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Dark horse & Flop of the Year


Well-known member
March 27, 2012
Aah so with that you think that it will flop. I thought that it was obvious and maybe the televoting would have Rusdia so I put them in the Dark Horses

Yeah well Russia is one of them countries that gets points with any song.


Well-known member
February 24, 2010
Oslo, Norway
Dark horses: I am not expecting a top 10, but I think Belarussia will do much better than in most polls and predictions in this forum.

Flops: Sweden might to much worse than in the polls - but I am sure they will qualify. And I think San Marino might not qualify (dont know if it could be called a flop though).


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Staff member
March 1, 2013
I think I will add Portugal to the dark horse category. Purely because how popular it seems with people, improvements being made/already made and how people responded to it at EIC. Not expecting it to do well, but at least qualify (do a Lithuania 2013)


April 26, 2011
Flops: I think Armenia will finish top 10 but won't win and I think Sweden will struggle too.
Dark Horse: Greece and Finland. I think Greece will score well in the televote and Finland with the Juries (as with 'A Friend In London')


Well-known member
March 10, 2010
Dark horses: Belgium, Luthuania, Azerbaijan, San Marino and Austria :mad:.
Flop: Poland, UK (as the most overrated song of the year), Denmark


Active member
February 21, 2011
Flop of the Year

:se: No matter what Sweden sends, everybody always adores it and i can't see why. It's a decent song, but by no means worth of calling it a winner. Almost 90% of the youtube tops have put it on the first place, but why? It's a pretty forgettable song if you ask me.

:uk: Same as Sweden, a decent, but forgettable song that is way too much hyped up and can only dissapoint if it ends out of the top 5.

Dark Horses

:nl: It may be a little optimistic, but I generally believe in a top 20 or even top 10 nomination for our country this year. Some people may find it boring, but a proffessional song and could be a juries favourite. Also Ilse is one of the, if not the best life performer of all the artists present. If the song delivers on the night, it might actually get a lot more votes than expected.

:be: I may not like the song that much, but the passion this man has when he sings could win him a surprising amount of votes.

:me: You can't go woring with a balkan ballad in eurovision, and this might be one of the best ones. I don't know how he performs live, but if it comes close to the studio version, a top 10 nomination could be possible.

:fi: My favourite, it's a very energetic song, but it all depends on the live performance. I heard the singer had a cold during the national finals, so we just have to wait.


Well-known member
March 14, 2011
I really don't like Montengro's song, one of the songs I dislike the most. Might be just me, but I think it will flop hard in the semi. The odds have them in the top 10 in the 'to qualify' market.


Active member
September 1, 2011
Dark Horse:

:dk: - I think this will do very well. It's flying under the radar for now, but come the night of the final, it will do very well. It's lively, energetic, fun, and the singer is very charming. Also, often times the host country gets a boost from juries as a "thank you" for putting on the show.

:ua: - For political reasons, it might do better than it deserves, maybe place 10th or 11th.

:gr: - One of the most upbeat songs in this edition, and nothing else sounds like it. If the juries like it too, then it's a guaranteed Top 10. I am sure the televoters will go for this.

:fi: - Might qualify and do well for the distinction of having it be a rock-type song. It's also pretty radio friendly and if they put on an interesting stage show, it should captivate televoters. Especially if this song is wedged between two ballads in the final.

:at: - Had this controversy not happened, I think she might have failed to qualify, but now because of all of the publicity, I think it'll qualify and place Top 10. People and some juries will vote for this more to make a statement than out of true adoration for the song, I think. I don't think it deserves to qualify, honestly, but this is another case of other factors influencing the results of the contest. The eastern juries who are more conservative might knock it down, though.

:nl: - Juries might reward the Netherlands for trying much harder than they used to. I think this will qualify and place decently in the final. This is also a bit of wishful thinking on my part because I actually like this song.


:hu: - It's a nicely produced song, but the theme of domestic abuse is just too sad for this to win, I think. Also, Hungary doesn't have as many friends as some of the other contenders do.

:uk: - This will be just like Hungary 2011 and Slovakia 2010: the fans adore it like no tomorrow, but the regular viewers and televoters will completely overlook it. It will be a flop in that the public will not nearly like it as much as the fans do, but, it will be one of the best results for the UK in years.

:se: - There is no way the contest is returning to Scandinavia, and if it were, it would have to be with an extremely powerful song. This is not one of those types of songs, and Sweden is just another weird anomaly with Eurovision fans in that no matter what they send, they're somehow on the top of every ESC fan poll and their songs are almost always considered contenders for the win.

:ro: - This will qualify because it's in the weaker Semi-Final, but in no way will this be close to the Top 5. It's such a weak and generic song, and it's far less superior to Playing With Fire. Also, their stage act is very similar to something they had already done before, so people are going to be bored with it right off the bat.

:no: - Awkward on stage, cold, and somewhat too flat of a song to captivate the audience, and the singer has almost no charisma and is, at times, uncomfortable to watch. Great song that the juries will love, but the televoters will not.


December 16, 2013
Dark horses:
:be: (the Tom Dice casus, jury will fall in love with it)
:fi: (quite underrated one for me, boost from jury + not a bad job in televoting)
:mk: (another underrated song, if performed well the televoters might catch it)


And by flops I don't mean not qualifying/place in the bottom 5 of the final, but I think at least 2 of these will land in the top 10-20 range. Considering fact all are considered as grand prix contenders that would be a kind of flop. All of these are decent songs, but just lack this "something", this extra, this a bit of magic that winners usually have (looks at :hu: with hungry eyes :lol:)


March 11, 2013

Good comment, but UNDO your 3rd flopper IMMEDIATELY! :mad:


March 11, 2013
Not sure how a country third in the betting odds can be considered under the radar?

Not only betting odds, it's about polls, it's low on each poll..


Well-known member
March 14, 2011
Dark horses:
:be: (the Tom Dice casus, jury will fall in love with it)
:fi: (quite underrated one for me, boost from jury + not a bad job in televoting)
:mk: (another underrated song, if performed well the televoters might catch it)


And by flops I don't mean not qualifying/place in the bottom 5 of the final, but I think at least 2 of these will land in the top 10-20 range. Considering fact all are considered as grand prix contenders that would be a kind of flop. All of these are decent songs, but just lack this "something", this extra, this a bit of magic that winners usually have (looks at :hu: with hungry eyes :lol:)

See, that's exactly what I would say about Hungary.


January 25, 2014
Dark Horses.
:il: The song is very catchy and i think Israel will be in the left side of the scoreboard.
:pl: Poland has a good song, and his diaspora can help with the televotes.
:ch: Catchy and good music, Switzerland can made it to the summit.
:sl: Incredibly good song, one of my favourites.
:ee: The song is catchy and the lyrics are simple. Great.


:se: I don't think THIS can made it to the top...sorry Sweden but you choosed the wrong song.
:dk: The voice is too common and the "scooby-doo-by-doo-pa-pi-di-paw" part is a weird mix of the Scooby-Doo opening and "What Does The Fox Say ?"...what does Basim say though ?
:no: Scandinavs are weak this year, the song is good but waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too boring.
:ru: Shine is déja vu, this word was already used by Georgia in 2010 and Austria in 2013, and also by other countries in prior than this dates. And it's boring too.
:at: I looooove the song but the fact that slav countries doesn't like transsexuals very much...
:uk: Also a very good song but as always, the big 6 is lower in the results...


Active member
July 7, 2011
Not only betting odds, it's about polls, it's low on each poll..

Depends really doesn't it if it is a preference poll then yeah. If we're talking abot out right placing in the end that is a different kettle of fish which is the question?


Well-known member
February 5, 2011
Dark horses: Iceland and Moldova
Overrated flops: Romania, Hungary, Norway
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