There's good and bad with everything. Jantelagen is a sort of lutheran mindset made extreme by the years of Social Democratic domination in our society. I'd say it's just as political as cultural, and I don't want politics involved.
I just want to show the fun and exiting Sweden, not the correct and boring one (and with fun I don't mean stupid and disrespectful fun - I don't want the show to turn into a comedy show a la Björn Gustafsson or Kristian Luuk).
I don't believe that Swedes have to be boring or correct, it's a misassumption, and I want SVT to take this opportunity to really showcase our "muscles" so to speak (if we have any) and really take this opportunity to really show Europe Swedish culture and throw in some exciting famous Swedes in the mix to make the hosting parts enjoyable and exciting.
Swedes and probably SVT tend to forget that this is a platform to showcase Sweden and supply European demand. I'm afraid they'll take it as an opportunity to make domestic political statements instead, which frankly is not what I want Europe to have to sit through... it's bad enough as it is already, I don't want us to be a laughing stock for whole Europe.
That's why any political correct mess they're planning, I hope we won't see. I think Sweden should be showcased - our culture and traditions and what makes us "famous" so to speak. Cliché with a twist
I mean I reacted at the comment that this should be a celebration about the last decades immigration to Sweden... seriously? Is THAT all Sweden? What about the rest of the 1000 years? Would Europe even be interested? I bet they wouldn't be... probably just turned-off and confused... they'll probably think we have some problems with self-esteem or something (which we have).
Why can't we have a show without a political doctrine? I have no hopes for SVT leaving out their "message" in this... if Europe thinks that Sweden has no culture but only "imported" ones... then why would they pay us any attention? What would make us unique? Absolutely nothing. Countries without any soul or something unique is unattractive.
So I hope SVT won't pretend that Sweden only has a 20 year old history, a history that is partly forced upon and not really the choice of the masses anyways.