even though there is some very good songs out there). 2015 feels like a bit of a let down especially as it was being hyped because it being an anniversary, and "Break Me Up" would have changed that. Be prepared because I will be playing her a lot as I mourn this loss.
Well we feel the same wayI've never felt so down about a song failing to win.I really threw myself into #TeamErika and it's not often I support a song so much. I know people on here didn't like it that much and disliked the idea of Ireland going full Swedish but it is the first song I've heard this year that I have genuinely really liked and will happily listen to over and over. I sound so pathetic.
I doubt the Shoulder song would have won the televote regardless of when it was performed... it got its position thanks to the juries which are unaffected by the running order.
This year is so disappointing, made even more depressing by the fact it's the anniversary and Australia is joining us on such a crumby year. I feel embarrassed to be a fan this year. There has only been one stand out song for me so far and that's from Latvia. Even Serbia which I welcomed at first with wide, dramatically open arms.. i'm starting to think it isn't as wonderful as I first thought it was. I'm just so starved this year. All my favourites left are going to fail. Some of the NF's we have left, I don't love anything within them. More songs I strongly dislike or feel indifferent towards are going to win. The internal selections we have left fill me with very little hope. I just don't know what to do. Tomorrow will be Armageddon.
"Break me up" hasn't left my head yet!