I really don't understand why most people on this forum don't like this song. The song is about the first balled so far with some real raw emotion in it. I think it is a very good piece of music.
I think this is the same scenario as with
Peoples favourite song didn't win (In this case "Memories" and "Break me Up"), so people will immediately call this song boring without even listening to it decently. At first I didn't think much of the song either, but 2 or 3 listens later you can really recognize this as a good song and it really deserved to win the most.
1. "She so Fine" was doomed from the beginning, had no support and the live performance didn't change anything about that.
2. "Memories" was the ultimate eurvision fanwank of this national selection. Seems to me that the only way to please the eurovision diehard fans is to put some kind of diva on stage who screams on the the top of her lungs (are you hearing this
). That being said, I did think it was a decent song in studio version, but it bombed live.
3. "Anybody got a Shoulder?" Everthing that Mollys song is being accused of fits way better as criticism to this song. It's boring, too slow, no emotion, cliché and very very outdated.
4. "Break Me Up" The favorite for the most and me too at the beginning. But after a couple of listens I started to like Molly's song more. This song kind of feels like their entry of 2014 version 2.0. and we all know how that went. I still like the song, but there is almost nothing Irish about this song.
So all in all I have to conclude that the best song won, and it will probably be in my top 3 for now. People need to understand that just because your favourite didn't win, this song is immediately bad or not good enough. The best of Luck
, I'll be rooting for you!