Well, Alika's overall position was quite a bit higher, thanks to those overrating juries.

But I think it'll really come down to the songs in the end. Don't think this year's entry being 20th will have any negative effect (being a NQ might have), but I wouldn't expect us to pick fun songs in Estonian every year from now on either. The biggest obstacle is the fact that such songs are simply pretty rare in EL! Most of the time the songs in Estonian are far fewer and less competitive, and the main heavy hitters and televote pleasers are generally in English. And fun songs (that are still well done and catchy and not just LOL WTF weird stuff) don't come by too often either. We shall have to wait and see what next EL editions bring I guess.

If another song as interesting & catchy as "nendest..." comes along, I have hope our televoters won't shun it.

But at the same time, if there's a well done pop song or stirring ballad in English, that's fine too (would be nice if more of them were in Estonian, but eh, whatever the singer feels most comfortable with I guess). I wouldn't want us to get stuck in a cycle of picking increasingly lamer novelty entries either, just 'cause one was good and did well or some such. Variety is the spice of life, and picking the best song with good chances to do well should be the goal, no matter the genre.

So fun song, ballad, pop song, indie, rock.. if it's good, I hope our televoters will see it!