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Germany GERMANY 2018 - Michael Schulte - You Let Me Walk Alone

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Well-known member
April 13, 2012
Re: GERMANY 2018

France was first in my Top 12 , first since the beginning of the national finals in January but probably Germany will take this first place if they send Mickael Schulte. I have no words, pure masterpiece ! I hope for Germany he goes to Lisbon :)
But tbh, i am afraid about german televoters. I hope they will not do the bad decision to choose Ivy or Voxxclub songs which are really average songs. Ivy song "House on Fire" is a bit too much formated song and Voxxclub the joke of ESC season if they goes to Lisbon
I hope Mickael Schulte will not have the same fate Asanda had in the UK (She was the big favourite and she failed to win).

If some german people are here: I would like to ask you something. Do you think Mickael Schulte will be the big favourite ? (he is popular in Germany ?) or do you think VoxxClub, Ivy or Ryk has a chance ? (thanks to their popularity). Try to answer without take in consideration your own opinion but with the general opinion and the experience you have from previous german NF's.

Well you should be scared of the German public because they tend to vote for the lamest/worst songs :lol:
The only acts who are (at least more or less) popular are probably Voxxclub and Natia (because she recently won The Voice) - they can rely on some kind of fanbase, I'd say.


November 23, 2012
Re: GERMANY 2018

France was first in my Top 12 , first since the beginning of the national finals in January but probably Germany will take this first place if they send Mickael Schulte. I have no words, pure masterpiece ! I hope for Germany he goes to Lisbon :)
But tbh, i am afraid about german televoters. I hope they will not do the bad decision to choose Ivy or Voxxclub songs which are really average songs. Ivy song "House on Fire" is a bit too much formated song and Voxxclub the joke of ESC season if they goes to Lisbon
I hope Mickael Schulte will not have the same fate Asanda had in the UK (She was the big favourite and she failed to win).

If some german people are here: I would like to ask you something. Do you think Mickael Schulte will be the big favourite ? (he is popular in Germany ?) or do you think VoxxClub, Ivy or Ryk has a chance ? (thanks to their popularity). Try to answer without take in consideration your own opinion but with the general opinion and the experience you have from previous german NF's.

I am from Germany and I think Michael Schulte's song could win the NF. It matches the taste of the people here quite well. The response in the German ESC community is quite positive as weil, although Ryk seems to become a dark horse. Anyway, Michael Schulte is a excellent live. I wouldn't be surprised if he wins.


March 11, 2013
Re: GERMANY 2018

I think that Natia will win in the smth in the always in Germany..
But I will be satisfied...cause she is my fave...and I hope will be good live.. :)


Well-known member
May 31, 2013
Moving through Germany
Re: GERMANY 2018

Well. Jury, Panel and Televoters will all vote the same. Natia or Voxxclub wins then, right?^^


January 29, 2017
Porto, Portugal
Re: GERMANY 2018

Much better than last year (it wasn't very hard considering how dreadful it was :lol:). I heard the full versions of every song except the one from Xavier. Some thoughts:

Ivy Quainoo "House on Fire" - good voice, well produced, nice song but too plain to make an impression
Michael Schulte "You Let Me Walk Alone" - good song, probably the safest choice Germany could do, considering the reactions
Natia Todua "My Own Way" - very pleasant song, I really like her voice ;)
Ryk "You and I" - my absolute favorite, great song and voice xlove
voXXclub "I mog Di so" - delete this pls xpuke
Xavier "Jonah" - not feeling this one at all

For me it's clearly Ryk, Natia Todua would be acceptable, just not voXXclub :lol:


Well-known member
February 24, 2014
Re: GERMANY 2018

So I just listened to all the songs once again and here are my personal reactions and comments plus my ranking:

1. Michael Schulte: Such a good ballad, very modern sounding and I can see the influence of Ed Sheeran and stuff, he will get that a lot, but its a great slow song and very touching. The production is fantastic and I am actually moved by this song which is a good sign. Definitely the best male ballad of this years ESC NF season I have to say. I hoped for something uptempo from him, but it works.

2. VoxxClub:
I dont know why, but yeah .. This is fun and it would be a risk. They seem to be super good live. And basically this song - if it wins - will divide the audience, but I am fine with that, because at least we try something new with them. Lets just make some fun, because this ESC season there is so much blandness and slow songs actually that this would be a nice change for once. I root for them, no matter what other people say!

3. Ryk: I somehow like this ... but it would fade I believe. The staging is the make or break here for me. We will see. I dont consider this a song that I'd listen to in the future and put in my playlist, but juries might go for this.

4. Xavier Darcy: This is not a song I'd listen to, but its something different, country-ish and could work on stage. He is a strong performer with a lot of passion. I am not the biggest fan, but there isnt a song yet that reminds me of his in the NF selections this year, so kudos to that!

5. Ivy Quainoo: What a let down .. This is gonna be Jamie Lee once again if she wins. She was my pre-favourite, but this song is uber boring and would be the last place once again. She can do so much better. Please just dont win and come back once again with a much better song. I am dissappointed. Its a song that is easy to listen to, but its not memorable AT ALL! What a wasted opportunity. And it sucks, because I am a fan of her from the first hour ...

6. Natia: Also a fine song, but just fine. She lost all her uniqueness in this song, and I hope the fact that she just won wont make her win, because this song is lame. Its not bad, but its just there and very average. She shouldve stuck with something jazzy or so, more unique and fitting for her voice.

Prediction: Either Ivy or Natia will win ... I hope not ... They still would be in my Top 5 so far, but ... when more songs get released they will fade.


Well-known member
May 15, 2017
Re: GERMANY 2018

First of all, happy Germany put some effort in the preselection this year.

Ryk is kind of cool, but he will never ever win. Way too 'special' for the German audience who keeps picking the most boring songs. Plus he's completely unknown in Germany.

I really hate Voxxclub tbh, that's just not my cup of tea at all and I think it's a shame that it is such a big stereotype of Germany. There are way too many people in the world who actually believe that this IS typically German, no need to confirm them. lol

Disappointed by Ivy. She had some great songs in the past and a fantastic voice but this song is really a let-down.

Natia has the biggest momentum with her The Voice win. Song is not too bad and she definitely can sing but I just don't want to see a female act again this year, let's try something else for a change!

Michael Schulte has an emotional, cute song and I actually like him a lot. I also believe that he could do very well with televotes. I actually believe it's going to be him or (dreadful) voxxclub.


Well-known member
February 24, 2014
Re: GERMANY 2018

Just saw the stage for our preselection .. horrible, what an amateur stage design that is :lol:


February 9, 2012
Re: GERMANY 2018

I'm a total 100% basic bitch for that Ivy Quainoo song. I love it so much. Her voice is so darn glorious and I like how the song isn't throwing everything and the kitchen sink at you. It's really subtle pop until the final chorus, but I think that aspect of it makes all the neat little sounds flourish (that music boxxheart). It find it haunting and strangely poignant, even though it's clearly a well produced pop song that's following the book very closely. I don't know... i'm just really charmed by it. But i'm probably alone though as everyone seems disappointed.


Well-known member
May 23, 2017
Re: GERMANY 2018

Voxxclub released their Musicvideo:



February 9, 2012
Re: GERMANY 2018

Ivy Quainoo - House on Fire Ja, das ist einfach wunderbarxheart

Xavier Darcy - Jonah So really not very my type of thing. This kind of contemporary folk rock usually repels me but I don't hate this and really appreciate elements of it, in particular the bridge section. It has a nice atmosphere. I think this could actually be a fairly decent choice for Germany.

Ryk - You and I Any potential musical boner here is ruined by the warbly diva vocals. I like where the piece goes melodically and it's different. I'd kill for something like this in the UK selection. The problem is i'm just not connecting with these vocals. They feel really hollow. Shame as it's certainly got something going for it as a piece of music.

Natia Todua - My Own Way This one treads dangerously familiar ground. The positive is that the song has more going for it than "Black Smoke" at least. The chorus doesn't fulfill the promise of the verses though. The music video is charming. I kind of like her.

voXXclub - I mog Di so I didn't honestly hate this as much as I thought I would after listening to the full thing. Kind of was a test for me to get through it though, god bless it.

Michael Schulte - You Let Me Walk Alone

Out of curiosity I briefly glanced at his other stuff and something like "Falling Apart" I would have quite happily enough accepted. His ESC song is the bug repellent that works on me, and it's like he's spraying it in my face for the entire 3 minutes of the song. How dare he.

My guess is that Xavier Darcy is probably the best and safest choice for Germany. I want to say "House On Fire" could do well, but I can't say that with honesty yet. I need to see the performance. Ryk's "You and I" could go either way. Others probably won't be as critical over the same things as I am. "My Own Way" I think has flop written all over it sadly, and i'd probably avoid the other two like the plague, although "I mog Di so" has a novelty attached to it that could work.


Well-known member
May 4, 2013
Re: GERMANY 2018

After listening to all the songs I can say that the only choice I wouldn't like is the band. At the same time, I think that song would stick in the memory of Eurovision fans for a long time, maybe not for the good reasons. But for sure they would give the audience 3 min to dance, jump and cheer. This is what Eurovision needs, sometimes...

All the other entries have something I find beautiful.


Active member
February 21, 2011
Re: GERMANY 2018

Wow, this is better than I expected from :de:, although the bar was set pretty dam low the past few years

Any of these entries are not spectacular but are all at least decent and are unique enough to garner some attention during the final. VoXXclub actually has the potential to become one of the few 'guilty pleasures' I allow myself to have :lol:
My favourites however are Michael Schulte, Xavier Darcy and Ryk.

Any of these entries can prevent another last place for Germany (I still count 2017 as a last place as the number of points were abysmal and should normally result in a last place). I really hope I'm not celebrating too soon for our eastern neighbours, but I believe this is the year Germany might turn it around for the better.


Well-known member
December 6, 2010
Re: GERMANY 2018

The song I mog Di so, reminds me -as an attitude, not copy- this one:



Well-known member
September 19, 2013
Re: GERMANY 2018

Michael Schulte is easily the best choice here. If he's picked, Germany will definitely do a lot better then they have the last couple of years because I can see the juries eating this up.

I also like 'Jonah' but I feel it would be more of a risk in Lisbon. Could do well, could be yet another last place.
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