Don't have all her opinions, but some random thoughts:
At first didn't have any impression, but she was really surprised by the live performance; it truly touched her.
One of her favorites; he reminds him of a mix between a Justin Timberlake song and Sunstroke Project.
She really likes it, she calls him the Viking, and she's surprised it's not higher on the odds.
One of her top favorites; pretty impressed by her voice.
Too cheesy, but she likes cheesy, and she pretty much sang along by the last chorus.
Likes it, but that's all. A nice song but doesn't really stood out for her.
She's kinda torned: as a Jewish woman, she would love the idea of Israel winning, but the song itself it's too over the top to her tastes.
It really stands out, always ends up teary.
Didn't really like the video at all. Doesn't have a strong opinion about the song in either way.
Like me, she's a sucker for Balkan ballads, and this time was no exception.
Another of her favorites; started singing along pretty soon.
She's a big fan of Rybak, and while she doesn't think it's his best, she can't help herself but smile whenever it's on.
Wasn't her favorite in Melodi, but she's still impressed by her showmanship.