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Estonia ESTONIA 2024 - 5miinust & Puuluup - (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi

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Well-known member
March 21, 2021
OK?!?!? It seems they slayed pretty HARD in London! (y):love:
Only minor pickings, though (SORRY, can't help it). The beginning was a bit off-sync like in Spain (but better already!) Practice makes perfect, I assume.
Second thing - maybe it only seems to me, but was it all full LIVE? Began to doubt in some parts, not the full set (or maybe the video and sound in YT isn't in sync, idk...)


Well-known member
March 9, 2019
This continues to annoy me so much. 0 points just because there aren't any option for less


September 7, 2019
Bavaria, Germany
Today ESCKompakt posted a review of this!!! Now where's that guy who'd post the translations to the reviews of each songs on every thread to help us out on this one haha

It may be hard to believe but I still have a live outside of the ESC world. ;)

But anyway, here are the comments of the bloggers:

Benny - I still think the act is great, but the song rather annoys me now. I think Estonia will demolish the hall in Malmö, but probably only once. Nevertheless: Good color in the competition. :5:

Berenike - An entry in the “What the hell is that?” category that makes you ask yourself, “Is this crazy in a good way or a bad way?” Now my pendulum is swinging towards “good crazy,” and I’m hearing the refrain more and more often as a catchy tune, whether I like it or not. :6:

Douze Points - There are fun entries and there are fun entries. I just can't find any point of connection here - neither musically nor humorously. They are likeable. And they sing in the local language. That's enough for :4:.

Flo - It certainly won't be boring with Estonia this year - but I don't find much more positive about the track. One of the few songs that I can't access at all. And at the same time there is something exciting and original about it - but it still doesn't grab me. :2:

Manu - Estonia is also trying to make a funny contribution this year - without crossing my personal line of humor that the Finns, for example, have done. And yet the song doesn't really resonate with me. Musically interesting, at least in the local language and an actually really good chorus unfortunately can't hide the fact that I can't really grasp the humor, the performance in the preliminary round was too confusing and purely musically everything outside of the chorus is forgettable for me. :6:

Max - Leaves me a bit cold and is simply lost among all the fun posts this year. Yes, I understand why the Estonian contribution brings a lot of joy to some people and is well received in their own country, but for me there were already better options in the preliminary decision. A pity! :2:

Peter - The Estonian offer reminds me a little of Pollapönk (Iceland 2014), but even shriller, more chaotic and, in the truest sense of the word, more unspeakable. If the production works, it could be top ten with the We Are The Winners vibes; The mixture of folklore, hip hop, drum and bass and pop could spark the televoting, and it's also nice that the six guys are starting with full euphoric support from their home country. :5:

Rick - After Estonia bored me last year with its musical insignificance, the Baltic country excites me even more this year. Hearing the Estonian language in rap/dance/folklore is something completely new, and the sound and humor of this chaotic group really appeals to me. For me it's also better choreography if you want to compare it to the numbers that have a similar vibe (aka Croatia and Finland). If they get a little more structure into their performance, Estonia can surprise. I definitely celebrate this unusual, courageous, innovative entry. :12:


Well-known member
January 23, 2024
I think there are enough Finns living in Estonia (and vice versa) to ensure at least some points, even if the 'general public' wasn't feeling it. :LOL: But I reckon both songs would have enough neighbourly televote appeal to get some points from the regular audience too. Juries are another matter and I could definitely see both snubbing each other. :LOL: Neither of us has a very jury friendly song anyway! But I don't see why televoters would find either song so unappealing as to completely blank it, when even Leto Svet got 7 points from Finland. :LOL: But I haven't really been keeping a close eye on any ranking threads so who knows. :unsure: If we both manage to make the final, we might find out! Here's hoping. :giggle:
With the cost of voting in Estonia, I didn't think any diaspora voting would exist, especially in the final.


Well-known member
February 15, 2020
If I were to pick a song that I see as typical for Eurovision these years, it could be this one. It's party, it's a beat, it's funny movements on the stage, it's people who don't necessarily sing well. My main problem with it is that it's not music I want to listen to outside of Eurovision.

So this is another one of those 4's from me.


Well-known member
November 27, 2013
Terrible song! Terrible performance. This song flopped in 2008 it will do even worse this year. Ollie was the obvious choice This monstrosity should be banned for crimes against music


Well-known member
May 15, 2015
Terrible song! Terrible performance. This song flopped in 2008 it will do even worse this year. Ollie was the obvious choice This monstrosity should be banned for crimes against music
of course you're a fan of Floppycane to be saying all this xx


Well-known member
November 27, 2013
of course you're a fan of Floppycane to be saying all this xx
Leto Svet 2.0 will not do well. In a song contest music is key. Not some song people wrote in a pub after a lock-in


Well-known member
April 6, 2010
The album is out and it is pretty great. Surprisingly explicit and political at times.


Well-known member
May 15, 2015


Well-known member
January 4, 2011
So, first rehearsal done! :giggle: What little we could see from the pics & clip seems very similar to the EL performance. If there are any bigger changes, they're not yet apparent. :LOL: I guess the main changes might be small stuff like tightening up camera angles and such. The 'starting off stage' bit seems to have stayed, as well as the 'arguing on stage' bit. Little annoying they seem so insistent to keep that latter one, IMO it's one part they could have cut. :LOL: Not sure it adds anything, unless they've managed to make it more coherent now. Guess we'll have to wait and see! I suppose it was always unlikely they were going to rework the whole performance, and it's not like we'd have any guarantees the new ideas would be any better. :LOL: But hopefully they've managed to improve something at least, considering the staging is the biggest issue many people have with this.

Not sure what to think about the graphics yet. :unsure: On one hand I can see why going minimalistic would be good.. the camerawork and choreo is already pretty lively and hectic (presuming it's the same as EL), adding tons of complicated backgrounds could be overkill. On the other hand, the random colored cubes are a little nondescript. :LOL: I guess it fits with the stage design & the main thing will be how it comes across on camera. Personally I would have added a more personal touch tho', something reasonably simple but with more character. Slap some small animated taliharpa's in the background or something. :LOL: But once again, we'll have to wait and see. I suppose, if we make the final, having a more 'classy' staging (compared to more OTT novelty entries this year) could help get us a few more points from the juries. :giggle: But have to actually get there first!

Wonder what the status on the smoke is. :LOL: No mention of it today, but maybe they're saving it for future rehearsals/performances? Or they didn't get the dosh together! Some cool pyros or something would be a nice touch too, but that's probably way above budget for us. :cautious: Guess we'll have to hope the song & staging will have enough appeal on it's own. :giggle: Would be nice to make the final at least!

Ant better show up with a real banger next year if he's going to win! :LOL: Being a borderline qualifier every year is stressful! Would like to breathe easy for once. :D


January 21, 2019
Tumblr, mostly.

Oh no, they ditched the eye. BorisBubbles is quietly cussing in a corner
BorisBubbles isn't bothered.

As long as they use the extra space to be less unhinged/chaotic, it's all good.


Well-known member
March 1, 2021


Active member
May 2, 2024
8 points. A bit repetitive and I don’t like songs actually which melodies are always on the same key level but it has a great beat, a great instrument and the dance is just superb. I don’t care for the boring music vid but the live performance is cool!
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