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Eurovision 2013 in Sweden - Your wishes, suggestions and ideas for the show


Well-known member
February 23, 2011
You use google translator? Because I don't really get what you're trying to say there :lol:



Active member
March 21, 2012
There's nothing extreme in my political views what-so-ever. If you find theme extreme, I feel sorry for you. I don't have anything other to add to that really.


Glad you TEND to like my posts though ;) I'd wish you would try to understand we're I'm coming from though with this without calling me "extreme right", if anything that sounds anti-intellectual and like a copy-paste from some Swedish tabloid (which are the very opposite of intellectual). Now, I'm not going to call you anti-intellectual, because I don't know you, so I hope you won't do that in the future in here aswell (referring to me) because you don't know me either.

Well, if you're not extreme right, not have a political agenda and not consider yourself to have extreme views, I'm sorry if I offended you. That was not my intention. But then you must also be careful what expressions you use. Using Political Correct not only defines your political views, but also give a clear political message. Perhaps not strictly speaking but effectively. Onlookers reading this thread can be given the impression of Swedes as a bunch I don't want to identify myself with. Thus you shut some people out of a major thread.

Do you understand? I'm not attacking you or your views in any way. I'm just saying they may not be shared by all.

And yes, I want us to make a great Eurovision for Europe, so therefor I really oppose the idea of bringing some sort of (hidden) political message to Europe (which frankly is against SVT:s own policies anyways). Not all Swedes feel represented by the world-view of the some 80% left/green journalists who work at SVT (yes they are that overrepresented there according to fresh statistics), and they should represent all Sweden, not a political doctrine which most Swedes feel uncomfortable with anyways. That is my main concern, I would like them for once to skip politics, and just make a great show that will represent Sweden in the best, respectable and worthy way in this context.

OK, but this is a political view of yours. It may or may not be shared by all Swedes.


December 28, 2009
Well, if you're not extreme right, not have a political agenda and not consider yourself to have extreme views, I'm sorry if I offended you. That was not my intention. But then you must also be careful what expressions you use. Using Political Correct not only defines your political views, but also give a clear political message. Perhaps not strictly speaking but effectively. Onlookers reading this thread can be given the impression of Swedes as a bunch I don't want to identify myself with. Thus you shut some people out of a major thread.

Or maybe I just show that Swedes are different and have different opinions like all others? Some are proud, and some or not.. some define these tings differently. Some like different aspects of societies, some doesn't. I don't find it any weird, just human. Onlookers can also feel that Sweden is a self-loathing country with low self-esteem... it depends on from what perspective one wants to look at it. Not to be rude, but I don't think neither you or I can be a spokesperson for Sweden and others' impressions, we can only speak for ourselves, so I'm not going to back down on expressing myself because you tend to disagree,,, sorry.

OK, but this is a political view of yours. It may or may not be shared by all Swedes.

Sure, just as any other opinion won't be shared by all Swedes. Like I wrote, none of us are spokes-persons for all Swedes, we only represent ourselves. Your opinion surely isn't all Swedes, just like mine isn't either... but I don't say that you should tone down or don't say things because it doesn't represent all Swedes do I?


Well-known member
December 25, 2009
I just wanna find a hotel and tickets for the grand final :) but it seems to be impossible, as it's my first Eurovision and I don't know how it works !


ESC Moderator
March 27, 2010
Nothing wrong with a bit of political correctness. Also, Sarah MUST be one of the hosts. I find her funny and actually think she is very attractive. I don't see your point about what the hosts look like as being important though, A-Lister. Who cares? As long as they can do a competent job, I don't care what they look like.

I want a massive LED screen, Friends Arena and hopefully postcards that aren't a propaganda tool like this year. They need to work at improving the atmosphere. I want a proper Eurovision atmosphere with scream and shouting, lots of insanely dressed people and general good times. I'm sure Sweden won't find that difficult.

Overall I can't wait, but the most important decision is where to host it. They must get that right for everything to fall into place.


Active member
April 15, 2010
Is it just me who think Måns is overrated and that Gina is annoying as hell (and not in a good way). Did you see the "inför Eurovision" programs? I think Gina's true colors shine through there, the girl is just stupid... and I don't even want to start on her anti-semitic statements she did in the past.

Maybe so, but I think she did good on Melodifestivalen, which is a live event and Inför Eurovsion is not... Sarah is the ultimate one, but she and Gina was a nice mix I think. Måns might be overrrated but I'm not sure who'll be better?


Well-known member
May 22, 2010
For me, it's gotta be:
- City: Stockholm! I know that if the United Kingdom won, I would like it to be in London, so I think that having it in the capital in Sweden is for the best too. That's not to say other countries couldnt do as good a job, but I just think it's best to have it back there seeing as its been over a decade since the last Swedish hosting.

- Arena: Friends Arena, Stockholm.

- Stage: Id like there to be a stage towards the middle of the Arena, surrounded by the audience and the LCD screens at the back. About medium in size.

- Sarah Dawn Finer in 'character' - God if the UK isnt going to win ever again we need someone British at the helm :D. And Id like her to be accompanied by Eric Saade and Mans Zelmerlow... two hotties :mrgreen:.

- I will let the Swedes decide which interval act is best, none can be worse than the "dictator's nephew" this year!!

- Postcards: Something showcasing the country next to perform; landmarks, famous people, inventions, etc. Not just pictures of Sweden like Azerbaijan did this year, that was boring!


December 28, 2009
Nothing wrong with a bit of political correctness. Also, Sarah MUST be one of the hosts. I find her funny and actually think she is very attractive. I don't see your point about what the hosts look like as being important though, A-Lister. Who cares? As long as they can do a competent job, I don't care what they look like.

I want a massive LED screen, Friends Arena and hopefully postcards that aren't a propaganda tool like this year. They need to work at improving the atmosphere. I want a proper Eurovision atmosphere with scream and shouting, lots of insanely dressed people and general good times. I'm sure Sweden won't find that difficult.

Overall I can't wait, but the most important decision is where to host it. They must get that right for everything to fall into place.

You don't want political propaganda yet you want a show filled with political correct messages?? I don't getcha really :lol:

So I want the hosts to look good? Maybe I'm old-fashion or something, but I want entertainment to be a little more than the everyday grey life.

As for LED screens I agree though, someone said that they shouldn't be included, but I think they add another dimension to the performances. I mean it's not as if the acts are forced to use them, but the opportunity should be there if they want to.


October 1, 2009
After looking at all technical features Stockholm is the only option.
Not worrying about acoustics on that hug*ss stadium. Still they will reduce it to 30-35k for ESC. Can't wait for MF to test it )))

Massive LEDs ftw (imo Moscow was the best if you talk about LEDs).


December 28, 2009
After looking at all technical features Stockholm is the only option.
Not worrying about acoustics on that hug*ss stadium. Still they will reduce it to 30-35k for ESC. Can't wait for MF to test it )))

Massive LEDs ftw (imo Moscow was the best if you talk about LEDs).

Yeah to Stockholm! It's just silly they even consider any other city.

Yeah, Moscow looked great, the problem is that the stage itself wasn't functional. It was too big for its own good.


December 28, 2009
Oh I added opening act in the final:

Loreen sings Euphoria in Swedish in a new Swedish folk-electro version! :)


Well-known member
February 5, 2011
I just realized they might be planning to make the whole ESC one big Pride Parade....


Well-known member
May 22, 2010
^ That would be good, if it's not too OTT! It'll be great to show what's right, especially in comparison to what has just been!


October 1, 2009
Yeah, Moscow looked great, the problem is that the stage itself wasn't functional. It was too big for its own good.
Everything depends of how our dear European video techies would shoot it. If they are talentless (like this year) then it will seem lifeless.
I'm rather worrying about fair conditions for everyone. For instance Swedish techies guided spotlights @ our LEDs even despite we asked them... thrice. I'm not even talking about broadcaster's attitude towards Eastern countries. I remember how Ani went to Sweden and how your media and broadcaster met her. I'm not even sure that our delegation will be allowed to cross the border.


December 28, 2009
I just realized they might be planning to make the whole ESC one big Pride Parade....

I certainly hope not.

I hope they won't feed the cliché that the biggest music show on earth is a campy gay thing only, and also feed stereo-types of gays (like gays need more stereo-typing already?).


Well-known member
December 19, 2010
What I know is that Sweden is the Eurovision "Mecca" and the show will be smashingly perfect ;)


Well-known member
March 27, 2012
Well, Eurovision is going back to Sweden in 2013. What do you want from the show? Hosts? City? Stage? Arena? Interval acts? Opening acts? Theme?

- City: Stockholm all the way! It's the biggest city, it's the capital, it's beautiful and it's the city most worthy showcasing to Europe and the world.. it's the most logical choice imho.

- Arena: The new Friends Arena in Solna, Stockholm would be ideal: It's going to be really big, it's totally fresh modern and new.

- I hope that we'll have a great and forward-thinking stage, with a fresh design. I would keep the LCD screens and I hope it'll be big enough for big shows, but not too big (Russia 2009), but not too small either (Helsinki, Oslo) and not boring (Copenhagen, most MF stages).

- I hope SVT thinks a little outside the box when it comes to hosts. I want fun, hot and exciting hosts... but knowing SVT we will have political correct boring hosts and they'll probably give the job to their overhyped sweethearts Ana Gina and Måns Zelmerlöw... EEW! In 2000 they gave the job to two of our most boring-zero personality hosts, so they'll probably continue on that path. In general SVT have quite lame TV-personalities.

I want Dolph Lundgren and Victoria Silvstedt.. BRING it SVT! Surprise us FOR ONCE!! Show that Swedes CAN be fun, sexy and entertaining and not just fugly and boring (because we are NOT)!

- I want the interval act to well... include typical Swedish themes. Folk dances, folk music, national costumes... U NAME IT! Cliché?? Well it would be for many countries, but in Sweden celebrating SWEDEN is totally taboo. But I hope they drop their PC thinking and understand that this is an opportunity to showcase Sweden to Europe. People want to see what they associate with Sweden, people want to see what's Swedish traditions. They don't want to see some HipHop dancers from Swedish suburbs or Iraqi Belly dancers, I am very certain Europe wants to see SWEDEN so PLZ SVT... SPARE US those ideas (because I KNOW you have them!). Since we barely showcase our traditions, language and music culture in ESC, I hope we atleast can do it this way. But of course it's SVT... so it'll most probably be disastrous interval acts like we had in the German edition (sorry Germany !), which would have no connection to Sweden what-so-ever and would just look odd to the general European viewer.

- Opening act in the final : Loreen singing a Swedish language folk-electro version of Euphoria :)

- As for the host song... well again I want us to FINALLY send something more Swedish! I don't want us to be like the previous years. I want to hear Swedish on that stage again! Sofia Karlsson would be my first pick to represent us with something beautiful Swedish traditional folk ballad!!! If the Balkan countries can do it, so can we! Why couldn't we??

- Postcards : Preferably something fresh like Russia 2009 or Oslo 2010.

So SVT... will you surprise us or will it be some Political Correct hot mess with boring hosts and boring stage?? I HOPE to be happily surprised, but knowing SVT... my hopes starts on almost zero.

Victoria Silvstedt? ..


Well-known member
March 27, 2012
Haha it would be so funny if Valentina was a host


May 15, 2011
This is my vision, and all this comes from my head! :)

Eurovision Song Contest 2013
Friends Arena, Solna, Sweden

The venue

The Eurovision Song Contest 2013 will be held in the brand new Friends Arena in Solna, just north of the Swedish capital Stockholm. Friends Arena will be able to hold 50 000 spectators when the Swedish national football team plays, or during the derby games of Stockholm in the Swedish football league. During concerts however, this brand new stadium can hold 65 000 spectators. Since Eurovision Song Contest is extremely popular in Sweden, SVT (Swedish Television) decided to use the full capability of the stadium, making the 2013 Eurovision Song Contest the biggest event in history with 65 000 in the audience.

The theme

The theme will be predominant green with a relaxing feeling in the graphics. SVT decided that the theme of 2013 would be a combination of elegance and relaxation. Inspiration is from the theme of 2006 and 2010. The slogan picked is "Come on a journey", since that's what Eurovision is all about. The journey from where the song just exist is the mind of someone until it's preformed in front of a crowd of 60 000.

SVT focuses on the fact that this isn't an event of Stockholm, but an event of Sweden, and that's why the postcards are from all the landscapes of Sweden.

A simple paint creation that shows the scoreboard

The hosts

Malin Olsson
Former Miss Sweden-winner and now a host for children shows.

Pär Lernström
Hosted the Swedish Idol-series and a couple of comedy shows in 2011 and is now a Swedish radio host.

Josephine Bornebusch
Most famous for her performances in the popular Swedish series ”Solsidan” but is also a popular comedian.

The intro

The intro of the final then is a 5 minute long film with historical black-white films from Sweden with an exciting speaker voice talking about how Sweden developed to what we are today and with an acoustic version of Euphoria playing in the background. In the very end, the voice says. “So Europe, it's time to come on a journey”. Then we enters the arena filled with 60 000 spectators in the audience where Loreen starts singing. This might sound quite silly now, but I have a great picture in my head! :)

The interval acts

Semi final 1: We'll take a musical trip from northern Sweden to south with a medley of modern songs remixed with Swedish traditional music.

Semi final 2: Swedish House Mafia performs.

Final: ABBA performs.


One sponsor of the event that will be visible on the scoreboard will be the Swedish streaming music service Spotify.


Active member
May 25, 2010
Sydney Australia
Putting greece and cyprus in different semi final groups as with Scandinavian countries and Balkan countries mixing it up a little.
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